von BK-Nils | 04.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy, Pulp

Hysterical Games: Spitfyre

Auf Facebook geben Hysterical Games einen ersten Ausblick auf das neue Spiel im Panzerfäuste-Universum, Spitfyre.

Hysterical Games Spitfyre Announcement

As you may have seen, our much teased ’secret project‘ is Spitfyre!

What is Spitfyre?

Spitfyre is an air wargame set in the world of Panzerfäuste. It features Dwarf piloted war-eagles and dive bomber vultures against the Orc piloted fighter wyverns. Typical games will see a player control one or two flights of air beasts, a flight normally consisting of three or four models.

What scale is it?

Unlike Panzerfäuste which is 28mm scale, we will be producing the Spitfyre miniatures in 10mm scale (1/200th). The wingspan of a fighter air beast is typically between 5 and 6cm across in this scale.

Why 10mm?

Two reasons, first off whilst 28mm scale models whilst looking visually impressive would cost a small fortune and you would need a very large playing area so that was not a practical solution.

Second, at some time in the future we would like to do an “epic” size Panzerfäuste game and felt that 10mm, given some races are smaller than a human (the 10mm measure) that it was a better around choice than 6mm (1/300th) – can you imagine a 6mm scale Gnome? Making the Spitfyre models the same scale as the future “epic” game was a logical decision so the models could be used in both.

Why are you running a Kickstarter for Spitfyre?

We didn’t plan to initially. The original idea was that we would release Spitfyre as our second annual “beer & pretzels” game in the Panzerfäuste universe, with a flight of three Orc Spitfyre dragons and a flight of four Dwarf War-Eagles and a small set of rules for them. However we got really excited about the idea and wanted to include some more of the ideas and designs that are in the Panzerfäuste background in this set, like the Dwarf Vulture dive bomber, so we thought a small Kickstarter would help see if our enthusiasm for the idea was shared by other gamers.

Additionally, for good or bad, Kickstarter is now the best way to launch a product, no matter how small. We didn’t use Kickstarter as a launch platform for Futbowel last year and despite it being a great game, popular with those who play it, it wasn’t as successful as we had hoped.

When does the Spitfyre Kickstarter start?

Spitfyre takes to the skies on Kickstarter on the evening of Monday 6th November for two weeks.

Spitfyre wird im 10mm Maßstab gehalten sein, es sollen Luftschlachten zwischen Zwergen auf Kriegs-Adlern und Orks auf Kampf-Lindwürmern dargestellt werden.

Der Kickstarter soll am 6. November 2017 starten und 14 Tage dauern.

Quelle: Hysterical Games auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Jup…es gibt noch keine finalen Regeln für die Skirmisher oder Massbattle Variante, aber der nächste KS ist im Orbit. Ich glaube selbst alle Figuren von dem Panzerfäuste KS sind noch nicht alle designt/gesculptet/gegossen/ver-schifft.
      Hinzu kommt,das er für manche im Auftrag gießt. Und da laufen ein paar Sachen auch nicht rund.

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