von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Hordes: Grymkin und Cryx Neuheiten

Privateer Press zeigte weitere Neuheiten für Hordes – diesmal für die Grymkin.

PP Grymkin Oktober 1

Hordes/Warmachine – Grymkin/Khador – Zevanna Agha, Fate Keeper – Battle Engine Warlock – 124,99 USD

Strands of fate I twist and weave, and many will be left to grieve.

Having released the godlike Defiers from Urcaen to suit her own ends, Zevanna Agha has many plans in motion. Only time will reveal her true goals, but for now she is content to join in the chaos the grymkin bring. Her hope is that those fated for greatness will be strengthened by the crucible of the Wicked Harvest and that the Defiers will aid in forestalling an otherwise imminent doom.

Product Information:

Base Size: 120mm
PIP Code: 76006
Price: $124.99*
Model Materials: Metal, Resin
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Box
Release Date: September 27, 2017
Release Date Status: Actual
*Product information and prices subject to change
Erfreulicherweise wird die Alte Hexe in ihrer zweiten Inkarnation auch für Khador spielbar sein.
PP Grymkin Sep 2

Hordes – Grymkin – Witchwood – Solo – 24,99 USD

Beware the comely maiden ’neath the old and knotty tree—a foul, deceitful witchwood the maid will likely be.

Bound together as a witchwood, the woman and the ancient timber seduce victims with lilting song and fruits freely given, turning stouthearted allies against one another in jealousy. Any who take axe or torch to a witchwood soon find how easily their flesh tears in the tree’s gnarled grasp.

Product Information:

Base Size: 50mm
PIP Code: 76024
Price: $24.99*
Model Materials: Plastic
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Box
Release Date: September 27, 2017
Release Date Status: Actual
*Product information and prices subject to change

Auch die Armeen von Cryx können sich über Nachschub freuen, hier gibt es einen neuen Hartplastik-Warjack-Bausatz:

PiP Warmachine Cryx Slayer PiP Warmachine Cryx Corruptor PiP Warmachine Cryx Erebus PiP Warmachine Cryx Malice PiP Warmachine Cryx Reaper

Warmachine – Cryx – Helljacks – 37,99 USD

The Corruptor is the culmination of Cryx’s pioneering work in caustic compounds and necrotic poisons, a helljack armed with venomous weapons designed to consume both body and soul.

The helljack known as Erebus serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, murdering all in its path as it eagerly gathers souls for its master. The lives Erebus has claimed leave it steeped in the detritus of a thousand deaths. This spectral effluvium envelops the machine, repelling any who try to strike its blackened carapace.

Shrouded in the ghostly remnants of its past victims, the helljack Malice rips the souls from those it slays to push itself to new heights of destruction. Few enemies can escape the reach of Malice’s heavy harpoon, which it uses to snare foes and drag them into range of its shredding claw. However, it is the helljack’s ability to take control of enemy warjacks, turning them against their own warcasters, that makes Malice a truly unique Cryxian horror.

The Reaper can fire its harpoon to sink deep into flesh or steel before reeling in its victim with frightening speed to within range of its vicious helldriver spike.

The fiendish inventiveness of Cryxian necrotechs has resulted in many machines perfected to employ the killing arts. The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path.

Product Information:

Base Size: 50mm
PIP Code: 32124
Price: $37.99*
Model Materials: Plastic
Model Count: 1
Packaging: Box
Release Date: October 25, 2017
Release Date Status: Actual

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In  und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Community-Link: page5

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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