Khurasan Miniatures: Neue Previews
Khurasan Miniatures haben neue Preview Bilder gepostet.
6mm Federal Army infantry. Coming soon.
Their Neptune mecha is also going to be released.
Chinese barbarians! These were made as allies and foes for the Spring and Autumn Chinese range we’ve had made, with a eye toward the terrifying Red Di, but would suit any of the ancient barbarians of the period including Sun Tzu and Confucius.
The four sets are command, noble warriors, free warriors, and lower class warriors. Note that the barbarian warlord has a Chinese princess on his leg a la Frazetta!
She’s separate in case you don’t go for that sort of thing.
As painted they are Red Di, the Di master race being painted in red, their subjects/slaves being in off-white, etc. For other barbarians, I’d just mix them all up, with front ranks being primarily nobles then getting poorer as they get further back.
Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook
Die Barbaren sind sehr schick und fehlen auch noch. Zumindest kenne ich nix vergleichbares. Machen sich bestimmt auch in Fantasy szenarien gut!