von BK-Christian | 04.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Modular Dungeon: Kickstarter endet

Der Dungeon-Kickstarter von Michael Martin geht auf die Zielgerade.

Die beste Nachricht für die Backer ist vermutlich diese hier:

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The MODULAR DUNGEON campaign is now live since three weeks. It was an amazing start and I’m so happy and stunned about this campaign. I received so much lovely feedback and got exciting ideas for upcoming elements from you all. And: I’m so curious what you’ll build with MODULAR DUNGEON. Only my DHL driver is still annoyed because of the huge amount of Stewalin he has to deliver weekly 😉

But as you maybe noticed: During the past days there was a little up and down regarding the amount ot supporters of MODULAR DUNGEON. Spoken to some people who did run Kickstarter campaigns before, I know this is quite normal: A few backers always cancel their pledges during a campaign. For different reasons, which is comprehensible and absolutly fine to me. But: It disables the unlock of further stretch goals. And because I really, really like to give you the maximum experience with MODULAR DUNGEON I made a decision. Maybe an uncommon decision, but it’s my campaign and I loved to do it. 🙂


Very first: To say thank you to all present backers of MODULAR DUNGEON. You all supported my campaign and made this project came to life and to retail in April 2018. These are the biggest thing to me: Because without you, your feedback and your support, MODULAR DUNGEON would still be just a project on my workbench.

Second: I really like to give every supporter the best experience and all components I designed for MODULAR DUNGEON so far. Just to have the maximum amount of options when building rooms, corridors and dungeons. I had about 20 stretch goals in mind when I launched the campaign (free components and video tutorials). But until today only 5 of them were unlocked. And maybe not all would have been unlocked until the end of the campaign next sunday. That’s probably insecure to some of you and further supporters – and I don’t want that!

Because I think MODULAR DUNGON is creative, fantastic and enjoyable – and should not be insecure.


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So I decided and did two things today:

– I unlocked all stretch goals.

– I reduced the early bird sets to the current amount of backers.  

So everybody who pledged for any early bird set still gets his/her set of choice (of course) with all stretch goals and delivery end of November as you surely know. But from now on only the regular sets are available, which also contain all stretch goals – but they will be delivered at the end of March 2018. I decided this to say thank you to all previous supporters and reward their confidence with the fast early bird delivery by end of November. And to make MODULAR DUNGEON more appealing to upcoming supporters.

I hope both decisions are fine to you and I’m looking forward to your feedback in the comments right under this update.

Have a great sunday – and a stirring finish of the MODULAR DUNGEON kickstarter campaign during the upcoming week! ☺


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So sehen die Sets deshalb jetzt aus:

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Und wer mal sehen will, wie das Ganze entstanden ist:

Die Kampagne läuft noch 2 Tage, morgen auf der Crisis kann man sich den Modular Dungeon noch einmal live anschauen.

Quelle: MODULAR DUNGEON bei Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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