von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Green Stuff World: Neues Zubehör

Wieder eine gemischte Tüte Zubehör für unser Hobby von Green Stuff World.

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E600 Adhesive for Acrylic Plastics – 9ml – 3,50 EUR

It does not white bleach during drying.
Curing time: 1-2 minutes

1x 9ml glue tube

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Acrylic Bases – Oval Pill 50x25mm CLEAR (5x) – 2,75 EUR

Top quality Acrylic bases for mounting wargames figures.

Shape: Oval Pill
Thickness: 3mm
Color: Clear
Bases: 5 per pack
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Acrylic Bases – Oval Pill 75x50mm CLEAR (5x) – 3,35 EUR

Top quality Acrylic bases for mounting wargames figures.

Shape: Oval Pill
Thickness: 3mm
Color: Clear
Bases: 5 per pack
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Pinning Brass Rods 3mm – 4,95 EUR

These pinning rods may be used for miniature pinning and assembly, and also to create for example parts of structures, spears, banners, miniature parts, weapons … and much more!

Very resistant, easy to bend, and easy to cut. These rods can conduct electricity.

Thickness: 3 mm
Length of a profile: 25cm (250mm)
Metal Alloy: 60%cooper + 40%zinc
Pieces per package: 5

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Pinning Brass Rods 2mm – 3,85 EUR

These pinning rods may be used for miniature pinning and assembly, and also to create for example parts of structures, spears, banners, miniature parts, weapons … and much more!

Very resistant, easy to bend, and easy to cut. These rods can conduct electricity.

Thickness: 2 mm
Length of a profile: 25cm (250mm)
Metal Alloy: 60%cooper + 40%zinc
Pieces per package: 5

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Shrink tubes for LED connections – 1,65 EUR

A heat shrink tubing is a flexible plastic tubing that tightens when exposed to heat, and is used to secure the connections between the cables. Due to its size, it is ideal for assembling cables of led lights. After installing the Shrink Tube, use a lighter to secure the connection.

Colour: Black
Contents: 20 Heat Shrink Tubing for LED Lights

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LED Lighting Kit with Switch – 5,25 EUR

Fully Assembled lighting kit for leds with pre-attached mini-switch for almost Plug and Play use. All in one light package.
To be used with a standard coin cell CR2030 (3v), not included in the kit. To help wire conections use shrink-tubes also available at our shop.

Length of the wires: 120mm + 120mm
Cell holder size: 22 x 3.2mm

Quelle: Green Stuff World


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Gute Sachen dabei und preislich auch ok. Mit einem wachsendem Angebot lohnt sich das langsam echt.

    • Wobei sie auch ständig und ohne weitere ankündigung sachen streichen, ist halt immer abhängig davon wie ihre chinesischen zulieferer ware ranschaffen.

      Achja der Acryl Kleber hat nicht 2-3 min cure time sondern 24h bis 72h laut Hersteller.

  • Warum bieten die schrumpfschlauch an ? Baumarkt ? LEDs kaufe ich bestimmt auch nicht ohne ce siegel bei GSW.

    Ich mag die Rollen von GSW so gerne. Davon mehr.

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