von BK-Nils | 14.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Kensei: Rulebook and War Machines Kickstarter

Mit einem neuen Kickstarter von Zenitgames sollen das gedruckte Regelbuch und Kriegsmaschinen für Kensei finanziert werden.

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It is our pleasure to present to you our new crodfunding for the Zenit Miniatures’ Kensei new printed rulebook and a new range of war machines to play.

In this Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign we will create a new range of war machines for the game of kensei and we will get funds to print our new rulebook.

All the miniatures showed in the campaign will be used in Kensei Miniature Wargame and Torii skirmish game, but they could also be used in roleplaying games, other wargames or for artistic painting.

All the miniatures from this campaign are 32mm and will be made in high quality metal. All the scenography is made in high quality resin.

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Kensei Rulebook Free Download ( English )

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In this new edition of Kensei the game system has been simplified and livened up, creating new game mechanics that require continuous strategic planning. You will have no rest! Also, new troop profiles are available for clans and for the new undead army, as well as new rules for the use of magic and mythological creatures.

This edition has a long life ahead and we are already testing the rules for the new war machines which are arriving in this kickstarter campaign and many ideas to make you feel like you were playing in a really living world. Hymukai!.

Last but not least, the new system is standardized with Torii, the skirmish game set in the world of Kensei. Although they keep their different game dynamics we can create a whole experience, being able to play both large battles as small skirmishes, without having to learn to play two completely different games.

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The all kensei range of miniatures will be added to the pledge manager with a great discount. So you will be able to buy more kensei stuff with a very good price.

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This campaign has worldwide shipping.

The shipping cost will be added after the campaign in the pledge manager. As you will be able to add more elements from the old kensei range to your pledge, so it is difficult to rate now the price of the shipping, as it depends of the weight of your package and if you add more stuff of the old range.

We have a very good deal with our shipping company and the price will be not high. Otherwise the price of shipping the standard elements of this crowdfunding will be around:

• 6€ to Spain and Portugal
• 10€ to France, Italy, Germany, UK, Denmark, Beligium,Poland, Netherland, Switzerland, Czech Republic
• 14€ to Finland, Greece, Romania, Sweden, Croatia
• 16€ to Bosnia/Herzegovina, Irland, Norway and Serbia.
• 20- 25€ to other countries • .
USA: 16-20€
CANADA: 16-20€
LATIN AMERICA: 20-30€ to most countries.
ASIA: 20-30€ to most countries
OCEANIA: 16-20€ to Australia. 20€ to New Zealand.
AFRICA: 30€ to most countries.

Risks and challenges

We have successfully done Four other campaigns: Kensei Fantasy Creatures in which we develop almost 80 new miniatures. Nemesis Rise of the Juggers where we develop 40 new miniatures. Kensei Undead Army where we develop 100 new miniatures. Yokai quest our first tabletop gaming is now preparing the pledge manager.

We need the funds for the miniatures production process and to pay the sculptors, painters and other workers on this project. Shipping times may have some delay if we reach the higher stretch goals and we have to develop more new miniatures in some cases due to sculpting time.

Die Kampagne hat das Grundziel erreicht und nähert sich der 10.000,00 Euro Grenze, die Laufzeit beträgt noch 14 Tage.

Quelle: Kensei Rulebook Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • hier bin ich echt am überlegen- gurke schon länger um das System rum- wie gut ist die Qualität der Minis? Wie kniffelig der Zusammenbau?

    • Ich habe einige Sachen aus dem ersten Kickstarter und die Qualität der Minis ist hervorragend, da gibt’s nichts zu meckern. Der Zusammenbau ist etwas fisselig, da die Miniaturen sehr filigran sind und die Klebestellen dementsprechend klein. Von den größeren Modellen habe ich bisher noch keins, daher kann ich dazu nichts sagen.
      Die Kensei Sachen sind meiner Meinung nach die schicksten Samuraifiguren in 28mm, die es auf dem Markt zu haben gibt.

      • Danke- meinem Geldbeutel hätte eine andere Antwort besser gefallen 🙂
        hatte beim ersten KS noch gezögert

  • Puh, die Kanonen sind ganz nett, aber für Zen Saga eher uninteressant. Vielleicht kommen bei den Stretchgoals noch ein paar Interessante Miniaturen.

  • Für 18 Euro ein gedrucktes Regelbuch mit drei Schicken Minis und eventuell sogar noch mehr. Das sieht ganz interessant aus.
    Auf die Kriegsmaschienen kann ich aber verzichten. Denn ich will die Minis eher für SAGA, Ronin oder Tori nutzen.

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