von BK-Nils | 01.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Judgement: 54mm MOBA Kickstarter

Mit Judgement kommt ein Miniaturenspiel in 54mm über Kickstarter, eine Umsetzung des beliebten MOBA-Genres als Tabletop.

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Judgement is a 2 player table-top miniatures game inspired by the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) computer game genre. In Judgement you play the role of a demigod that summons mortal heroes to the shadow plane of In-Between to capture Souls that fuel your immortal power. Each hero is represented on the table-top by a finely crafted 54mm scale resin miniature with incredible detail and dynamism.

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Bastian Oriel – One of the Heroes of Judgement

This Kickstarter introduces the 1st wave of heroes that you can summon to do your bidding. All 10 are powerful mortals that have the potential to swing the battle in your favour, your challenge is learning to unlock that potential and wreak havoc on the Shadow Plane of In-Between!

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Judgement miniatures are sculpted in the 54mm scale which enables an awe inspiring level of detail and character.

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Each hero is meticulously designed in consultation with a team of talented illustrators and sculptors to encapsulate the unique world and game play mechanics of Judgement. This stunning initial set of miniatures is only the beginning!

Bastian, Rakkir, Thrommel and Istariel sculpts by Tom Lishman http://www.tlishman.co.uk

Gloom sculpt by James W Cain http://www.jameswcain.co.uk

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Each hero has two (double sided) cards that explain how they work in the game

Numerous strategic layers are interwoven into the very fabric of Judgement, making for an immersive, challenging and thoroughly rewarding gaming experience. Being able to select any 5 heroes from across our range to be part of your Warband presents you with your first tactical challenge.

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Download the Judgement Core Rule Book here (62Mb PDF)

Game Resources

Download the Judgement Magical Artefact Cards here (6Mb PDF)
Download the Judgement Quick Reference Card here (17Mb PDF)
Download the Judgement Token Set here (397Kb PDF)

Hero Levels, Magical Artefacts & Neutral Monsters

Drawing on its MOBA inspiration, the Judgement game play includes the following features:

  • Heroes gain levels unlocking new spells/powers and gaining health
  • Magical Artefacts can be purchased and equipped by your heroes
  • Monster camps spawn neutral monsters that attack any heroes that they can get their hands on

These in-game mechanics allow players to tailor their tactics and strategy to cater for the ebb and flow of the battle.

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Your warband has to battle with neutral monsters as well as the enemy heroes!

Races & Classes

Judgement heroes are drawn from 5 races (Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Minotaurs, Orcs), who operate within 4 classes (Supporter, Defender, Aggressor, Soulgazer), defining their role on the battlefield. Like a MOBA, when playing Judgement, you are free to select any heroes from across the 5 races to fight in your Warband. Whilst there are several exploitable synergies that may sway your decision making, there are no hard restrictions, you can field whatever heroes you want!

Combat System

Judgement’s combat system is dynamic, intuitive and a lot of fun. Everything is kept flowing and fast paced due to the custom Judgement dice.

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Judgement combat dice allow complex tactical decisions to be made in seconds

Hero attacks include a combination of direct damage and combat manoeuvres which ensures that battles are dynamic and constantly challenging the tactical ability of the players.


The Fate mechanic simulates gold in a MOBA by enabling your heroes to use it to purchase Magical Artefacts. Fate can also be used by heroes to unlock some of their most potent abilities on their enemies. The astute use of Fate is what separates the good Judgement players from the great ones.

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Thrommel Ironbeard – Dwarf Warrior

Pick & Ban

Another aspect of the MOBA that Judgement incorporates is the concept of a pick & ban phase. The most common tournament level format is for each player to present 7 heroes of which one is banned by their opponent. Both players then pick the 5 heroes for their Warband from the remaining 6.

Battlefield Maps

Judgement battles are fought in a circular arena with the size determined by the number of heroes each player is fielding. In a 3 heroes per side game the battle field is a 2 foot diameter circle, in a 5 heroes per side game it is a 3 foot diameter circle.

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An example Judgement map
You can mark out the battlefield and use your own terrain collection, or get one of our specially designed neoprene gaming mats as an add on. Here you can see an example of one of our mats with monster and Soul spawning locations, Shrines (objectives), each player’s Effigy (their base) and the location of terrain.

Video Tutorials

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Rakkir – Orc Rogue (Alternate Colour Scheme)

To see Judgement in action the YouTube video below is an early play test of a full 3v3 game:

3v3 Play Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C6uTKUHSxY

To learn more about individual components of the game checkout our tutorial videos on YouTube:

Magical Artefacts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlfMXRQzCD8
Hero Activations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ2ukr6D6ng
Soul Harvesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_JeGievFc4
Combat Mechanic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Luqipjz20

Note: while some aspects of the videos above have changed due to further play testing, they are accurate enough to give a decent demonstration of the game and its mechanics.

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The following 10 heroes are available at all pledge levels. If other heroes are unlocked as stretch goals during the campaign they will also be available at all pledge levels.

Note that non-colour line drawing illustrations are at the concept art stage so the final sculpt may differ in appearance.

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You can see details of the hero choices in the Heroes section above. You should also check the unlocked goals section (below) to see the heroes that have been unlocked during the campaign.

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This pledge gets you any 1 hero from our range, including models that were unlocked during the campaign. All hero miniatures are 54mm scale and cast in high quality resin.

  • Miniature cast includes a sculpted scenic base
  • Scenic base is cast as a separate piece to the miniature
  • Ships in a full colour illustrated box
  • Includes 2 double-sided full colour statistics cards

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This pledge gets you any 3 heroes from our range, including models that were unlocked during the campaign. All hero miniatures are 54mm scale and cast in high quality resin.

  • Miniature cast includes a sculpted scenic base
  • Scenic base is cast as a separate piece to the miniature
  • Ships in a full colour Kickstarter exclusive illustrated box
  • Includes 2 double-sided full colour statistics cards for each hero (6 in total)

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This pledge gets you any 5 heroes from our range, including models that were unlocked during the campaign. All hero miniatures are 54mm scale and cast in high quality resin.

  • This pledge level includes all unlocked FREE stretch goals
  • Miniature cast includes a sculpted scenic base
  • Scenic base is cast as a separate piece to the miniature
  • Ships in a full colour Kickstarter exclusive illustrated box
  • Includes 2 double-sided full colour statistics cards for each hero (10 in total)

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This pledge gets you any 7 heroes from our range, including models that were unlocked during the campaign. All hero miniatures are 54mm scale and cast in high quality resin.

  • This pledge level includes all unlocked FREE stretch goals
  • Miniature cast includes a sculpted scenic base
  • Scenic base is cast as a separate piece to the miniature
  • Ships in a full colour Kickstarter exclusive illustrated box
  • Includes 2 double-sided full colour statistics cards for each hero (14 in total)
  • A set of 10 Judgement dice

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This pledge gets you any 10 heroes from our range, including models that were unlocked during the campaign.. All hero miniatures are 54mm scale and cast in high quality resin.

  • This pledge level includes all unlocked FREE stretch goals
  • Miniature cast includes a sculpted scenic base
  • Scenic base is cast as a separate piece to the miniature
  • Ships in a full colour Kickstarter exclusive illustrated box
  • Includes 2 double-sided full colour statistics cards for each hero (20 in total)
  • A set of 10 Judgement dice
  • A Judgement token set (55 pieces)

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Any heroes that are unlocked during the campaign will be available for selection for all pledge levels.

Note that non-colour line drawing illustrations are at the concept art stage so the final sculpt may differ in appearance.

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The following items can be added onto to any pledge level. Simply add the cost for the add on to your pledge amount.

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Note: the picture of the map is an example. The actual Battle Map will be similar however it will be generic and usable for all Judgement map types for the 5v5 game (i.e. 3′ diameter).

Risks and challenges

The major risk for backers is that the people running the Kickstarter are not in a good position to deliver upon their promises. Gunmeister Games has left no stone unturned to ensure that risk is removed.

We successfully produced every aspect of our game before we hit Kickstarter. That includes illustrations, sculpts, miniature production, packaging and accessories, including the added surety of redundancy in the key areas. That means having commercial relationships with 2 illustrators, 2 sculptors and 2 miniature production companies.

There are no unknowns for us, no guessing and no speculation. We know how much everything costs to produce, we know the associated lead times and we have solid commercial relationships with all our key dependencies. We are in a fantastic position to produce the products in our Kickstarter on time, and get them out to our backers as promised.

In saying that we do not have a magical crystal ball and things may crop up that blind side us. Whilst we do not envisage this happening, the one thing we can absolutely promise is that we will run the Kickstarter campaign 100% transparently. Our backers will know as much has we do about every aspect of the production.

That is our ironclad pledge to you.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 22 Tage und steht aktuell bei 26.038,00 AUD von einem Zielwert von 45.000,00 AUD

Quelle: Judgement auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Leider finde ich die Charakter vom Design her zu schwach.

    Aber MOBA ähnliche Spiele müssten eigentlich richtig bombig funktionieren.

    • Eigentlich lässt sich bis auf die Kämpfe alles nur eher schlecht als recht ins tabletop übertragen. Und dann hat man halt einen Arena skirmisher…
      Und hier muss man auch noch eine gewisse Anzahl an 54mm Minis bemalen um die Pick&Ban-Phase sinnvoll ’spielen‘ zu können. Warum man gerade die übertrage hat ist mir auch schleierhaft, in MOBAs hilft die ja (auch) zu krasse Designfehler auszubügeln ohne direkt einen Buff/Nerf bringen zu müssen und man kann schon mal spielerspezifisch bannen. Aber jetzt soll man auch noch zusammen die Armeeliste basteln (wobei es natürlich nicht lange dauert 5 Helden zu picken).
      Außerdem sehe ich bei den Modellen jetzt keinen Grund warum die nicht in 28mm sind. Ist zwar ein schöner warcraft/comic-Stil, aber nichts was mich vom Hocker reißen würde. Dazu kommt dann der Preis. Für zwei Spieler müsste man knapp 600 AU$ investieren. Und dann scheint man noch keine neutralen Monster und Gelände zu haben UND es kommt immer zu der Situtationen in denen sich 2 mal die selbe Mini auf dem Tisch gegenübersteht. LOL!

      • 54mm ist ganz nett. Dennoch ist mal davon auszugehen, dass die meisten Wargamer immer noch dem „ich bin froh wenn die Grundfarben drauf sind und mich alle mit dem Scheiß Gepinsel in Ruhe lassen“ Lager angehören….und dann ein Spiel in nem Maßstab zu machen der eigentlich nur für Maler sinnvoll ist…und dann noch n Kickstarter. Weiß nicht ob das klug war.

      • Wobei die von dir angesprochenen Probleme eher der Umsetzug ankreiden weniger das Prinzip MOBA auf den Spieltisch zu bringen.

        Es gibt wohl auch einige MOBAartige Brettspiele inzwischen.

        Habe die Regeln vom Judgment Kickstarter nicht angelesen. Aber mir wü+rden auf Anhieb mehrere Mechnaniken für alle Grundelemente eines MOBA einfallen. DIe PIck & Ban Phase würde ich aber auch weglassen.

      • Das Problem am MOBA->Tabletop/Brettspiel, ist dass man außer dem Kämpfen eben nichts sinnvoll übersetzen kann. Das äquivalente Genre bilden in meinen Augen die Kampagnen Skirmisher (Gold/Erfahrung sammeln-> Team aufwerten).
        Dinge wie alliierte creeps/minions, last-hitting, Harassing, Ganking, Wechseln von Lanes (also im Prinzip das ganze Spiel in der Lane), Fog of War im Allgemeinen, neutrale creep spots und auch die dynamischen item builds sind alle sehr schwer in ein flüssiges Spiel zu übersetzen. Das ist nunmal ohne Ende Buchhaltung. Vor allem wenn man mehrere Wellen von Creeps spielen will.
        Am besten lässt man das auf dem Tisch einfach alles weg und hat eben ein Arena Skirmish. Was ja ok wäre, wenn man eben unter einer LoL oder Dota-Lizenz ein Tabletop/Brettspiel entwickelt, um Figuren von den Helden durch die Gegend zu schieben. Einfach nur die Teamfights. DAS würde ich sogar spielen. Aber nicht ein Spiel, welches sich mit dem Maßstab auch noch zusätzliche Probleme macht.

  • hmm.. ein eher erzählischeres Tabletop im 54mm Mass … ist ja nicht so,dass da nicht schon andere Hersteller dran gescheitert sind. So sehr ich die Miniaturen von Inquisitor mochte (für Maler auch ideal) so ungünstig ist der Maßstab für ein Spiel. Man kann fast kein Gelände aus seinem Fundus nutzen, sondern muss alles neu bauen (kaufen ist nicht, die größe wird nicht bedient … obwohl evtl. hat man im Spielwarenhandel glück 😉 ) Vom Platzproblem dass man zu Hause evtl hat ganz zu schweigen.

    Ich finde den 28/32mm Maßstab persönlich am Besten, vom Platzmangment handlebar und die Figuren in der richtigen Größe

    • Das Platzproblem ist bei nem Brettspiel hoffentlich berücksichtigt und tritt nicht auf.
      Bei Inquisitor in der Originalgröße ist uns aber genau das von dir Beschriebene passiert: Selbst auf dem größten Tisch konnte ne Figur mit vielen Aktionspunkten in einer Runde die Diagonale überbrücken und viel Gelände war nicht drin, wollte man nicht nur für die drei, vier Runden massiv losbasteln (wobei das Gelände im Regelbuch beeindruckend war, aber nicht realistisch 😉 ).

      54mm ist aber ansonsten schon ne schöne Größe und ich hatte sogar mal ein Brettspiel mit 70mm-Figuren gebacked (mit futuristisch angehauchten Dunkelelfen, die sahn unfassbar gut aus).
      Wurde aber abgebrochen und Monate später in 32mm als Moba-Klon neu aufgelegt. In dem Maßstab war es aber nicht mal halbwegs beeindruckend und der Zauber verflogen.

      Ist 54mm also hier vielleicht doch die richtige Wahl?

  • Also da der Duell-Aspekt im Vordergrund steht, kann das System hier durchaus auch in dem Maßstab funktionieren, da eben nicht mordmäßig Gelände vorgesehen ist. Die Spiel-Arena sieht sogar eher sehr spartanisch aus.
    Die Regeln habe ich mir mal runtergeladen.Die grundsätzliche Entscheidung eher auf Schaden oder auf Seelenfang zu gehen (oder einen taktisch brauchbaren ) Mittelweg zu finden klingt schon mal nicht schlecht. Vlt schaffen sie es was Scale75 mit ihrem Duell-System nicht geschafft haben

  • Hello everyone,

    I apologise in advance as I do not speak German. I have used Google Translator to get across the discussion. 🙂

    My name is Andrew Galea, I am the creator of Judgement. I am happy to answer any questions anyone has about the game.

    From what I can understand the two main talking points are the 54mm scale and the pick ’n‘ ban phase. The 54mm scale was something we decided upon from day 1. As gamers we have played 28mm & 32mm scale miniature games for many years and whilst that scale is great for mass battle games we felt for skirmish games the larger 54mm scale was a much better fit.

    We are able to make fantastic sculpts with a lot of detail and the gaming table looks spectacular even with only 6-10 models on the board. Judgement is meant to simulate a up close and personal melee involving mighty heroes so on a 3′ board (for the 5v5 game) and a 2′ board (for the 3v3 game) the scale is perfect.

    The MOBA aspect is also something we felt strongly about and this included the pick ’n‘ ban phase. It adds a lot of tactical depth to the game, making players adapt from game to game (in a tournament for example) and not letting them rely on a particular combination or a hero they play well. They are forced to adapt their tactics.

    We did not want to make a game that was the same as every other miniatures game on the market. Things like neutral monsters, levelling up heroes and buying magical artefacts during the game (therefore changing the way your Warband plays) were all very important differentiators, as is the pick ’n‘ ban phase.

    The complete rule book is downloadable for free from the Kickstarter page so I encourage those interested to have a read. You will see that Judgement is a well constructed and thought out game system that translates the MOBA feel to the table top very well.

    We are 63% funded after a week and have 5 backers from Germany which is fantastic. I am confident the Kickstarter will succeed.

    Thanks for reading and apologies again for writing the post in English.


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