von BK-Marcus | 24.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Pulp

Hasslefree: Halloween-Sale, Neuheiten und mehr! [NSFW]

Bei Hasselfree gibt es einen großen Halloween-Sale, jede Menge Neuheiten im Shop, sowie bald einen Testlauf des Pledge-Managers für den Kickstarter! Auch an unsere Verlosung möchten wir an dieser Stelle noch einmal erinnern!

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Our biggest sale of the year!

Use the code ‚HALLOWEEN2017‚ to get a whopping 20% discount of most things* and a discount of everything else.

Input the code on the final ‚confirmation‘ page, at the top. If you hit the payment page you went too far.

(Stop writing it in the comments box! Anyone who writes it in the comments box is getting the worst flavour sweets!).

We’ve also updated our system so the code can now be used multiple times by the same customer, meant to do that for a ‚long‘ time! 🙂

*The below new releases, red box, some other stuff, are all just reduced rather than the full 20% off, you’ll see :))

The sale runs until November.

Please remember, no mail will be posted until the sale is over, the discount is in return for the wait 🙂

Oh, and for the big spenders, as always during promotions we have…

Halloween Goody Bags

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Anyone spending £70 or more* will qualify for a Halloween Goody Bag. Goody bag will contain a variety of ‚things‘, a free mini or 2 (themed appropriately), some ‚bitz‘ such as sand or cogs and, of course, extra Halloween candy (i.e. it’s sour!).

*Actual total paid, including discount, postage, VAT etc.

Larger spends qualify for larger goody bags, no limit on goody bag size 😀 We will also theme the goody bag to the order, so if you ordered Fantasy the free mini/s wil be fantasy and so on.


Nebst dem Halloween-Sale und den Neuheiten, die ihr weiter unten findet, wird im aktuellen Newsletter Kev’s gegenwärtiger Gesundheitszustand erläutert, der zum Glück nicht lebensbedrohlich ist, aber leider in letzter Zeit zu wenigen Neuerscheinungen, sowie Verzögerungen bei der Kickstarter-Abwicklung führte. Nun soll jedoch bald der erste Testlauf des Pledge-Managers starten und dann wird es auch damit voran gehen. Ist der Pledge Manager erst live, wird es übrigens auch die Möglichkeit geben, noch mitzumachen selbst wenn man den eigentlichen Kickstarter verpasst hat!

Achtung: Wer am Kickstarter teilgenommen hat und gerne Kickstarter-Pledge gemeinsam mit Produkten aus dem aktuellen Sale versandt haben möchte, kann dies tun. Details findet ihr im Newsletter!

Auch im Newsletter erwähnt wurde, dass der Bestand einiger bisher ausverkaufter Modelle wieder aufgefüllt wurde. Wenn also etwas, das ihr wolltet, beim letzten Blick in den Store nicht verfügbar war, lohnt sich ein erneuter Blick. Es soll hoffentlich noch einen weitere Lager-Auffüllung geben, bevor der Halloween-Sale vorbei ist.

KW Kev White Reapercon Around The World 1 KW Kev White Reapercon Around The World 2

An dieser Stelle wollen wir euch nochmal unsere Verlosung ins Gedächtnis rufen, die wir im Zuge von Hasslefree’s Event-Aktion verkündet haben. Die Details findet ihr hier. Auf der Facebook-Seite von Hasslefree haben sich übrigens inzwischen weitere lustige Bilder mit Kev-Masken angesammelt. 😉

Doch nun zu den Miniaturen. Bitte beachtet, dass der 20%-Rabatt der Halloween-Aktion nicht auf die Neuerscheinungen anwendbar ist. Üblicherweise bringen Hasslefree während einer Rabatt-Aktion keine neuen Modelle heraus, wollten aber diesmal (u.A. wegen der langen Release-Pause) beides zeitgleich tun. Vorteil für euch ist dabei, dass ihr rabattierte Bestandsprodukte mit den aktuellsten Neuerscheinungen auf einer Bestellung kombinieren könnt!

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HFMASTER A193 Resin Master – Red Raine – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

‚Red‘ Raine, slayer of virgins, the sober and anyone who does actually come right back. Armed with a woodmans axe and very sharp, very large, machete.

Come with a choice of heads, masked and unmasked. A tall, built woman, ~32mm.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Red Raine, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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FMASTER A194 Resin Master – Stefania – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Stefania is another ‚one and done‘ in the vein of Francis and Mikey.

Her final form will be armed with something, we just haven’t decided what. She may also get some broken fishnets or something if Kev is feeling extravagant.

So get her while ya can!

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Stefania, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER H160 Resin Master – Bjornolf – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Bjornolf Beornson, a raider in Ulfred’s clan. Big, strong, fearless and usually carrying a very large axe.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Bjornolf, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER H161 Resin Master – Sigrid – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Sigrid Hjálmun, a shieldmaiden known for somehow avoiding helmet hair no matter how long the battle.

Armed with a round shield, sword and runehelmet.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Sigrid, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER H162 Resin Master – Halvdan – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Halvdan Rasmussen, one of the few outsiders in Ulfred’s clan. His heritage may be mixed but his loyalty is true.

A man of many weapons, seen here with a large maul that seems awfully light in his hands but also regularly seen with smaller faster weapons.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Halvdan, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER L617 Resin Master – Bjornolf Dolly – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Another of Kev’s finished dollies, all ready for you to practise skintones on or to sculpt your own clothing onto?

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Bjornolf Dolly, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER L618 Resin Master – Sigrid Dolly – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Another of Kev’s finished female dollies, all ready for you to practise skintones on or to sculpt your own clothing onto?

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Sigrid Dolly, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER L619 Resin Master – Halvdan Dolly – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Another of Kev’s finished dollies, all ready for you to practise skintones on or to sculpt your own clothing onto?

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Halvdan Dolly, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER L620 Resin Master – Hurin Dolly – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Yet another of Kev’s finished dollies, all ready for you to practise skintones on or to sculpt your own clothing onto?

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Hurin Dolly, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER L616 Resin Master – Dwarf Male Dolly II – 12,50 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

A finished Dwarven male dolly. Make your own hero!

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Dwarf Male Dolly II, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER H159 Resin Master – Octavia Amser – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Octavia is a Chronomancer, a skilled magic user in general she specialises in the magicks of time. Able to slow her surroundings to a crawl oe blink between moments she is far more than she looks.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Octavia Amser, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER H158 Resin Master – Octavia Skyclad – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

A skyclad version of Octavia, either to portray her nude or for you to sculpt your own choice of clothing and accessories.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Octavia Skyclad, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER D037 Resin Master – Dynamic Hayden Skyclad – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Hayden is one of the few female slayers of the Northern mountains. Sword to search out and destroy creatures that threaten her homelands, made a little easier by her rather large runeaxe.

Seen here in ’skyclad‘ form, either ready to be painted in a thousand tattos or for you to sculpt your own clothing/armour on to.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Dynamic Hayden Skyclad, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER D036 Resin Master – Dynamic Armoured Kayden – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Kayden, slayer-sister of Hayden. Caught in the middle of an overhead chop with her two-handed runesword and wearing a scalemail shirt.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Dynamic Armoured Kayden, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER D033 Resin Master – Barbaric Kayden – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Barbaric Kayden, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFMASTER SF135 Resin Master – Cmdr. Slaughter – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Commander Slaughter of the Galactic Navy’s ATF (Alien Task Force) is one of a dying breed. A veteran of the Druusch Wars he is still far more at home exploring dangerous hulks and alien planets than doing anything even resembling paperwork.

They keep promoting him in the hopes that one day he’ll choose to pass on his vast array of alien knowledge and fighting techniques to the next generation. If he ever comes back to the Sol system. There are those who say he probably doesn’t even realise he’s still enlisted never mind his own rank.

Armed here with a variant of the SHARD rifle and a customised handheld chainsaw.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of Cmdr. Slaughter, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.


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HFSF134 Steve – 6,25 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

‚Steve‘ is another escapee from the hybrid experimentation factory that spawned H4, Smudgester and Chipster. Attempting Hybrids to operate on hostile swamp planets they used an extinct Earth mammals DNA.

Since their escape, Steve has banded with Chipster and is outfitted in similar custom-designed amour, with an IR-Win cyber-eye, and is armed with a railgun of unknown origin.

(~32mm minimum, this is a human/animal hybrid, not a modified Platypus 🙂 )

Please Note – This is a metal listing, resin photo is only temporary.


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HFH126 Mother Morrigan – 6,25 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Mother Morrigan is a Chapter Leader of the Ordinem Sanctae Malleo. Unflinching and unforgiving, she wields her two-handed maul with deadly precision and the strength of the Faithful. Seen here in full battle armour and the shorn head indicative of the elders of the Order.

Comes with a choice of two handed maul and twin single hammers.


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HFH127 Sister Morrigan – 6,25 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Morrigan is a Battle Sister of the Ordinem Sanctae Malleo. Unflinching and unforgiving, she wields her twin hammers with deadly precision and the strength of the Faithful. Seen here in full battle armour and plaited hair, early in her career.

She also comes with the two handed maul option, both weapon options  included.


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HFH164 Lord Karghoul – 6,25 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Lord Karghoul, favoured of the Dark Gods and longtime rival of Ulthrak. Encased in thick darksteel armour and ensorcelled helm, Karghoul has long since been nothing but an extension of the Dark God’s will.


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HFH148 Lucy – 5,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Another member of our Fantasy Harem of beautifully sculpted women in a severe state of undress.


Die folgenden Modelle sind zwar nicht aus dem aktuellen Newsletter aber, soweit wir das sehen können, auch relativ neu und von uns bisher noch nicht gezeigt worden:

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HF4010 40mm Lilith Skyclad (resin) – 15,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

An artist friend of HF has graciously allowed us to recreate her work as a 40mm sculpture. The finished one will be along shortly but for now we have the skyclad‘ version.

42mm to top of horns.

(Technically, all of these are Resin Masters)


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GMF21 Fairies Wear Boots (resin) – 16,67 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

Sculpted by our very own Kev, this is the first in a line of FWB miniatures.

In a scale of 1:1 😉  (Approximately 40mm scale, 55mm from bottom of base to top of head)

Cast in high quality grey resin by our friends at Grey Matter Figures and comes in 7 parts incuding base and 4 clear resin wings)


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HF4009B-A1 40mm Kalee – Armoured Set (resin) – 18,34 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

This gorgeous female is a 40mm version of Kalee, our popular fantasy warrioress of Chaos.  There are already two versions of her in metal in the Fantasy Humans plus also as a Fantasy Football character.

Kev has a mastery (and love!) of the female form and this shows in the care taken with this lady.  His attention to detail and skills as a sculptor enable her to be assembled as a sculpture for display with minimum preparation and no painting at all, an excellent option if you feel daunted by the thought of applying paint to her but want to possess her for your collection.   However if painting is what you love then she will proudly grace your painting table and display cabinet, showing your skills to their full advantage.

Supplied as a single body with 7 additional components.  Two head options, bare-headed and helmeted. The two right hand weapon options are a living axe and a sword while the two left hand options are a severed head plus a multi-function fighting shield.  Lastly there is a sheathed short-sword which fixes to her belt on her left hip.

The full set is also available with an unarmoured body, seen below, a multi-pack with both bodies and all the options and you can also pick your own options by assembling her individually (Or even buying the options alone for other 40mm females!)

Don’t say we don’t offer you choices 😉


HF Hasslefree Oktober 2017 Neuheiten 7

HF4009B-A2 40mm Kalee – Barbaric Set (resin) – 18,34 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

This gorgeous female is a 40mm version of Kalee, our popular fantasy warrioress of Chaos.  There are already two versions of her in metal in the Fantasy Humans plus also as a Fantasy Football character.

Kev has a mastery (and love!) of the female form and this shows in the care taken with this lady.  His attention to detail and skills as a sculptor enable her to be assembled as a sculpture for display with minimum preparation and no painting at all, an excellent option if you feel daunted by the thought of applying paint to her but want to possess her for your collection.   However if painting is what you love then she will proudly grace your painting table and display cabinet, showing your skills to their full advantage.

Supplied as a single body with 7 additional components.  Two head options, bare-headed and helmeted. The two right hand weapon options are a living axe and a sword while the two left hand options are a severed head plus a multi-function fighting shield.  Lastly there is a sheathed short-sword which fixes to her belt on her left hip.

The full set is also available with an armoured body, seen below, a multi-pack with both bodies and all the options and you can also pick your own options by assembling her individually (Or even buying the options alone for other 40mm females!)

Don’t say we don’t offer you choices 😉


HF Hasslefree Oktober 2017 Neuheiten 8

HF4009B-A3 40mm Kalee – Twinpack (resin) (2) – 30,00 GBP (zzgl. MwSt)

This gorgeous female is a 40mm version of Kalee, our popular fantasy warrioress of Chaos.  There are already two versions of her in metal in the Fantasy Humans plus also as a Fantasy Football character.

Kev has a mastery (and love!) of the female form and this shows in the care taken with this lady.  His attention to detail and skills as a sculptor enable her to be assembled as a sculpture for display with minimum preparation and no painting at all, an excellent option if you feel daunted by the thought of applying paint to her but want to possess her for your collection.   However if painting is what you love then she will proudly grace your painting table and display cabinet, showing your skills to their full advantage.

This is a full set of all available components. One each of the two bodies, armoured and unarmoured, one each of the two heads, armoured and unarmoured, one each of the right hand weapon options, dread axe and sword and one each of the two left hand weapon options of severed head and dread shield.  (Both bodies are also supplied with a sheathed shortsword) Making a grand total of 10 components allowing you to make 2 full Kalees at a significant saving over buying the individual parts.


Link: Hasslefree

Link: Hasslefree auf Facebook


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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    • Pfund-Kurs von 1,1236 (ohne Gewähr), 20% Rabatt, Goodie-Bag und Neuheiten. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt, ne? 😀

  • Viel schönes Zeug dabei und mit Hasslefree hab ich auch schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht…da stöber ich die Tage mal…

  • Schicke Figuren, besonders die nackten Modelle, der Halloween Sale ist auch eine sehr feine Sache, werde da direkt mal bestellen.

    (aber das „not safe for work“ finde ich zutiefst lächerlich, zum einen sollte auf der Arbeit nicht privat gesurft werden, und wenn es erlaubt ist, sollte es dem Vorgesetzen doch eigentlich scheissegal sein, was angesurft wird)

    • Die Diskussion hatten wir nun wirklich oft genug.

      Es gibt Arbeitgeber, die privates Surfen erlauben, aber nackte Geschlechtsteile nicht auf Büro-Bildschirmen sehen wollen.
      Es gibt BK-Leser, die sich über die Warnung freuen.
      Niemandem wird durch die Warnung ein Schaden angetan.

      Ich bitte höflich darum, meine Arbeit, besonders wenn sie von nichts anderem motiviert ist, als unseren Lesern Ärger mit ihren Vorgesetzten zu ersparen, nicht als „zutiefts lächerlich“ zu bezeichnen. Vielen Dank.

  • Die Hasslefree Minis sind einfach klasse. Auch hier sind wieder tolle Modelle dabei wobei ich an den herumgepimmelten-Titten Miniaturen kein gefallen finde.
    Problem ist leider die Kompatibilität zu anderen Herstellern da die Minis etwas filigraner sind. Bleibt man aber sortenrein ist man damit sehr gut aufgehoben.

    • Die Modelle sind mit einer Vielzahl von Herstellern kompatibel, bloß nicht mit dem sogenannten „Heroic Scale“. Die üblichen Pulp- und viele andere Fantasy- und Sci-Fi-Marken, die mir bisher untergekommen sind, passen jedenfalls sehr gut zu den Hasslefree-Sachen.

  • Das Schnabeltier ist einfach toll!
    Ich muss mal schauen wo ich das herbekommen kann… will nicht bestellen… -.-

  • Tolle Minis und ich warte sehnsüchtig auf die Auslieferung des KS. Frostgrave wartet. 🙂

    [So wie ich es verstanden habe ist Kev (der Kreative) gesund, Arty (Vertrieb und social media) hat immer wieder kleinere OPs.]

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