von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Greebo Games: Fang ’n Hood Kickstarter endet

Großmutter was hast du für… der Fang’n Hood Kickstarter endet am 23. November.

Fang And Hood KS1

Das Projekt: Fang’n Hood Kickstarter von Greebo Games

Starting from Easter 2017, we decided to begin creating miniatures dedicated to major holidays.

These limited edition items will delight enthusiasts, collectors and artists alike, and the models may even end up on board games if the players can use their imagination well enough!

Our concept is to bring out one or more dedicated models each year, at regular intervals, for a limited period of time and in limited quantities. After the regular sales period ends, models will enter our Legacy Vault, which will remain closed until the next event: once it’s closed for good, the models inside will not be sold anymore.

But what is the Legacy Vault and how does it work?
Legacy Miniatures are fairly rare models that aren’t normally available for purchase in our store. You can sometimes find them in on sale during special events and always for a very short time. The Legacy Vault is the place where Legacy Miniatures are kept after the sales period ends. Inside this Vault you will find all limited models made in past events. Be warned, the Vault may not reopen for future sales, so if you see a piece that you like and are on the fence, you’d better not risk lossing it for good, and grab it quickly. There’s no guarantee it will be available again next year, or the one after that! A certificate will also be issued with each model, authenticating its number and release of issue.

Models are in 32mm scale. However, bear in mind that this does not mean that they will measure 32 mm from head to toe, but rather that they will have the proportions of this scale.

Models will be made in resin and/or metal, depending on the model. Each model will come with a generic base, but we are sure that the experts among you will be able to create a small diorama for these limited editions.

Pledge Level:

Fang And Hood KS2 Fang And Hood KS3 Fang And Hood KS4 Fang And Hood KS5 Fang And Hood KS6 Fang And Hood KS7 Fang And Hood KS8 Fang And Hood KS9

Tier 1 – 45,00 EUR

Fang And Hood KS10 Fang And Hood KS11 Fang And Hood KS12

Tier 2 – 55,00 EUR


Fang And Hood KS13

Tier 3 – 79,00 EUR

Fang And Hood KS14

Tier 4/5 – 130,00 & 140,00 EUR

Fang And Hood KS15

Tier Bunnies – 69,00 EUR

Stretch Goals:

Fang And Hood KS16 Fang And Hood KS17

If they’re unlocked, all these models will be FREE for any pledge level from Tier 1 upwards.

If you want, you can add any number of these as Add-Ons to your pledge: just increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the reward’s corresponding amount, and you’re done. You will then confirm your choice with a post-campaign Pledge Manager system. Thank you!



 To add an add-on to your pledge, please increase your PLEDGE TOTAL by the corresponding amount. You will confirm your choices with a post-campaign pledge manager. Thank you!

Fang And Hood KS18 Fang And Hood KS19 Fang And Hood KS20 Fang And Hood KS21 Fang And Hood KS22 Fang And Hood KS23 Fang And Hood KS24 Fang And Hood KS25 Fang And Hood KS26 Fang And Hood KS27 Fang And Hood KS28 Fang And Hood KS29 Fang And Hood KS30 Fang And Hood KS31


Das Projekt ist bereits vollständig finanziert und steht derzeit bei 24.534,00 EUR (Finanzierungsziel 1000,00 EUR). Die Kampagne endet am 23.11.2017 um 22:03 CET.

Link: Fang’n Hood Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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