von BK-Marcus | 24.01.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Krakon Games: Scum & Smugglers Kickstarter

Krakon Games haben ihren zweiten Kickstarter eröffnet. Diesmal geht es um einige Sci-Fi-Miniaturen, die Schmuggler und andere Schurken darstellen sollen.


Future scumbag miniatures in 28mm scale for your tabletop wargames or roleplay

This project offers you the chance to fund the production of a selection of science fiction miniatures in 28mm scale. The title Scum and Smugglers was chosen to represent the nature of the models – being a group of hired guns or freelance scoundrels. I also adore alliteration.

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The models are intended to be characters that exist within the same futuristic, science fiction universe as my previous Kickstarter, Frills & Fauna. With your help, I will keep growing this range with new creations.


S&S Arim sculpt next to an F&F Cirripod cast

At launch, there are 5 complete sculpts that are intended to be produced in metal. They will be mastered in resin first, which also presents the opportunity to buy the models in resin at a premium.

These are the penultimate sculpts. I will keep staring at them over the next 11 days to find and fix any faults.



Scale shots against miniatures from other companies

#1 Eldar Guardian from Games Workshop
#3 Wandering Pilgrim from Colony 87
#5 Rogue character from Rogue Stars


Scale shots against miniatures from other companies

#1 Human Pirate from Space Raiders
#3 Classic Ogre from Citadel Miniatures
#5 Bring Out Your Lead 2015 event mini

One additional miniature is available as a Kickstarter exclusive as part of the Make 100 creative initiative – Tank. He is limited to 100 copies, only in resin, by selecting the relevant pledge level. He is not available as an add-on or a character choice.

Tank is multi-part due to the complexity of the model. The torso and left arm are definitely going to be seperate pieces. Up to 2 legs may also be seperate – depending on the wizardry of the caster. I will take advantage of this by offering variant pieces for the model as stretch goals – alternative arm choices, perhaps even a head.



Tank in scale with his friends

Stretch Goals:

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Die Versandkosten wurden uns auf Kickstarter mit 7,00 GBP angezeigt.

Die Kampagne hat mit mehr als 2.500 GBP das Finanzierungsziel von 500 GBP bereits deutlich überschritten und einige Stretch Goals freigeschaltet. Ihr habt noch 7 Tage Zeit, mit zu machen und weitere Ziele zu erreichen!

Link: Scum and Smugglers Miniatures auf Kickstarter


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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