von BK-Marcus | 24.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Zubehör

Kromlech: Neuheiten und Infos

Bei Kromlech gibt es wieder einiges an neuen Artikeln im Shop. Außerdem wurden auf Facebook zu einigen bereits erhältlichen Produkten 360°-Videos und andere Infos gezeigt.

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Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform: Storm Cannon – 19,99 EUR

This set contains one resin Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform armed with Storm Cannon.
Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale. This model is approximately 53mm long, 44mm wide and 45mm height

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Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform: Heavy Plasma Cannon – 19,99 EUR

This set contains one resin Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform armed with Heavy Plasma Cannon.
Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale. This model is approximately 53mm long, 44mm wide and 45mm height.

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Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform: Gatling Autocannon – 19,99 EUR

This set contains one resin Legionary Heavy Weapon Platform armed with Gatling Autocannon.
Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale. This model is approximately 53mm long, 44mm wide and 45mm height.

Die Geschütze sind nun auch in Einzelteilen erhältlich, sowohl das Kettenelement…

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Heavy Weapon Tracked Platform – 12,99 EUR

This set contains one resin Heavy Weapon Tracked Platform.
Designed to fit futuristic 28mm heroic scale vehicles. This model is approximately 53mm long, 44mm wide and 24mm height

…als auch die Türme:

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Quad Heavy Thunder Gun – 8,99 EUR
Quad Lascannon – 8,99 EUR
Quad Mortar – 8,99 EUR
Heavy Plasma Cannon – 8,99 EUR
Storm Cannon – 8,99 EUR
Gatling Autocannon – 8,99 EUR

Neue Arme für schwer gerüstete Weltraum-Orks gibt es auch:

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Juggernaut Arms – Krash Rokket – 4,99 EUR
Juggernaut Arms – Heavy Flamer – 4,99 EUR
Juggernaut Arms – Left Mega Buzzsaw – 4,99 EUR
Juggernaut Arms – Right Mega Buzzsaw – 4,99 EUR
Juggernaut Arms – Right Open Crusher – 4,99 EUR

This set contains one Orc Juggernaut right arm with [Waffe].
You can use it to customize your ordinary Juggernauts to carry more firepower.
If you want to magnetize your Juggernauts it is best way to complete squad with various weaponry.

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Alien Skulls – 7,99 EUR

This set contains 14 resin Alien Skulls that can be used to decorate miniatures, vehicles, bases or buildings. Both fantasy and SF. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale. Each set contains 2 large beast skulls, 4 orcs, 4 immortal legions and 4 abhumans, half with lower jaw and half without.

Please note that resin model does not have as many details as 3d model due to technology limitations.

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Round Base Skirmish Tray 25mm (6 sets) – 4,99 EUR

This set contains 6 Round Base Skirmish Trays for 25mm round bases. Each tray is designed for 5 bases. Each tray is build from two pieces of 1,5mm thick HDF material which are sold as separate parts that you need to glue before use.

Resin bases are not part of this set. Shown for example of use only, available separately.

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Round Base Skirmish Tray 32mm (5 sets) – 4,99 EUR

This set contains 5 Round Base Skirmish Trays for 32mm round bases. Each tray is designed for 5 bases. Each tray is build from two pieces of 1,5mm thick HDF material which are sold as separate parts that you need to glue before use.

Resin bases are not part of this set. Shown for example of use only, available separately.

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Round Base Skirmish Tray 40mm (3 sets) – 4,99 EUR

This set contains 3 Round Base Skirmish Trays for 40mm round bases. Each tray is designed for 5 bases. Each tray is build from two pieces of 1,5mm thick HDF material which are sold as separate parts that you need to glue before use.

Resin bases are not part of this set. Shown for example of use only, available separately.

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Hammer Objective Markers [green] – 8,99 EUR

This set contains six Hammer Objective Markers made from green fluorescent acrylic with engraved hammer logo.

Each marker is build from two pieces, 40mm round base and a banner which are sold as separate parts that you need to glue before use.

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Hammer Objective Markers [orange] – 8,99 EUR

This set contains six Hammer Objective Markers made from orange fluorescent acrylic with engraved hammer logo.

Each marker is build from two pieces, 40mm round base and a banner which are sold as separate parts that you need to glue before use.

Auf Facebook wurde auch die Frage beantwortet, ob die bereits erhältlichen Sentry Guns auch auf die Heavy Weapon Platform passen:

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for those of you who wonder if you can combine our new Heavy Weapon Platform with weapon systems from our Sentry Guns, the answer is: yes, you can 🙂
Take a look at some examples below.


Link: Kromlech

Link: Kromlech auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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