von BK-Marcus | 13.04.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Mad Robot: Waffen und ein Baubeispiel

Bei Mad Robot gibt es Neuheiten im Shop, sowie eine Vorschau und ein Beispiel eines zusammengebauten Modells auf Facebook.


Hands with Power Mauls – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding electrified mauls, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Hands with Pipes – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding big pipes, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Hands with Power Scimitars – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding power scimitars, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Hands with Auto Pistols – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding auto pistols, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Hands with Knives – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding bis-ass knives, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Hands with Crowbars – 4,00 USD

4 hands holding crowbars, 2 are right handed and 2 are left handed.

Cast in resin, this product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting.


Just whipped this up, I will send it off to print next week. I am calling it the Ganger Accessory Pack.

MRM_Mad_Robot_Miniatures_Waffenhände_Power_Mauls_Knives_Auto_Pistols_8 MRM_Mad_Robot_Miniatures_Waffenhände_Power_Mauls_Knives_Auto_Pistols_9

Here’s a great pic from Mad Robot Rob, shows how unique you can make a figure using only Mad Robot parts.

Let’s see some more…I’d love to see what you guys are making!

Link: Mad Robot Miniatures

Link: Mad Robot Miniatures auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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