von BK-Nils | 27.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Green Stuff World: Neuheiten im Februar


Von Green Stuff World kommen noch ein paar Neuheiten im Februar, darunter ein Werkzeug zum ausstanzen von Dachschindeln, Metallfolie und Werkzeug.

Green Stuff World_Miniature ROOF TILE Punch 1

Green Stuff World_Miniature ROOF TILE Punch 2 Green Stuff World_Miniature ROOF TILE Punch 3 Green Stuff World_Miniature ROOF TILE Punch 4 Green Stuff World_Miniature ROOF TILE Punch 5

Miniature ROOF TILE Punch – 9,95 Euro

Miniature ROOF TILE Punch perfect to create miniature roof tiles compatible with scales 1:76 1:48 1:43 1:35 1:30 and 1:22 .

Miniature ROOF TILE Punch

Miniature ROOF TILE Punch perfect to create miniature tiles compatible with scales 1:76 1:48 1:43 1:35 1:30 1:22 . You can use various card board, paper, flexible metal foils (link), 0.5mm plasticard (link), 1mm Foamed PVC (link), among other materials. Flexible metal foil tiles may be curved.

Size of the tiles: 5x10mm

1. Eat a whole cornflakes box.
2. Keep the box.
3. Punch the box.
4. Fix the tiles to your diorama.

Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM PURPLE 1 Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM PURPLE 2

Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM PURPLE – 9,95 Euro

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:48 1:65 1:80 (28mm 25mm and 22mm).

Miniature Leaf Punch – MEDIUM PURPLE

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:48 1:65 1:80 (28mm, 25mm y 22mm). You can use various types of paper and other materials. This punch will make 4 types of mini MAPLE leaves.

We recommend using dried leaves in different colors. Natural leaves need to be treated to keep the colors. There are many techniques to achieve this effortlessly. They may be also painted.

1. Search for fallen natural leaves in the park next to your house.
2. Let the leaves be dried, inside a book, to keep the colors.
3. Punch the natural leaves.
4. Use PVA glue to fix the leaves to your diorama.

Blade can be sharpened by punching through aluminum foil or lubricated by punching through waxed paper.

Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM GREEN 1 Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM GREEN 2

Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM GREEN – 9,95 Euro

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:30, 1:22, and 1:16 (54mm, 70mm, and 120mm).

Miniature Leaf Punch – MEDIUM GREEN

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:30, 1:22, and 1:16 (54mm, 70mm, and 120mm). You can use various types of paper and other materials. This punch will make 3 types of MAPLE leaves.

We recommend using dried leaves in different colors. Natural leaves need to be treated to keep the colors. There are many techniques to achieve this effortlessly. They may be also painted.

1. Search for fallen natural leaves in the park next to your house.
2. Let them dry inside a book to keep the colors.
3. Punch the natural leaves.
4. Use PVA glue to fix the leaves to your diorama.

Blade can be sharpened by punching through aluminum foil or lubricated by punching through waxed paper.

Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM BLUE 1 Green Stuff World_Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM BLUE 2

Miniature Leaf Punch MEDIUM BLUE – 9,95 Euro

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:35, 1:43, and 1:48 (54mm, 32mm, and 28mm).

Miniature Leaf Punch – MEDIUM BLUE

Miniature Leaf Punch perfect to create miniature leaves compatible with scales 1:35, 1:43, and 1:48 (54mm, 32mm, and 28mm). You can use various types of paper and other materials. This punch will make 3 types of MAPLE leaves.

We recommend using dried leaves in different colors. Natural leaves need to be treated to keep the colors. There are many techniques to achieve this effortlessly. They may be also painted.

1. Search for fallen natural leaves in the park next to your house.
2. Let them dry inside a book to keep the colors.
3. Punch the natural leaves.
4. Use PVA glue to fix the leaves to your diorama.

Green Stuff World_Foamed PVC 1mm

Foamed PVC 1mm – 3,95 Euro

Foamed PVC / Forex

Foamed PVC (or Forex) is the very basic scratch material for all diorama scratch builds. This is a lightweight closed cell PVC free foam sheet. It has an exceptionally fine and homogeneous cell structure and a satiny surface. Despite their very light weight the sheets are extremely sturdy, impact resistant, lightfast, weather resistant, flame resistant and self-extinguishing, and can be painted, varnished, nailed, screwed, riveted and glued.

Color: White
Dimensions: 200 x 300mm.
Thickness: 1mm
Quantity: 3 sheets

Green Stuff World_Foamed PVC 2mm

Foamed PVC 2mm – 4,95 Euro

Foamed PVC / Forex

Foamed PVC (or Forex) is the very basic scratch material for all diorama scratch builds. This is a lightweight closed cell PVC free foam sheet. It has an exceptionally fine and homogeneous cell structure and a satiny surface. Despite their very light weight the sheets are extremely sturdy, impact resistant, lightfast, weather resistant, flame resistant and self-extinguishing, and can be painted, varnished, nailed, screwed, riveted and glued.

Color: White
Dimensions: 200 x 300mm.
Thickness: 2mm
Quantity: 3 sheets

Green Stuff World_Foamed PVC 5mm

Foamed PVC 5mm – 5,95 Euro

Foamed PVC / Forex

Foamed PVC (or Forex) is the very basic scratch material for all diorama scratch builds. This is a lightweight closed cell PVC free foam sheet. It has an exceptionally fine and homogeneous cell structure and a satiny surface. Despite their very light weight the sheets are extremely sturdy, impact resistant, lightfast, weather resistant, flame resistant and self-extinguishing, and can be painted, varnished, nailed, screwed, riveted and glued.

Color: White
Dimensions: 200 x 300mm.
Thickness: 5mm
Quantity: 3 sheets

Green Stuff World_Flexible Metal Foil - BRASS

Flexible Metal Foil – BRASS – 3,85 Euro

Flexible Metal Foil

Technical metal foil easy to cut with scissors or a craft knife. Easy to paint.
The softness of this material allows it to be easily crinkled, creased and formed making it a very versatile material. You may make your own plants, piece of cloth, banners, tubes, corrugated plates, etc…

Thickness: 0.1mm
Material: BRASS
Size: 10x40cm

Presentation of this material will be folded.
Magnets do not attract this material. Lead free.

*** This material is too hard to be used with Leaf punches ***

Green Stuff World_Hobby hand drill - BLACK color 1 Green Stuff World_Hobby hand drill - BLACK color 2 Green Stuff World_Hobby hand drill - BLACK color 3 Green Stuff World_Hobby hand drill - BLACK color 4

Hobby hand drill – BLACK color – 8,00 Euro (reduziert, regulär 10,00 Euro)

Hobby Hand Drill is similar to a pen and will allow you to perform precision perforations in confined spaces when building models and miniatures. It is made of aluminium and it is coming with a Swivel Head with freewheeling head especially good for hand drilling and tapping.

Clamping range: 0.3-3.2mm

This set also includes:

– 5 drill bits in 1 mm
– 3 drill bits in 1,5mm
– 2 drill bits in 2mm

Green Stuff World_Diamond Burr Set with 20 tips 1 Green Stuff World_Diamond Burr Set with 20 tips 2 Green Stuff World_Diamond Burr Set with 20 tips 3

Diamond Burr Set with 20 tips – 8,00 Euro (reduziert, regulär 10,00 Euro)

Diamond Burr Set with 20 tips which are compatible with our 2 types of hand drills, as well as automatic milling machines / rotary tools.

Quantity: 20 tips
Length: 45mm
Diameter: 3.2mm

Quelle: Green Stuff World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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