von BK-Marcus | 26.12.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Human Interface: Pledge Manager und Preview

Beim Pledge Manager zum neuesten Human Interface Kickstarter kam es zu Verzögerungen, doch diese sind nun behoben und der Manager geht bald live. Außerdem wurde ein neues 3D-Modell gezeigt.

PIG Postindustrial Games HINT Backer Kit News Combat Buzz 1

Hello everybody on another Friday.

We should start with unbelievable story. It was the first time we missed our weekly update. We owe you sincere apologies. As you may suspect it was not just a simple omission. We were postponing infinitely the pledge manager launch because we wanted to do the tool by ourselves. We wanted to give you something simple, user friendly and something what can be easily developed on our end. The truth is that the tool doesn’t meet our requirements. You can imagine how furious we got and we also understand your irritation. We still want to work on that tool and we are sure that finally it will be worth the wait and the hustle. But above all we don’t want to make you wait any longer.

We also don’t want you to go through trials and errors so we’ve prepared different solutions that some of you may know from our previous project. After Be a Better Human campaign everyone could manage their pledge in BackerKit. It is fully professional and versatile tool for managing Kickstarter projects. We had very positive experience with that tool – it’s quick and convenient. We hope you will enjoy using it. Next week we will be sending you invitations. Now only test backer – John Smith can manage his pledge : ).

The BackerKit will be active for 2 months maybe little longer. Maybe. As we want to produce more copies of the game and components we will start production before the closure of BackerKit.

This time we won’t show you any pictures but next time we will have plenty of them.

That’s it for today
The HINT team

Man hatte versucht, selbst einen Pledge Manager zu schreiben, um über alle Aspekte selbst die Kontrolle zu haben. Das Ergebnis war aber nicht, was man sich vorgestellt hatte. Statt die Backer noch länger warten zu lassen, hat man noch einmal auf die Lösung vom letzten Kickstarter zurückgegriffen: BackerKit.

PIG Postindustrial Games HINT Backer Kit News Combat Buzz 2 PIG Postindustrial Games HINT Backer Kit News Combat Buzz 3 PIG Postindustrial Games HINT Backer Kit News Combat Buzz 4 PIG Postindustrial Games HINT Backer Kit News Combat Buzz 5

Hello everybody in another update.

Today is a special, holiday one. We wish you all the best and amazing presents by the Christmas tree. Don’t overload your plates though, to still fit around the playing tables.

Ok, so let’s move to the information part.

First of all the pledge manager: finally finished and ready for you. The preparation took us much more time than we’d anticipated. We negotiated a bit with BackerKit, some unexpected manual labor with clearing some wrongly upload bakers’ data happened and there was also some of our fault. But the wait is finally over! The personalized invitations will be sent on Tuesday out after Christmas so please check your Kickstarter and PayPal account email inboxes because we will use these addresses.

The BackerKit system is very easy and user friendly, your data is already uploaded, the only thing you will need to do is to reply to an email from Postindustrial Games <support@s.backerkit.com> choose your country and click Get Started!

The only remark is on the products with given price range it means the possibility to choose products from available options.

The rest is very intuitive and well organized.

It’s Christmas, so it’s natural to expect some surprises. We are presenting the long awaited model – Combat Buzz. We think it’s simply amazing and it will be irreplaceable in delivering your squad to the battle field.

PS. We know you got used to our Friday’s updates and few last times we weren’t quite on time. We are really sorry for that. But we are back on good track. We wanted to say that we’ve connected a new locomotive but when the Hyperloop is becoming reality, it would sound a little too old school-ish.

Once again have a very Merry everything and let’s’ see each other on next Tuesday and then on Friday.

That’s it for today
The HINT team

Auch bei BackerKit gab es einige kleine Steinchen im Weg, diese wurden aber inzwischen beseitigt und morgen, Dienstag, sollen die Backer über ihre bei Kickstarter/PayPal registrierten Email-Adressen eingeladen werden.

Link: Human Interface – Nakamura Tower auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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