von BK-Christian | 17.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Hordes: Neuheiten im Sommer

Privateer Press zeigen weitere Neuheiten für Hordes.

 PiP Hordes The-Heretic

The last of the Defiers to spurn Menoth, the Heretic is a self-styled god who rebelled against his creator. Believing all are able to become divine, he fashioned himself into a paragon of his own distorted virtues. Now the Heretic wishes to dethrone the God of Man and free all of his creation from his laws.

PiP Hordes TheWanderer-Render

Traveling the unknown parts of Caen, the Wanderer once wished only to go where he pleased—until his confinement within the depths of Urcaen drove him mad. Now freed from that hell, he roams the world seeking those marked by sin to deliver upon them his own twisted and tortuous justice.

PiP Hordes ZevannaAghaTheFateKeeper-Render

Having released the godlike Defiers from Urcaen to suit her own ends, Zevanna Agha has many plans in motion. Only time will reveal her true goals, but for now she is content to join in the chaos the grymkin bring. Her hope is that those fated for greatness will be strengthened by the crucible of the Wicked Harvest and that the Defiers will aid in forestalling an otherwise imminent doom.

PiP Hordes Frightmare-Render

Born of the deepest fears of The Child, the frightmare is a mélange of horrors embodying all that is wrong in the world. Staggering onto the battlefield, it disgorges foul bile to punish the enemies of the grymkin, so that even a victory against them is tainted with foulness.

PiP Hordes MadCaps-Render

Mad caps are particularly volatile imps that congregate around a portable still. These hedonistic grymkin gleefully hurl volatile bottles of flammable moonshine at anyone foolish enough to wander near their raucous merriment. Unfortunates who quaff the liquor from their still are quickly transformed into speedy and unstable cask imps.

PiP Hordes Piggybacks

Living testaments to the dangers of overindulgence, piggybacks serve as a cautionary tale to all who would surrender to the pleasures of the flesh. The hogs chuff gleefully over the tormented moaning of their withered mounts—tortured souls who must forevermore bear their crushing burdens in battle for the Wicked Harvest of the grymkin.

PiP Hordes Witchwood

Bound together as a witchwood, the woman and the ancient timber seduce victims with lilting song and fruits freely given, turning stouthearted allies against one another in jealousy. Any who take axe or torch to a witchwood soon find how easily their flesh tears in the tree’s gnarled grasp.

PiP Hordes Lord-Longfellow

To all the wastrel nobles in the Iron Kingdoms, Lord Longfellow is a terrifying specter. With stunning accuracy, this arachnoid gentleman guns down those audacious enough to hold themselves in higher regard than their fellows, serving as a not-so-gentle reminder of one’s place in the world.

PiP Warmachine Black-Crowns-Cover-Front_Flat

Author Richard Lee Byers (Black Dogs) brings back the Black River Irregulars for the second novel in their exciting series!

The Black River Irregulars has made a name for itself as a mercenary company that gets things done regardless of the risk. They know the streets of Corvis, the City of Ghosts, better than anyone. But they aren’t in Corvis anymore.
When the Black River Irregulars take on a job in the war-torn nation of Llael, they quickly get in over their heads. What begins as a simple search for an antique book becomes a fight for their lives when the Nightmare Empire of Cryx sends its own agents to seize the book. Amid this chase the BRI is also forced to deal with a specter from their past, to evade the Northern Crusade, and to uncover the dark latent power within a trio of ancient Umbrean crowns. How they handle what should have been a simple job threatens their very souls.

Außerdem gibt es Neuigkeiten zum No Quarter Magazin:

We’re reinventing No Quarter in September as No Quarter Prime! With issue #1 arriving in September, No Quarter Prime will be the most comprehensive and indispensable home for exclusive WARMACHINE and HORDES content. This ad-free, 112-page, bimonthly publication will be jam-packed with game content you can put right on the table and rich lore that expands your knowledge of the Iron Kingdoms.

In each issue you will find:

• Robust theme force features, with theme force rules, the background and organization of these fighting forces, the introduction of new units and heroes, their weapons and equipment, alternate color schemes for thematic units, new scenarios, and hobby features.
• The Fire & the Forge, a feature dedicated to chronicling the epic WARMACHINE and HORDES sagas from the beginning, using both narrative and essay form to deliver a comprehensive overview of the world-changing events that shaped the Iron Kingdoms and beyond.
• After Action Report, in which the WARMACHINE and HORDES development team will share their thoughts and insights on updates and changes made to models in Community Integrated Development. After Action Report will also be the first place to see the final version of model stats after they have been tested in CID.
• Hostile Territory, a feature on the iconic geography and landmarks of Immoren. You’ll find in-depth information on each location, as well as a multiplayer scenario based on that location, a guide for making battlefield elements iconic of that location, and in-game rules for those elements.
• A new playable experience, ranging from all-new self-contained games you can play with your WARMACHINE and HORDES models to campaigns, expansion rules, and Iron Kingdoms RPG adventures.
• And so much more, including pages of all-new art, beautiful model and diorama photography, hobby and painting content, and more!

No Quarter Prime #1 will ship poly-bagged with a free, exclusive figure for use in WARMACHINE & HORDES.

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Der deutsche Vertrieb für Warmachine & Hordes liegt bei Ulisses Spiele.

Community-Link: page5

Quelle: Privateer Press


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Beim ersten Modell dachte ich glatt BK hat einen Fehler gemacht und ein Chaosmodell von Warhammer/AoS gepostet…

    Der Rest der Modelle ist herrlich von Malifaux „inspiriert“ ohne wirklich den Charme und die Qualität von Wyrd einzufangen…

    • Yepp me too

      Wobei der/die Frightmare schon etwas abgefahren ist. Rotkäppchen und der böse Baum gefällt mir sogar richtig gut.

  • Das ist einfach nur traurig…
    Wie furchtbar das alles aussieht IMO :'(

    Was aus einem einst so großartigem system (nicht nur spiel) geworden ist…

  • PP versucht sich gerade wieder neu zu erfinden. Mk3 kommt bisher mittelmäßig bei der Kundschaft an.
    Hoffen wir mal, dass die neue Fraktion interessante Mechaniken mitbringt. Über das aussehen kann man sich ja bekanntlich streiten.
    Von den Schweinen bin ich auch nicht wirklich beeindruckt aber der Rest gefällt mir.

  • Sagt mal haben die Leute von Mantic eingestellt…….

    Man man die Quali geht enorm den Bach runter. Da ist irgendwie nichts scharfkantig mit Konturen oder so.

    dann der Versuch irgendwie Kingdom Death nachzueifern. Und wer zum Teufel will Schweinchen als Soldaten haben.

    Einzige Modell was mir gefallen hat, war die Frau mit dem Baum. Aber das passt so wieder NULL irgendwie zu Warma/Hordes….

    Egal. Spiele es sowieso nicht…..

  • dachte eigentlich Karchev wird der erste Kolossalcaster … oder zählt das Gefährt von der old witch als kriegsmaschine.?
    gefallen mir durch die Bank gut … Und wie schon erwähnt, passen optisch genauso wenig zu wm/h wie die RoS und die CoC …. und die modernen Cygnar sachen. 😛

  • Mir gefallen die Grymnkin vom Stil her. Ich bin nach wie vor der Meinung, das die nicht in das Hordes Setting passen, aber meine Meinung ist hier unerheblich. Den Frightmare werde ich mir auf jeden Fall für meine Malifaux Truppe holen und als Insidius Madness aufstellen.

    • Ich finde das Zeug durch die Band weg ziemlich geil..aber man hat so das Gefühl, dass es einfach zu viel Arbeit war n neues Spielsystem aufzumachen, aber die Konzeptzeichnungen, halt irgendwo hin mussten 😀

  • Bei Privateer ist offenbar jemand Fan der Filme von Studio Ghibli. Nach Prinzessin Mononoke gibt es nun das Wandelnde Schloss. 😀

  • Warum lässt eigentlich jeder den part aus der Pressemitteilung aus, das KEINE weiteren Warmachine/Hordes Bücher mehr kommen werden. Stattdessen nur noch no Quarter und irrsinnige ankündigungen von neue Fraktion jedes Jahr …

    „Once the Skorne Command book releases in September, Privateer Press will no longer publish supplemental books for WARMACHINE & HORDES […] Instead, all content committed to print for WARMACHINE & HORDES will be found within the pages of No Quarter Prime.“

    Quelle: http://privateerpress.com/press-releases/privateer-press-to-reinvent-no-quarter-as-no-quarter-prime

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