von BK-Herr Kemper | 30.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Guild Ball: Farmer Previews

Steamforged Games legt nach und zeigt weitere Previews der Farmer.

Guildball 29500 Large

Don’t Fear the Reaper- Designing the Farmers

Thesecond set of Farmer models were a continuation of the themes we established for the initial lineup. They also allowed me to extend some of the design ideas we had discovered along the way! Here is each in turn- enjoy!

Guildball Farmer Thresher



I knew I had to get Thresher spot on- he IS Bryce’s dad after all! The keto t getting him right was the broad open smile on his face. I really enjoyed working on that area first and finding the personality of the model before developing the rest of him. In terms of his kit and pose, I kept him simple and close to the initial farmer models, as he stands as their patriarch and should therefore express the traditional look we had established for the team. Thresher is one of my favourite models ever, for how well he reflects the character of the artwork. I just hope Bryce likes him!


Guildball Farmer Millstone


Millstone is a little bit of a departure for the guild- she is the only player who wears any kind of padding that could be seen as specific to her role on the pitch., However, I wanted to keep the other elements of her design as close to the rest of the players as I could, so kept her rear leg stitching and the boots and pouch design already in place. Physically, she is a new kind of body type, that of a well muscled and stocky, but still feminine woman. I really like that fact that we are seeing an increasingly diverse set of character types within the game, from the wrinkly old Hag to the youthful Bushel and various stops in between. This makes the game feel more inclusive and also makes things fun and interesting for me as a sculptor.


Guildball Farmer Buckhweat


How much fun was this?!? I’d not been called on to do a horse or donkey before, and then to get one with half a hardware store on his back- superb! Buckwheat allowed me to reflect a lot of the designs from the rest of the team in one place, tying together the various pouches, tools, bottles and weapons and therefore unifying the team through the kit he carries. We went back and forth on quite a few elements for the donkey as his design is so involved- even how hairy he is was a consideration! I feel the end result is great for expressing a working farm animal with a GB twist and can’t wait to see him on the pitch.


Guildball Farmer Tater


Tater was the only model I’d sculpted before Gen Con 2016, as he was released there as a limited edition model. So when it came to producing his team version, we had a starting point. Several things were needed, however. We knew that nobody was really buying the idea that Tater was harvesting potatoes with a scythe, and we wanted the same, relaxed feel that the rest of the team had developed. Mat sent me some pictures of the pose he wanted and I set about redeveloping the model to achieve this. Getting the angle and lean of him just so for the correct level of relaxation did anything but relax me, though I think the final model is well worth it!

So there we have it, a quick run down of the new Farmer’s models and some of the process behind them. I hope you have enjoyed reading about their development, visually, as I will be back soon to talk about another guild…strike while the iron is hot!

Quelle: Guildball bei Facebook

Link: Steamforged Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Tater sieht quatsch aus für einen Spieler auf dem Spielfeld aus.
    Aber Milestone und Buckwheat sehen super aus….

  • Eure Kategorien, z.b. Warhammer AoS für Warhammer Fantasy
    oder diese hier, die man nun einfach kürzen könnte ohne BB, verwirren mich.

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