von BK-Marcus | 18.12.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Ludus Magnus: Nova Aetas Vorschau

Bei Ludus Magnus Studio gibt es auf Facebook wieder neue Vorschaubilder zu Nova Aetas zu sehen. Auch bemalte Modelle aus der Vesuvio’s Forge Erweiterung wurden gezeigt.

LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 1 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 2

We have the first special guest at „Waiting of Second Wave“: Pope Giulio II. The undisputed leader of the papal armies is not afraid of getting his hands dirty in honor of his faith. His Pillar of Faith, will break the pagan rituals of his enemies.

Tomorrow we will discover his direct rival, the lord of Venice: The Doge! Do not miss it!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 3 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 4

Today on „Waiting Second Wave“ we present the second special guest of Nova Aetas, the Lord of Venice: the Doge! Thanks to his faithful sword „Lion’s Roar“ will prove to be a powerful opponent of the Pope, for the dominance of Italy!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 5 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 6

Let’s start another great week of „Waiting Second Wave“ with the fantastic concept and the magnificent miniature of Renzo!

Appointment tomorrow with his tremendous rival: Diletto!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 7 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 8

As usual, we end the part of „Waiting Second Wave“ dedicated to Diletto, with his fantastic concept and his mighty miniature.

Do not miss the appointment tomorrow with the new playable class: the Hunter!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 9 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 10 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Previews Pope 11

Some pieces of the Vesuvio’s Forge expansion box, painted by Giovanni Pirrotta. Enjoy it!!


Link: Ludus Magnus Studio auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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