von BK-Christian | 18.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

PaintMyMinis 1.4: Heute gratis

Die Bemalapp PaintMyMinis erreicht eine neue Version und zur Feier des Tages gibt es sie nur heute gratis.

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PaintMyMinis 1.4 released!

* Support for bigger displays
* Scan barcodes directly to add to your layer mix
* FIXED: crash when adding an image
* Minor bugs and improvements

To celebrate the new version, PaintyMinis 1.4 is going to be FREE on Saturday 18th November 2017 and the week afterwards at a reduced price. Tell your friends!

There are many new features and improvements planned for the next version PaintMyMinis v1.5. Stay tuned! Want to activly influence the new version? Contact us here support@products.scriblab.de for becoming a beta tester (only 100 slots available!)!

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Did it ever happen to you, after taking a break from one of your painting projects that you couldn’t get a hold of the right painting order? What kind of mixtures did you create to paint that cool metal blade? What kind of inks did you use and in which order? Was it the „late summer green 123“ or „autumngras 345“ flock for the bases?

We’ve all been there. And sometimes we don’t want to look through tons of notes we created months ago. It’s not very effective and not very flexible towards changes.

With PaintMyMinis you can keep track of all these questions and keep it for future projects and expansions. It provides your tabletop army/miniature painting with consistency throughout the whole painting process. Never lose sight again of your painting order, the thereby used colors and bookmark your painting status at every mini in progress.
Satisfy your wargaming miniature painting needs, regardless if its your new Warhammer Fantasy army, Warhammer 40k squad, beautyful single Infintiy miniature or any other wargaming miniatures:

Plan, keep, share and “paint my minis”!

Key features:
  • Plan your project color scheme with the integrated colorwheel*
  • Keep track of all your painting techniques, paint mixtures and ratios
  • Share your materials and techniques with your friends and the world
  • Keep track of your colors* and add them to an integrated shopping list
  • One app, all your projects, all your minis, custom materials that can be shared by your minis
  • Bookmarks and percentile painting process for each mini
  • For your convenience the Vallejo (Game Color, Model Color and Model Air)*, current and previous Games Workshop Citadel* paint range, Reaper Master Series Paints*, PrivateerPress Formula P3*, Coat d’armes*, Wargames Foundry – Foundry Paint System*, Scale75*, Badger Minitaire* and The Army Painter* paint ranges are available for download.

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Die App ist leider nur für iOS erhältlich.

itunes Shoplink

Quelle: Scriblab


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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