von BK-Christian | 02.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Kingdom Death: Produktionsupdate [NSFW]

Kingdom Death haben ein Update zu Monster 1.5 online gestellt.

KDM 1.5 Production Update

Estimated Wave 1 Fulfillment Start: End of August 2017. 

Plastic production for the core game and update pack was finished as of April 2017 and we have approved the paper assets for production!

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And one more, showing off the box a little more!

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Base Inserts

A lot of you have reached out to me requesting that the base insert packs be added to wave 1 fulfillment. I wanted to let you know that I am trying my best to accommodate what SEEMS like a pretty simple request. Please understand that all the timetables are pretty tight and it is likely I won’t be able to do this. I am trying tho!


Right now production of the plastic components are underway and I am lining up the schedule so that we can fulfill these for the holidays of 2017. I do not have any dates from the manufacturer yet, but since its a straight reprint, it SIGNIFICANTLY reduces turn around time. So take that date

Card Pack
Ah yes. The ever-elusive card pack! I have slatted this to be available around Jan 2018. If possible I’d like to move it up to coincide with Wave 2 for the holidays. The plan is to sell this via our web store, it will not be available thru backer kit.


We will be attending Gencon 2017 as exhibitors! Our Booth will be in the same location as last year and in fact, we got a little bit bigger!

New Developments

Personally I have been hard at work on the content for advanced Kingdom Death monster. The philosophy system has already been thru a host of alpha’s and we are looking to start actively testing it’s first prototype somewhere in June. It has been extremely satisfying to comb back thru everything and to embellish on the settlements growth via survivor development. The system is leaning more towards survivor’s learning and contributing so the curve of powerful survivor’s being developed is more in line with the escalation of the game and less of a random development.

Lion God Expansion, Expansion  – Silver City
Dungeon romp replaces the hunt phase. Currently have the Lost Knight up and running on the showdown board, but we are going back in and incorporating it’s fight experience more into the dungeon delving element of the game.

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Inverted Mountain
We are developing all the monsters for the Inverted Mountain campaign at the same time, so we can ensure that its the best campaign arc yet. Insanity is going to play a major role, with certain disorders being prerequisites to innovations, fighting arts and sometimes gear! Anna has been heading this up, here are some words directly from her!

„The Inverted Mountain campaign tells the story of a new kind of settlement. Waking in a teeming swamp, the survivors gaze up at a sickening light dawning over the summit of the Inverted Mountain that looms above. In this campaign, humans must do more than survive, they must ascend.

The strange light bathes the settlement, filling the soggy survivors‘ minds with strange urges. Called by the ever-present compulsion to climb the mountain, the survivors will need to harness the hallucinatory swamp. brain-altering parasites, and freakish delusions to develop a civilization with a single minded purpose.

The Inverted Mountain campaign uses Monster’s massive rules to create a new settlement cycle. Innovations that reflect a different environment and survivor adaptations. New relationships between insanity, disorders, and new instincts for survivors to follow.“

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The Apotheosis Pinup went under more heavy tweaking. So much of the detail was lost in the scan, I saw an opportunity for improvements and well, I couldn’t resist taking the extra time! I’d say this was more of a scan clean up remastering?

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Oblivion Mosquito
The Oblivion Mosquito hand sculpture is finished!

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We have also been hard at working making basic blackouts of all the armor! Once finished this will be used as a starting point for their „narrative“ versions.

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Lantern Year 3 Candy & Cola
Well, we couldn’t have the Possessed Twilight Knight soda pop crossover without mentioning the other side of the arrangement!

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Also, the tablelords KD series is awesome!!

Oh! and here is the better half of the conviction romantic pair!

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Quelle: Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Stimme ich zu. Irgendwie ist ja der Horror bei KD oft sehr ähnlicher Art – psychisch, doch auf körperlicher Basis und zwar anatomischer Gestalt (man kennt das ja: die ganzen Hände, Zungen und Sexualorgane in Überzahl, anderer Machart und an „falschen“ Stellen) – doch das hier ist auch erfrischend eigen wieder. Mindestens diese Finger gab es in ähnlicher Art noch nicht – so weit meine Übersicht reicht…

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