von BK-Herr Kemper | 10.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Iain Lovecraft: Pro Stadium Kickstarter

Der Pro Stadium Kickstarter verspricht ein modulares Stadion für Blood Bowl & Co.

Pro Stadium0

Das Projekt:

Welcome to the iLovecraft Fantasy Football Pro Stadium Scenery and Dice Towers Kickstarter Campaign! We’ve designed and hand-crafted two complete sets of stadium scenery unofficially compatable with the old and new Blood Bowl games. These sets are molded in high detail resin and include multiple modular components which are easily assembled / disassembled using our M8(Mate) module interlocking widget system. In addition, each component can be purchased individually or as a set.

Pro Stadium1

Dice Towers

Our project brainstorms allowed us to come up with many innovative design elements, but amongst the most outstanding are our incredible Dice Towers. We needed a dice mechanism for our fantasy football game that would integrate well with our scenery options, but at the same time perform their required function. To this end we racked our brains and came up with a completely new dice tower mechanism, the Funnel System. Our Funnel System Dice Towers allow for the design of extraordinary towers well beyond what has been seen up to now, whilst optimizing its mechanism for even better dice rolling results. Our Dice Towers are beautifully designed, making excellent mantle pieces, in game scenery as well as functioning as Dice Towers. The tower shown above is the modular size version which fits in the fantasy football game pitch but may also be preferred by gamers with reduced game table space.

Pro Stadium2 Pro Stadium3 Pro Stadium4

We thought it would be unfair to create such wonderful Dice Towers and limit them to fantasy football, so we then decided to go one step further for our backers and created Stand Alone versions for them. These Stand Alone versions come with beautiful inlay wooden bases that allow for a larger dice capacity and to be used with any dice rolling game.

The wooden base is around 28cm in diameter and will have a Walnut/Sapeli base and Oak/Pine inlay finish. Material and finish depends on availability but the renditions above demonstrate the planned finished look we propose for our product. Dice are not included and model comes unpainted in resin colour as demonstrated above.

The inlay shown above on the Dice Tray, the Triquetra, is the Default inlay, but backers can opt for no inlay on their base at the pledge management stage, when we compose all orders.

Pledge Level:

Pro Stadium5

Pro Stadium6

Pro Stadium7

Pro Stadium8

Pro Stadium 18

Pro Stadium 19

Pro Stadium 20

Pro Stadium 21

Pro Stadium 22


We have an extensive assortment of paid Add-on planned to add variety, features and coverage to your BloodBall Stadium. Add-on sets will be released as the campaign’s funding level grows and we can afford to tool additional pieces. Once we reach our funding level, you’ll be able to see released Add-on sets here.

Note: Add-ons come unpainted so you can customize the look of your own stadium.

Pro Stadium 23 Pro Stadium 24 Pro Stadium 25

Pro Stadium 26 Pro Stadium 27

Bilder des bemalten Stadions…

Pro Stadium 28 Pro Stadium 29

… und er geplanten Erweiterungen:

Pro Stadium14


Stretch Goals:

Pro Stadium15


Stand der Finanzierung: 3.960 €von 15.000 € Finanzierungsziel, bei 25 Unterstützern.
Der Kickstarter endet am 1. Oktober 2017.
Link: Pro Stadium Kickstarter



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich spiele zwar kein Bb mehr, aber zu meinen aktiven Zeiten wäre mir das Stadion durchaus seinen Preis wert

  • Habe ich vor zwei tagen bei KS entdeckt. finde s absolut klasse. ich hoffe das es finanziert wird. ich bin auf jeden fall dabei!

    • Wären sogar €, nicht $.
      Aber im Vergleich zu dem Raging Hero KS sehe ich hier mehr ein optisch cooles Accessoir,was gerade mit den gut eingegliederten Dice-Towers mehr Spieltauglichkeit zulässt als eine riesig hohe eng zugestellte Kathedrale,die sich kaum innen bespielen lässt,wenn es um Sichtlinien uä geht.

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