Hasslefree: Neue Greens [NSFW]
Der Hasslefriesian war wieder fleißig und wir zeigen euch, was er im letzten Monat so geknetet und auf Facebook geteilt hat!
Dressed Matthias, nearly finished…..
I need to make a palette for him and figure out if it will be attached to the mini or a separate piece, and tidy up a few details.
This version wont have a rapier. That will happen on a subsequent version.
Niska, the Archer, updated WIP…..
Not far off finished. I’m trying to make sure the arms on this one and the naked version are interchangeable.
Edit: With this lady and Boudi (one click or swipe to your right) I hope you can see why I do so much work on my nudes. It is a relatively simple thing to dress a body dolly to make a whole new miniature. Just shave off nipples (and the penis/scrotum combo for males) and hair that might get in the way and fill in mould lines and/or bubbles. Then it’s just a case of making sure the putty is nice and malleable (newly mixed) so you can keep the layers nice and thin.
Shamanic Boudi, WIP…..
There are LOTS of fiddly details that I have to try and not have to sculpt on her and instead get away with the bare minimum and hope the backers don’t notice.
*waves hand* You can forget you read that.
Niska, the Archer. Finished.
Matthias the artist.
Sorry he’s late – There have been weird things happening behind the scenes at Chéz Hasslefriesian.
Shamanic Boudi, finished……
Alternate photo just to see if it makes a difference.
Shamanic Boudi, finished……
Jesus, my photography still sucks arse. I think I need a new phone.
Glory, WIP……
Skyclad Ksenia, WIP……
She’s not on the list of minis available in the Kickstarter, but I have to make this version before I make the clothed „Winter“ one, so here she is
Dann gab es einen Post ohne Bild, den wir euch aber nicht vorenthalten wollen, hihihi:
I got so engrossed in making a dead werewolf skeleton to use as a base that I completely forgot to do anything else today.
What makes it worse is that it doesn’t photograph at all well from ANY angle, so I can’t even show you. I guess that will have to wait until I’m working on the person who will be standing on the base, wearing his fur as a cloak – a certain young woman called Peta
Werewolf skeleton, WIP.
No fingers and no toes as those will be sculpted on when I do the flesh over the top.
Nice minis. Crap pics. Tired Kev. No fucks given.
Reworked Bards with new heads and hair (less mannish this time
😉 )
I don’t know what happened to the Winter version. She looks very similar to the other two in real life, but the pic looks squashed. Bloody photo gremlins
Finish „Glory“
My job now is to try and convince Dameon that she needs a scenic base
Tiny walking naked grey bloke, WIP……
I’m hoping to get a bit of swagger in to this pose.
Walking naked bloke, WIP…..
This is what happens when I get a temporary mental block.
Now say, „thank you“.
Say it like you mean it.
This little lady was my mental block (see naked walking bloke in another album).
I really wasn’t „feeling“ how the sculpt was progressing and was losing focus. This morning it struck me: She wasn’t chunky enough!
You might not be able to tell from the angle, but she’s gone from a girlish size ten to a womanly 12 to 14.
She might get larger boobs tomorrow.
Naked bloke going for a stroll.
Skyclad un-undead Ksenia, updated WIP……
Sword and crown to finish.
Caoimhe, Pin-up and Winter, WIPs…..Step one, take castings of the first one and the initial body blank.
Step two, chop them up and swap the legs.
Step three, add loads of greenstuff to act as underpinning for the Beesputty that will be sculpted on top.
Step four, wait until tomorrow and hope it doesn’t end up looking shit
Skyclad Ksenia, finished.
She’s not much different from yesterday’s WIP update, so I didn’t bother to get multiple angles. If you really want to see her arse you can just click or swipe right
Edit: Yet again, Facebook compliments me by telling me it thinks the face is an actual person
Pin-up Caoimhe, probably finished…..
She was unsettlingly simple to make. I keep wanting to faff about with her and sculpt bits, but I have the suspicion that this might be one of those times when less really IS actually more.
Banshee Caoimhe, WIP…..
Der Meister gibt übrigens auch Knetkurse! Mehr Informationen hierzu:
I have a lot of people asking for more information about classes. So many, in fact, that it’s worth putting up this general notice about them.
Classes are two day affairs and cost £150. One day classes are an option at £80, but there’s a lot to cover and two days work best for me. I would rather teach one person for two days than two people for a day each; I find people learn more that way and get better value. I aim to fill eight hours of teaching and practical time each day. Minimum class size is six people, maximum is twelve – typically PLUS the organiser.
Yes, that means someone other than me has to organise it. This means they source the venue, tables, chairs and lighting and lets those people interested in the class know where and when it is. They can take the payments and then forward the money to me, or direct them to my paypal account. Provided there are at least six other fully paid students, the organiser gets taught for free.
I spend three or four days making tools, armatures and prepping the corks, then I turn up with all the materials and I teach.
I cater for all levels of ability. All you need to do is turn up with an interest in learning about making miniatures. I supply all the corks, tools, wire, armatures, putty and printed reference sheets you need. Aside from the pliers, soldering equipment and myself, everything I bring for you to use in the class is yours to take home.
The first day typically covers my method of miniature making, from armature construction, through posing and bulking the armature, to skinning, clothing and basic detail work.
Day two usually moves on to specific questions students have about sculpting things like faces, hands, weapons, armour, mail and drapery – as well as building on the foundation of day one with a recap of what was learned and dealing with any problems that students have (sculpting-wise….. I’m not a therapist
😉 ).
If the class is over an hour away from where I live, I will also need a Kev shaped space in a completely* cat free building to curl up and sleep.
* I cannot stress this enough. I am extremely allergic to feline fur, and rapidly have trouble breathing (it gives me asthma) and seeing (my eyes swell up) if I’m in a space where cats live – a cat free room in a house inhabited by a cats will still leave me incapacitated for a day.
Super interessant diese Schritte. Sehr geiler Designer/Modellierer!
Geiler als die Minis find ich nur seine Kommentare ^^
Geht mir genauso, deshalb pack‘ ich die auch immer mit dazu, anstatt nur ne kleine Bildergalerie zu machen. 🙂
Ich finde die meisten Mädels echt super. Aber ab und zu könnte er mal wieder ne Kerl kneten. 😀 …in action geladener Pose
Hab schon häufiger bei ihm was bestellt und die Qualität war immer TOP!!!
Mir ist eben bei den Minis extrem aufgefallen das er denen auch tatsächlich alle Geschlechtsmerkmale modelliert.
Hab bis jetzt immer nur die angezogener Varianten gekauft und ja, die Sprüche sind echt gut.
Bin gerade am überlegen…
Ein nackter Space Marine von Kevin würde dann wohl aussehen als ob er 2 1/2 Beine hat.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Space Marines das entsprechende „Equipment“ nicht besitzen. Die sind eben für den Kampf und NUR für den Kampf.
Bei den Emperor’s Children wär ich mir nicht so sicher 😉
Doch haben schon nur verwenden tun sie es nicht