von BK-Marcus | 12.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Ludus Magnus: Nova Aetas Previews

Ludus Magnus Studio haben auf Facebook weitere Previews zu Nova Aetas gezeigt.

LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 1

After reviewing Pandora’s new heroes today, it begins with the Epic Classes overlook! The first of our list is the powerful Templar. These sacred warriors reformed the order excommunicated almost 200 years earlier to defend the faith but are kept separate from the Church of Rome, which they no longer trust. this Epic Class can be used by your Knights or Preacher heroes.


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 2 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 4 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 5

It’s time to show you the stunning Templar miniature! His pose perfectly embodies the nature of his abilities: resistance and revenge!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 6 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 7

And for the Templar last episode, we take a look at his equipment and Epic skill!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 8 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 9 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 10 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 11 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 12

And after the Templar today we introduce the Traveller! This amazing Epic class can be used by a Rogue or a Chronomacer!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 13 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 14

At the end of the Traveler episode, we show you her incredible equipment and extraordinary abilities!

Do not miss the tomorrow’s appointment with a new epic class: The Necromancer! Always on „Waiting Second Wave“!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 15

New episode with „Waiting second wave“, and we continue with the epic classes: The Necromancer!
Don’t be satisfied to avoid death … dominate it!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 16 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 17

Among the macabre of the Necromancer we find the Bone Marionette, her faithful guardian.

While the power of death, freed from its Summon of Hades skill, makes the necromancer more powerful thank the victims in the battlefield!

Tomorrow with „Waiting Second Wave“ where we will show you the illustration and the miniature of the mysterious Necromancer!


LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 18 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 19 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 20 LMS Ludus Magnus Studio Nova Aetas Necromancer Templar Chronomancer Preview 21

Let’s conclude the chapter of the Necromancer, with its fascinating illustration and incredible miniature!

Finally a small spoiler on the new epic class that awaits us Monday: Its precious help is not free … who is?


Link: Ludus Magnus Studio auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Dioe Nekromantin mit ihrer Knochenmarionette ist ja richtig toll geworden. Das sollte man im Auge behalten 🙂

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