von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena Kickstarter

„Legend of Korra: Pro-bending“ ist ein Sportbrettspiel aus dem Avatar-Universum.

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THE LEGEND OF KORRA: PRO-BENDING ARENA is board game set in the Avatar universe from Nickelodeon’s global smash hit Avatar: The Legend of Korra. A miniatures board game designed by Sen Foong-Lim and Jessey Wright, The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena pits 2 players against each other in a sports game that features deep, strategic, head-to-head gameplay, highly detailed and dynamic miniatures, deck crafting and building, and team customization.

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The game play of The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena is closely modeled after the popular Pro-bending sport featured in the first season of Avatar: The Legend of Korra. As such, the game is designed for 2 players, each controlling a team of 3 benders: earth, fire, and water.

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Based on the events of Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Pro-bending Arena focuses on the championship match between the fresh-faced Future Industry Fire Ferrets and the sneaky and brutal White Falls Wolfbats.

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The objective of the game is simple: be on the other team’s side of the arena when the game ends and you will be victorious, or dominate the competition, pushing all their benders off the back of the arena to end the game immediately and claim the championship as yours!

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The White Falls Wolfbats are the reigning Pro-bending champions. Being fan favorites, any question of the legality of their techniques and the legitimacy of their champion status is often brushed off as loser jealousy. Still, something about the way they play does ring a little unfair to even the most die-hard fans.

In The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena, the White Falls Wolfbats have access to the some of the dirtiest tricks in the book. Their team special ability, Daze, allows the Wolfbats to put their opponents at a serious disadvantage with cheap-shots that cripple their next plays.

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Fresh-faced and newly-formed, the Future Industry Fire Ferrets are the surprise stars of the Pro-bending league. Hailing from Republic City, the Fire Ferrets are best known for their teamwork and mastery of the elements. Well, okay, that’s the second thing they’re known for; they’re primarily known for being the team with Avatar Korra playing for them.

Focusing their chi on mastering the elements, the Fire Ferrets have become proficient in redirecting overly aggressive plays back against their opponents. Counter-bend takes your opponents‘ element tokens and adds them as part of your attack. These counter-bend techniques can change the course of the game in a single, well-planned play.

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Known on the Pro Bending circuit for their teamwork, the all-female, all-amazing Rabaroos coordinate to unleash a rapid-fire flurry of elemental attacks. Ada, Ula, and Umi are guaranteed to bring you to your feet with their lightning fast bending. It’s always action-packed when the Rabaroos are in the Arena! What makes the Rabaroos unique are their twin icons, Rally and Blitz. Activate Rally to gain Rally tokens which you can then spend when you activate Blitz. Blitz permits you to draw a card from the top of your Main Deck, immediately launching an additional action!

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The self-proclaimed “Bullies of Black Quarry”, the Boar-Q-Pines specialize in relentless pressure. Many a team of Pro Benders have withered under the attacks of the rough-and-tumble Boar-Q-Pines. Chang, Xin, and Shui may be a little prickly, but they should never be underestimated!  Pressure tokens are this team’s unique modifier, making your elemental tokens count for double when they hit. Even the weakest attack from the Boar-q-pines is a credible threat to be taken seriously!

The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena Kickstarter campaign features NO STRETCH GOALS. That’s right, no dollar amounts need to be met, no struggle to hit the next cool goal. Instead, you are GUARANTEED the following upgrade to your core game by backing the deluxe edition:

  • Exclusive, Limited Deluxe Edition Packaging.
  • A limited edition championship promo-poster.
  • 7 mystery expansion teams, totaling an additional 15 miniatures.
  • 30 trick cards separated into 5 themed packs. Tricks are usable by all teams in the game.
  • 30 punch-to-plastic upgrade components.

We will reveal a new item for your pledge almost every day during the campaign. These revealed items are guaranteed as part of your pledge. Each day we’ll invite you to return to our campaign page to learn which team, trick cards, or component upgrade we’ve unveiled.

The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena Deluxe Edition is exclusively available through Kickstarter. Make sure you back today to guarantee your access to all the incredible rewards!


Derzeit steht der Kickstarter bei 92.483 USD und ist damit bei einem 25.000 USD Finanzierungsziel bereits vollständig finanziert.
Der Kickstarter wird am 30.09.2017 enden.

Link: Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • HYPE, Avatar als Tabletop Spiel, das freut mich sehr.
    Leider die langweilige Arena und keine Interaktion mit Gelände (die wohl auch extrem schwierig umzusetzen wäre mit festem Gelände). Ich bin extrem gespannt, was da raus kommt. Entweder was geniales oder relativer Schmu der nur den Namen benutzt.
    Danke, dass ihr das hier gebracht habt.

  • Die Render sehen für mich etwas enttäuschend aus. Ausserdem wären Minis von Charakteren aus der TV-Sendung ein muss.
    Und die Arena finde ich leider auch nicht das beste Thema aus dem tollen Avatar-Universum.

  • Kommt ein paar Jahre spät, ey? 😀

    Eignet sich natürlich als Brettspiel, für mich persönlich aber eins der weniger interessanten Dinge aus der Serie.

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