Greebo Games: Pläne und Bretonen-Team
Greebo Games zeigen auf Facebook einige Bilder der 3D-gedruckten Master ihres Kickstarter-Bretonenteams für Fantasy-Footballspiele und erzählen außerdem, was sie für 2017 noch so vor haben.
[Latest Kickstarter] Our Florence Knights campaign it’s going very well, as soon as models will be produced we will ship out orders already confirmed and actually we are already able to send out something!!!
[Fantasy Football Project] We are receiving many mails about our next release, so today we want to share with you some wip about next project.
During July 2017 we will start a project with our new Dark Elves. This team was put in hold for many times but since last months we worked on it to rise the level of models and adjust like latest team. Will be a traditional team, no themed, and we will show you new wip in next days.
Here we are showing you two Witch Elves.Same for the Iwa Tai, our oriental Dwarven team. Models was almost done, but Hei..quality wasn’t so good, where was details on sculpts? So our character designer is workings on concepts and during December 2017 this team finally will come out! For now we can show our version of Death Roller, and whit this we try to explain what we mean for „adjust the quality“.
Im Juli sollen also Dunkelelfen kommen, recht geradlinig, ohne großes „Thema“. Im Dezember hofft man dann, die „Iwa Tai“, orientalische Zwerge, bringen zu können. Eigentlich waren die Sculpts schon fertig, aber man war mit der Qualität nicht zufrieden. Das Bild oben ist also als WiP zu werten.
[Fantasy Football Project] – A WIP from our sculptors, the first assassin in our upcoming Dark Elves team. Any feedback is welcome! (however remember that is a work in progress
[Florence Knights] More than half backers have already complete the Pledge Manager, and with these latest prints, during this week we will able to ship out some of these complete orders!
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Vielen Dank für den Hinweis!
„He’s gonna do a super hero landing!“
Verdammt das Undead Renaissance Team wartet noch auf die Bemalung…