von BK-Christian | 05.12.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Last Sword: Elven Lords Kickstarter

Der Kickstarter zu den Elven Lords wurde neu gestartet und ist finanziert.

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Und um diese Modelle ght es:

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The Elven Lords is our second Kickstarter after the success of Reichguard Knights. All desing, sculpture and molding work is already completed. We are now ready to take your orders and start manufacturing. But, if the project is all but finished, what is the funding for?

Our aim is to be able to further develop our range of miniatures. We have made a great many efforts and spent a lot of money on The Elven Lords, so we really need the project to succeed.

We need your hel so that LastSword Miniatures can keep working

How we work  

For wargamers like ourselves it’s not easy to operate as a company, not even one such small as ours. Since the beginning  up to the present day, we have been learning a lot of hard lessons on how to develop wargaming miniatures projects.

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The Kneecap system of our miniatures allows us to position them in multiple ways. In addition, with the use of independent shoulder pads, the joints between the pieces are completely covered.

Our plastic resin is flexible enough to prevent miniatures from being damaged by bending, hitting or accidentally dropping them.

It is also very easy to glue it with cyanocrylate. All you need is a sharp modeling blade to remove the mold lines.

Thanks to its surface, the plastic resin offers a very good adherence to the paint, which facilitates this process.

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When you have hundreds of ideas banging in your head, it is always best to draw a sketch. This is the first step to every project. Sculping the miniature with green putty or in 3D is the second step. Finally, all that remains is to make the miniature… it seems so simple, when you say that.

This whole process takes a lot of time and it is normal for the final design to deviate slightly from the previous steps.

Furthemore, the Elven Lords‘ miniatures have no problem fitting into ranks and regiments. They will fit perfectly, even at an angle or medium angle.

3d sculpting allows to us design multipose figures easily than hand sculpt techique. Our bits are interchangeable, so you can use archers bodies, with spearmen arms, or heads.

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Besides, Elven Lords haven’t any problem while you are basing a regiment. Our figures fit really good in ranks without any problem. Even you can pose them straight or half turned.

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Our figures are 32mm models, from the feet to the eyes. Are they compatible with others companies models?
Just have a look to our scale test, and decide by your self if Elven Lords are compatible or not. Besides you can mix all pieces among them.

Would you like to make a light spearman or a heavy archer? You can do it!

Diese Modelle sind derzeit erhältlich:

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  • Elf prince is a 32mm multicomponent metal figure.
  • Elf mage is a 32mm multicomponent metal figure.

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  • Elven spearmen are 32mm multicomponent and multipose plastic resin figures. Thank to our kneecap system you will mount any pose that you prefer and then hide joints with their shoulder pads.
  • Elven archers are 32mm multicomponent and multipose plastic resin figures. Thank to our kneecap system you will mount any pose that you prefer and then hide joints with their shoulder pads.
    Note: The fourth archer incluyed bits from 2nd Command Squard sprue as an example.

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Special sprue with: Drako banner, dragon horn, metal Cornus, two heads and a sword. You can use for Spearmen or arches, it is compatible!

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Special sprue with: tree banner, hunt horn, two heads, three swords and a bow . You can use for Spearmen or arches, it is compatible!

Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Und natürlich Stretch Goals, die je nach Pledgehöhe Freebies bringen:

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We have a shipping system:

The shipping fees will be collected after the Kickstarter, each time you ask us to send you a parcel. Shipping will be weight-based. All orders will have a track number.

As a rough estimate: Shipping the content of a Elven spearmen regiment (40 infantry models, 2 command squads, 1 prince and 1 mage with their bases) to:

  •  Spain: 6€
  •  European Union: 14€
  •  USA, Canada, Asutralia: 16€
  •  Rest of the world: 20€

Besides you can take by hand for free at Hispania Wargames 2018 (Alhaurin dela torre – Malaga – Spain).

Die Kampagne läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Elven Lords


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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