Multiverse Gaming: Ruins of Giliath
Die ersten drei Sets der modularen „Ruins of Giliath“ sind bei Multiverse Gaming erhältlich!
Gothic Ruins Set A – 17,95 EUR
The days of Giliath’s prosperity are long gone, but the ruins of the once proud city still attract adventurers, treasure hunters, thieves and mercenaries… will you dare to join them?
Ruins of Giliath is an innovative range of modular fantasy terrain dedicated for 28-35mm miniatures, using the OneUp modular terrain system. After assembling the pillars, wall panels and floors, you can arrange them in any way you like, take them apart for storage or transport and combine with any other OneUp set, either from Ruins of Giliath or other ranges.
Connect the ruined walls to form intact ones, stack pillars and floors upon each other to build looming ruined towers, rearrange the walls into any setup you want – the structures you can see in the pictures are just a handful of hundreds of possible setups!
Models come unassembled and unpainted. Miniatures from WarZone 3 ed., Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave shown for scale references only.
Assembly instructions available in the „Downloads“ tab.
Contents and measurements:
2x 100x100mm Floor Piece A
2x 50x75mm Floor Piece A
2x 50x75mm Floor Piece B
2x 75x75mm Floor Piece A
3x 25mm Ruined Wall A
3x 25mm Ruined Wall B
2x Gothic Archway A
2x 50mm Ruined Wall A
2x 50mm Ruined Wall B
6x Pillar A
6x Pillar Cap AWalls and pillars are 63mm high (66mm with pillar cap or subsequent floor added).
Ruined Belltower – 17,95 EUR
Climb the squeaky stairs of the old tower to look for hidden treasures – or hide in the basement to ambush other, less cautious adventurers!
Ruins of Giliath is an innovative range of modular fantasy terrain dedicated for 28-35mm miniatures, using the OneUp modular terrain system. After assembling the pillars, wall panels and floors, you can arrange them in any way you like, take them apart for storage or transport and combine with any other OneUp set, either from Ruins of Giliath or other ranges.
Connect the ruined walls to form intact ones, stack pillars and floors upon each other to build looming ruined towers, rearrange the walls into any setup you want – the structures you can see in the pictures are just a handful of hundreds of possible setups!
Models come unassembled and unpainted. Miniatures from WarZone 3 ed., Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave shown for scale references only.
Contents and measurements:
1x 150x150mm Floor Piece A
2x 100mm Intact Wall A
2x 50mm Ruined Wall A
2x 50mm Ruined Wall B
1x 25mm Ruined Wall A
1x 25mm Ruined Wall B
2x 50x75mm Wooden Floor Piece A
2x 50x75mm Wooden Floor Piece B
3x 25x50mm Parapet A
2x Wooden Stairs A (optional broken steps included)
6x Pillar A
3x Pillar Cap AWalls and pillars are 63mm high (66mm with pillar cap or subsequent floor added).
Ruined Gothic Cloister – 17,95 EUR
You’ve heard from a wanderer at a nearby camp that an unspeakable evil is lurking within the ruined cloister of the old monastery at the eastern border of Giliath… will you dare to enter?
The set allows you to build two L-shaped gothic corridors with roughly 300x125mm footprint each – but you can take the pieces apart after each game and combine the pieces like the wall panels with gothic windows with any other kit from Ruins of Giliath or other of our OneUp ranges!
Ruins of Giliath is an innovative range of modular fantasy terrain dedicated for 28-35mm miniatures, using the OneUp modular terrain system. After assembling the pillars, wall panels and floors, you can arrange them in any way you like, take them apart for storage or transport and combine with any other OneUp set, either from Ruins of Giliath or other ranges.Connect the ruined walls to form intact ones, stack pillars and floors upon each other to build looming ruined towers, rearrange the walls into any setup you want – the structures you can see in the pictures are just a handful of hundreds of possible setups!
Models come unassembled and unpainted. Miniatures from WarZone 3 ed., Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave shown for scale references only.
Contents and measurements:
2x 50x75mm Floor Piece C
4x 50x75mm Floor Piece D
4x 75x75mm Floor Piece A
2x 100mm Gothic Cloister Wall
2x 50mm Ruined Gothic Cloister Wall A
2x 50mm Ruined Gothic Cloister Wall B
4x Pillar A
4x Pillar Cap A
How fast will you build your Ruins of Giliath?
Link: Multiverse Gaming auf Facebook
Link: Multiverse Gaming
Material fällt nicht zu sehr auf, modular und der Preis ist gut. Leider habe ich mich kurz bevor das hier angekündigt wurde für das ‚Original‘ entschieden, sonst würde ich hier definitiv zuschlagen…
Find das Preislich auch sehr anständig, was/wie is n das Material?
Gelasertes MDF
Coole Preise… aber wohl eher etwas für 25-28mm Miniaturen. Alles recht eng und schwer praktisch handhabbar, die Helden und Antihelden da zu positionieren.
??? Also ich kann da echt nicht erkennen dass da kein Platz für die Figuren sein soll.
Zudem sind mittelelaterliche Bauten immer sehr beengt. Klar, Sigmarines und Weltraumdosen passen da nicht rein, aber für die angedachten Zielgruppen – HDR, Mortheim und Frostgrave – passen die perfekt.
Ich denke es ist kein Zufall, dass da ein Chaos Kultist mit auf den Fotos ist. Ich kann mir das Gelände auf jeden Fall sowohl auf meiner Frostgrave Platte als auch auf meiner Shadow Wars (?) / Killteam / Inquisimunda Platte vorstellen.
Die Löcher zum Zusammenbau stören mich. Das Modulare zu erhalten ist natürlich toll, vielleicht kann man sich dafür noch eine (modulare) Abdeckung überlegen.
Der Preis ist spitze!
Was ich noch nicht so herausgelesen habe: Sind die schon fertig bemalt?
Für diesen Preis sehr sicher nicht, und Multiverse beten glaube ich generell kein Prepaint an.
„Models come unassembled and unpainted.“ steht unter jedem Produkt mit dabei. 😉
Ich find das super!