von BK-Christian | 27.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Steampunk

Lead Adventure: Denizens of the Smog Kickstarter

Von Lead Adventure Miniatures kommt ein neuer Kickstarter.

LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 1

Dark is the night as the dense smog falls once again on the streets of the East End. Shadows hustle from corner to corner, some trying to eke out a meagre living from the scraps of the Machine Age, some out on more nefarious errands, be it to cut a throat for a purse of pennies or to strike at the heart of their machinocratic betters.

When Charles Babbage perfected his Analytical Engine, few could have predicted the social upheaval that would follow. Fuelled by coal, powered by increasingly complex and efficient steam engines, controlled by unfeeling machines and faceless bureaucrats, the pulsating heart of the British Empire is split asunder along the front-lines of the factory lords, the old and failing aristocracy and the huddled masses, especially those left behind by the uncaring pace of progress.

In the East End, long a pit of the despaired and destitute, unrest is growing. Disaffected engineers and factory workers put out of work by increasing mechanisation are supplying anarchists and simple criminals with advanced tools for their illicit trades.

Outside of the Capital, railway lines and steam-coach roads are plagued by the scourge of Highwaymen, an evil long thought gone from the modern age. Equipped with modern means of transportation and deadly-efficient weaponry, few dare to resist such a hold-up, and once the Peelers arrive, the villains have made off with their ill-gotten gains.

To combat this wave of crime, Special Branch have set up a crack team to pinpoint and arrest key figures, hopefully before the situation boils over and creates an all-consuming deluge of Anarcho-Communard revolution and rampant crime.

So sehen die neuen Modelle aus:

LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 2 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 3 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 4 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 5 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 6 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 7 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 8 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 9 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 10

Das sind die Pledge-Levels:

LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 11 LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 12

Derzeit gibt es als erstes Ziel zunächst das Funding Goal:

LA Lead Adventure Denizens Of The Smog Kickstarter 13

Das Porto ist überschaubar:

We did our best to keep shipping costs low and transparent for everybody.

Germany – 6 Euro
Rest of World – 10 Euro

Die Kampagne läuft noch 21 Tage

Quelle: Denizens of the Smog


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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