von BK-Marcus | 25.01.2017 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Terrain / Gelände

Multiverse Gaming: Hafen-Versatiles und Gelände

Bei Multiverse Gaming gibt es einige Neuheiten im Shop, darunter Zäune, Versatiles für Hafenanlagen und nun auch einzelne Guardians of Traffic.

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Chainlink Fence (120cm) – 11,95 EUR

A military base, an industrial area, perhaps a ghetto neighbourhood with several fenced areas… it’s hard to imagine a modern battlefield without sections of chainlink fence!

The kit contains two (2) 250x250mm sheets of HobbyMesh and enough lasercut HDF parts to build 120cm of fencing in 20cm-long sections – optional bases included allow for each one of these to be assembled either linked to another fence section or as a standalone piece.

HobbyMesh is a thin yet extremely durable expanded aluminum mesh, which can be used to imitate vehicle grills, chainlink fence and other similar surfaces. Each sheet is 0,3mm thick and can be easily cut with a hobby knife and steel ruler – or even with a pair of scissors.

Assembly instructions in the works.

Pulp City miniature shown for scale purposes only.

Measurements (single section, six included):
L: 200mm W: 10mm H: 69mm

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Embankment A (x2) – 9,95 EUR

The kit contains two (2) embankment tiles that can be used to build riversides, docks, canals etc. The tiles attach to any 30cm side of a tile or a foundation on one side and to another embankment tile or water tile extension on the other.

Models come unassembled and unpainted.

L: 300mm
W: 150mm (width of the water area: 144mm)
H: (between the water level and the top of the embankment) 18mm
Versatiles Level: Ground/Water

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Embankment B (x2) – 11,95 EUR

The kit contains two (2) embankment tiles that can be used to build riversides, docks, canals etc. Embankment B includes two sets of stairs that can be placed in one of the three predesigned slots next to the embankment and two additional small stone tiles that can be combined with the stairs. The tiles attach to any 30cm side of a tile or a foundation on one side and to another embankment tile or water tile extension on the other.

Models come unassembled and unpainted.

L: 300mm
W: 150mm (width of the water area: 144mm)
H: (between the water level and the top of the embankment) 18mm
Versatiles Level: Ground/Water

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Water Tile Extension (x2) – 5,95 EUR

The kit contains two (2) water extension tiles and water tile clips that can be used to build riversides, docks, canals etc., extending the size of the water area. The tiles attach to another embankment tile or water tile extension on both longer sides.

Models come unassembled and unpainted.

L: 300mm
W: 150mm (width of the water area: 150mm)
Versatiles Level: Ground/Water

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Stone Piers (x2) – 5,95 EUR

The kit contains two (2) stone piers that can be used with the embankments and water tiles from the Versatiles: Dark City waterfront subcategory The piers can be placed next to each other to form larger structures.

Models come unassembled and unpainted.

L: 150mm
W: 60mm
H: 18mm
Versatiles level: Ground (when placed on water area)

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Wooden Piers (x2) – 5,95 EUR

The kit contains two (2) wooden piers that can be used with the embankments and water tiles from the Versatiles: Dark City waterfront subcategory The piers can be placed next to each other to form larger structures.

Models come unassembled and unpainted.

L: 150mm
W: 60mm
H: 18mm
Versatiles level: Ground (when placed on water area)

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Guardian of Traffic (x1) – 6,95 EUR

Inspired by the Guardians of Traffic statues on Hope Memorial Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio, this kit will provide you with a great looking option for adding more height to your Versatiles: Dark City tables.

Includes one (1) pillar with Guardians of Traffic statues on both sides.

Models come unassembled and unpainted. Pulp City miniature shown for scale purposes only.

Instructions available in the „Download“ tab.

Single statue: L: 50mm H: 138mm W: 93mm

Versatiles level: +2

Und noch einige Bilder der Wasserelemente, die wir auf der Facebook-Seite von Multiverse gefunden haben:

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Link: Multiverse Gaming


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • hm, der Zaun sieht zwar auf den ersten Blick sehr nach “das kann man ja auch selber machen“ aus, aber ist tatsächlich so günstig, dass er mmn. absolut eine Daseinsberechtigung hat.

  • Ich finde die Sachen wirklich gelungen. Wenn ich irgendwann mal dazu komme mir einen Tisch für Pulp City zu basteln, werde ich da definitiv zuschlagen.

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