von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch

Perry Miniatures: Napoleonische Previews

Die nächste napoleonische Reihe von Perry Miniatures werden Schweden.

Perry Minatures Schweden1 Perry Minatures Schweden2 Perry Minatures Schweden3

Napoleonische Ära: Schweden, Dänen und Geschütz

And the new Napoleonic range is…. Swedish!
Alan has started work on the Swedish Napoleonic Army and these are the first greens. He is concentrating on the 1808-9 period first but will cover earlier and later uniforms too. As many actions the Swedes were involved in during this period was in broken terrain and there was more emphases on open, skirmish warfare, it was, in this case, more appropriate to make Infantry in firing/skirmish poses early on in the range. Line battalions were drilled and at times expected to fight in dispersed order.
The figures are wearing the 1806 uniform and equipment. All the different regiments wore different colours on their collars, cuffs, turn-backs and lining, but the colour of the uniform was blue for all Swedish regiments (there are exceptions) and all the Finish regiments wore grey (again some exceptions). However in 1807 a new uniform was introduced which had exactly the same cut and details as the uniform of 1806. The color of that uniform was grey instead of blue for the entire army. The colour of collar, cuffs, turn-backs and lining was dark blue and at the same time a regimental badge was introduced on the front of the hat. This uniform was only worn by 3-4 infantry regiments, since most of the regiments had not worn out their older uniforms by the year 1807 and in 1809 the blue color for the uniforms was re-introduced.
We’d like to thanks Martin Markelius of the Swedish Army Museum in Stockholm http://www.armemuseum.se/languages/english/ for his time and help getting this new range correct before they hit the shelves. Also many thanks to Michael Leck http://dalauppror.blogspot.co.uk/ for additional information and encouragement……and now onto the Oscars!

Also shown here are some Danish Jaeger/Light Infantry for the same period which are close to being finished. There’s quite a few here but some will be in the command pack.
Also shown is Gribeauval 8 pounder in travelling position. This along with a 4 pounder and 8pounder in firing position will be made available separately in the Egyptian Campaign range.

Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • So sehr ich die Perrys und ihre Miniaturen verehre, ich hoffe so sehr darauf, dass da mal wieder was relevantes für mich kommt. Napos sind einfach nicht meine Epoche.

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