von BK-Marcus | 24.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Kromlech: Ork Doc auf Bike und Gelände

Bei Kromlech gibt’s nun rasende Rettung für verletzte Orks! Außerdem zeigen wir euch die todschicken, neuen Ork-Gebäude vom Kromlech-Ableger Tabletop Scenics in bunt, mit Preisen und Maßen!

KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 1 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 2 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 3 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 4 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 5

KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 6 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike 7

Orc Chirurgeon on bike – 34,99 EUR

This multi part resin set contains one Orc Chirurgeon on a bike with accompanying Goblin Nurses in a sidecar. Resin scenic base included. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames.


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Irontoof Bastion – 34,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Irontoof Bastion.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 22cm, depth 20cm, height 23 cm.


KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 10 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 11

Orc Waatchtower – 19,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Waatchtower.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 15cm, depth 13cm, height 23 cm.


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Orc Barrack – 21,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Barrack.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 23cm, depth 17cm, height 17cm.


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Orc Quarters – 24,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Quarter.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 21m, depth 18cm, height 16cm.


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Orc Smack Bar – 21,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Smack Bar.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 16cm, depth 18cm, height 12cm.


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Orc Kustom Workshop – 26,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Kustom Workshop.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 17cm, depth 20cm, height 22cm.


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Dakka Bunker – 14,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Dakka Bunker.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 15cm, depth 10cm, height 7 cm.


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Orc Stronghold Gate – 14,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Stronghold Gate.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 18cm, depth 7cm, height 14 cm.


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Orc Wall Gate – 11,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Orc Wall Gate.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 15cm, depth 7cm, height 12 cm.


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Skargruk Line – Straight wall – 6,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Skargruk Line – Straight wall.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 8.5cm, depth 7cm, height 7cm.


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Skargruk Line – Straight wall with stairs – 7,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Skargruk Line – Straight wall with stairs.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 8.5cm, depth 10cm, height 7.5cm.


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Skargruk Line – Wall 45 degrees – 7,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Skargruk Line – Wall 45 degrees.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 10cm, depth 8cm, height 7.5cm.


KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 32 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 33

Skargruk Line – Wall 90 degrees – 7,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1   Skargruk Line – Wall 90 degrees.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 10cm, depth 10cm, height 8cm.


KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 34 KL Kromlech Ork Chirurg Auf Bike And Ork Buildings 35

Skargruk Line – Wall Tower – 9,99 EUR

Contents of this frames may be used to make 1 Skargruk Line – Wall Tower.
Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Dimensions: width 11cm, depth 10cm, height 9cm.


Viele weitere Bilder der Gebäude aus verschiedenen Winkeln findet ihr im Online-Shop!

Link: Kromlech

Link: Tabletop Scenics


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Würde ich Orks spielen, das Doc-Bike würde ich mir sofort holen…die Preise für die Gebäude finde ich auch ok, sind nen paar sehr schöne Ideen dabei.

  • Ich finde das Gelände unglaublich gut. Spiele zwar age of sigmar aber ich überlege schon das trotzdem dafür zu kaufen. Macht als rundes Konzept halt einen tollen Tisch.

  • Finde die Orks von denen auch total genial.
    Wobei Artel W Miniatures jetzt auch einen schönen Waaaaghboss im Programm hat.
    Der soll wohl Ghazkhul Uruk Thraka darstellen.

  • Also eigentlich bin ich seit gut 15 Jahren mit Orks durch, aber ich bin echt am überlegen mir ein wenig von diesem Gelände zuzulegen. Ich finds echt 1A, Material stimmt auch. Altes verlassenes Ork Gelände passt eh eigentlich auf jedes Schlachtfeld.

  • Die Sachsn sind wirklich toll und die Preise sind auch absolut okay. Ich habe meine Orks zwar Mitte der fünften Edition von 40k bzw. der achten von Warhammer eingemottet, da mir die dazugehörigen Spielsysteme einfach nicht mehr gefallen, aber das Gelände reizt mich schon.

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