von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Green Stuff World: Neuheiten

Green Stuff World hat einige Neuzugänge aus dem Bereich Bastelbedarf & Zubehör im Programm.

GSW Universal Work Holder Small01 GSW Universal Work Holder Small02

GSW Universal Work Holder Small03 GSW Universal Holder Sizes04

Universal Work Holder – SMALL – 9,25 EUR

Removable handle so head can be locked in bench vice. Ideal for small and irregular shaped objects, jewellers items etc. For filing, painting, engraving, sawing, shaping work.

Maximum jaw capacity: 8mm
Maximum jaw width for pieces: 20mm
Handle length: 115mm
Weight: 100gr

This set includes:

1x Universal Work Holder
8x steel pins to clamp odd shapes in 2 lengths: 15 and 10mm


GSW Rolling Pin Hobby Roller Ancestral Recall03 GSW Rolling Pin Hobby Roller Ancestral Recall02 GSW Rolling Pin Hobby Roller Ancestral Recall01

Rolling Pin Ancestral Recall – 15,00 EUR (z.Zt. 12,00 EUR)

Textured rolling pins capable of impressing a continuous repeat pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non stick properties. Not toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Recommended Scales: 1/22 – 1/32 – 1/35 – 1/43 – 1/48

Anleitungsvideos und mehr Info: Green Stuff World Rolling Pin


GSW Rolling Pin Cashmere Paisley 03 GSW Rolling Pin Cashmere Paisley 02 GSW Rolling Pin Cashmere Paisley 01

Rolling Pin CASHMERE – 15,00 EUR (z.Zt. 12,00 EUR)

Textured rolling pins capable of impressing a continuous repeat pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non stick properties. Not toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches) ** extended version with all surface with texture.
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Pattern Size: Complex cashmere drawing with multiple types of fractals and other typical cashmir details.

Anleitungsvideos und mehr Info: Green Stuff World Rolling Pin Cashmere


GSW Islandmoss Green Mix 01 GSW Islandmoss Green Mix 02 GSW Islandmoss Green Mix 03

Islandmoss – Green Mix (50gr.) – 3,50 EUR


GSW Islandmoss Blue Violet And Light Pink Mix 01 GSW Islandmoss Blue Violet And Light Pink Mix 03 GSW Islandmoss Blue Violet And Light Pink Mix 02

 Islandmoss – Blue Violet and Light Pink Mix (50 gr.) – 3,50 EUR


GSW Islandmoss Yellow And Brown Mix 01 GSW Islandmoss Yellow And Brown Mix 02 GSW Islandmoss Yellow And Brown Mix 03

Islandmoss – Yellow and Brown Mix (50gr.) – 3,50 EUR


GSW Islandmoss Red Fuchsia And Grey Mix 01 GSW Islandmoss Red Fuchsia And Grey Mix 02 GSW Islandmoss Red Fuchsia And Grey Mix 03

Islandmoss – Red, Fuchsia and Grey Mix (50 gr.) – 3,50 EUR



GSW Egyptian Ruins Resin Set 03 GSW Egyptian Ruins Resin Set 02 GSW Egyptian Ruins Resin Set 01

Egyptian Ruins – 8,75 EUR

Set of Egyptian Ruins made of high-quality resin, made to be used alone or matching our Egyptian textured roller.

This product comes unpainted and it is perfect for 25-28-35 mm miniatures  (1:76, 1:48, 1:35).

Size of the pieces 30mm to 40mm.

Each pack includes 10 resin Egyptian ruins


GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 6mm 03 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 6mm 02 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 6mm 01

Plasticard Pipe ELBOWS 6mm – 9,95 EUR

Plasticard elbows made of HIPS plastic (Polystyrene) known as Plasticard too.

Material: Polystyrene
Thickness: 6mm diameter
Inner hole: 5mm diameter
This set includes 20 elbows



GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 7mm 03 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 7mm 02 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 7mm 01

Plasticard Pipe ELBOWS 7mm – 9,95 EUR

Plasticard elbows made of HIPS plastic (Polystyrene) known as Plasticard too.

Material: Polystyrene
Thickness: 7mm diameter
Inner hole: 6mm diameter
This set includes 20 elbows


GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 9mm 01 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 9mm 02  

Plasticard Pipe ELBOWS 9mm – 9,95 EUR

Plasticard elbows made of HIPS plastic (Polystyrene) known as Plasticard too.

Material: Polystyrene
Thickness: 9mm diameter
Inner hole: 8mm diameter
This set includes 15 elbows


GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 16mm 01 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 16mm 02 GSW Plasticard Pipe Elbows 16mm 03

Plasticard Pipe ELBOWS 16mm – 9,95 EUR

Plasticard elbows made of HIPS plastic (Polystyrene) known as Plasticard too.

Material: Polystyrene
Thickness: 16mm diameter
Inner hole: 15mm diameter
This set includes 10 elbows


GSW Acrylic Rods Round 12 Mm Clear GSW Cutting Flying Stick Dremel


Acrylic Rods – Round 12 mm – 2,50 EUR

Top quality Acrylic rods for your flying miniatures, assault troops, X-wing spaceships, Space Marine Thunderhawks, Warhammer 40k airships. Easy to cut with a Dremel Rotary Tool and adapt to the required length.

This length is the standard length for most of the large flyer miniatures, so you will not need to cut them to size.

Diameter: 12 mm
Length: 12 cm (120 mm)
Color: Clear
Rods per package: 3


GSW Acrylic Rods Round 5 Mm Clear GSW-cutting-flying-stick.jpg

Acrylic Rods – Round 5 mm – 2,50 EUR

Top quality Acrylic rods for your flying miniatures, assault troops, X-wing spaceships. Easy to cut and adapt to the required length.

Diameter: 5 mm
Length: 12 cm (120 mm)
Color: Clear
Rods per package: 5



GSW Acrylic Rods Round 3 Mm Clear

Acrylic Rods – Round 3 mm – 2,50 EUR

Top quality Acrylic rods for your flying miniatures, assault troops, X-wing spaceships.

Easy to cut and adapt to the required length.

Diameter: 3 mm
Length: 12 cm (120 mm)
Color: Clear
Rods per package: 5


GSW Foamboard Kappa Board Foamcore 5 Mm 01 GSW Foamboard Kappa Board Foamcore 5 Mm 02

Foamboard 5 mm – 2,75 EUR

These boards are incredibly versatile and their dense foam construction will give you a cleaner cut and optimal support for your creations.

The dense foam section is sandwiched between two thin card layers, which allow ink, paint and toppers to adhere to the surface easily compared with a more porous foam surface. It can be painted, decorated, and nailed. Add a thin PVA glue layer before painting to reduce and almost remove the low porosity of this material.

The inner foam can be easily texturized either by hand or with textured rolling pins. We recommend using rolling pins with simple textures such as bricks, cobblestone, pavement and frozen.

Basic scratch material for all diorama and scratch builds.

Color: White
Dimensions: 200 x 300mm.
Thickness: 5mm
Quantity: 2 sheets


Quelle: Green Stuff World

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Allerhand. Ich dachte zwar, ich bräuchte so’n Zeug nicht, aber langsam werde ich wohl doch weich. Wie ist das denn mit dem Versand nach Deutschland? Bzw. Wo, außer auf deren Seite kann man die denn noch kaufen?

    • Der Versand ist relativ günstig, ich weiß es nur gerade nicht auswendig. So um die 5€. Die haben aber auch einen ebay-Shop, da sind die Sachen dann geringfügig teurer, aber wenn man nur wenig braucht ist der Versand günstiger.

      • Habe schon dort direkt bestellt und muss sagen, dass alles problemlos und schnell lief! Habe eine der älteren Greenstuff Rollen und die sind wirklich ihr Geld wert!

      • Danke an euch beide.
        Habe auch selber bereits geguckt und war positiv überrascht, was die Preise angeht.

  • Die Versandkosten gehen vollkommen in Ordnung. Die Sachen sind auch in kurzer Zeit bei dir. Von der Qualität her, lohnt es sich echt bei denen mal Einzukaufen. Hab bislang noch nicht viele Händler entdeckt, die soviel nützliches Zeug gut sortiert und zu humanen Preisen anbieten.

  • Definitiv!!! Das ein oder andere werde ich mir wohl holen müssen. Gerade der Figurenhalter zum bemalen der Minis.

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