von BK-Thorsten | 03.12.2017 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Gangs of Rome: Preorder gestartet

Gangs of Rome geht in die Preorder-Phase und liefert neben allerlei Miniaturen und Spielmaterialien eine ganze Stadt aus HDF.

Würden wir hier alle Produkte mir denen Gangs of Rome an den Start gegangen ist auflisten, dann wäre das ein sehr langer Artikel. Wir haben uns einige herausgepickt, entweder weil es nett geschnürte Pakete sind (es ist ja bald Weihnachten) oder weil es interessante Infos über das Format in dem das Spiel angeboten wird darstellen (Was ist denn nun in so einem Kämpferblister eigentlich alles drin?). Die Preorder endet am 8. Januar 2018 und bis zum öffentlichen Release am 20.Januar sollen alle Bestellungen bereits bei ihren neuen Besitzern sein.

GoR FighterPrimus 01 GoR FighterPrimus 02 GoR FighterPrimus 03 GoR FighterPrimus 04

Gang Fighter pack contains the following:

  • One gang fighter body
  • A choice of three gang fighter heads
  • A weapon frame containing a mixture of weapons
  • One random gang fighter card
  • One Jigsaw Base
  • A set of wound tokens
  • One random coin plate containing four denarii
  • Four corresponding coin cards
  • One Gangs of Rome D6 roman numeral die

All miniatures are white metal and are supplied with the required MDF base for Gangs of Rome.

Es gibt insgesamt 5 männliche und 5 weibliche Modelle für Gangfighter.

Gang Fighter – 8,00 GBP

GoR Rulebook

Gangs of Rome Regelbuch (36 Seiten, Softcover) – 8,00 GBP

GoR Agente GoR FierceMastiff GoR GladiatorAlly

Agente, Fierce Mastiff, Gladiator Ally (jeweils mit Jigsaw Base und Wundmarkern) – je 4,00 GBP

GoR Activation Pebbles GoR Dice GoR IDMarkers GoR PrimusDominus

10 Aktivierungsmarker (verschiedene Farben, 3,00 GBP), 10 zusätzliche Würfel (6,00 GBP), 40 ID-Marker (4,00 GBP) und ein Dominus (4 verschiedene Modelle, je 3,00 GBP)

GoR MobTertius 01 GoR MobTertius 02

Rome is not just a city of stone and marble, it teems with millions of individuals, from business folk to common beggars, this set is ideal to represent common Roman folks going about their day!) All miniatures are white metal and are supplied with the required MDF base for Gangs of Rome. May require assembly.

Pack contains five mob figures, five 25mm round base and one 80mm mob movement base.

Mob (5 Modelle, es existieren 3 Sets) – 8,00 GBP

Ok, das mal so grob. Gelände gibt es sehr, sehr viel. So viel, dass wir hier nur die Deals abdecken und jedem der es genauer wissen will viel Spaß beim stöbern mit unserem Quellen-Link wünschen. Haltet die Geldbeutel nicht zu fest… hier kommen die Deals.

GoR TwoPlayerSet GoR Barca

This two-player gang set contains the following:

  • Black Activation Pebbles (10)
  • White Activation Pebbles (10)
  • A Gangs of Rome Rulebook
  • Gang Fighter ID Markers (40)

And ten gang fighters:

  • Ten gang fighter body
  • A choice of thirty gang fighter heads
  • Ten weapon frame containing a mixture of weapons
  • Ten random gang fighter card
  • Ten Jigsaw Base
  • Ten sets of wound tokens
  • Ten random coin plates each containing four denarii
  • Forty corresponding coin cards
  • Ten Gangs of Rome D6 roman numeral die

Two Player Gang Set – 75,00 GBP

Ein guter Zeitpunkt einzuwerfen dass alle Vorbestellungen den her gezeigten Charakter Barca beinhalten.

GoR GamingMat GoR Tisiphone

Der Mega Deal fügt dem Two Player Set ein weiteres Regelbuch, einen Mega Mob Deal (siehe unten), eine Spielmatte aus Mousepadmaterial (3×3′, ca. 90x90cm) und den zweiten besonderen Charakter Tisiphone hinzu.

Gangs of Rome Mega Deal – 155,00 GBP

GoR TwoPlayerSet

5 Gang Members Deal – 35,00 GBP / 10 Gang Members Deal – 60,00 GBP

Bei all diesen Angeboten können die die Gang Member beim Bestellvorgang individuell ausgewählt werden.

GoR MobPrimus GoR MobSecundus GoR MobTertius 01

Mega Mob Deal (Alle drei Mobs je zweimal) – 48,00 GBP

GoR RomeunderConstructionDeal 01 GoR RomeunderConstructionDeal 02 GoR RomeunderConstructionDeal 03

  • 2 x T016 Rome Under Construction Set
  • 2 x T015 Scaffolding Set
  • 1 x T024 Cart Set (3)

Rome Under Construction Bundle – 54,00 GBP

GoR TempleMarket 01 GoR TempleMarket 02 GoR TempleMarket 03

  • 1x T019 Temple
  • 1 x T018 Slave Market Set (Stage & Cage)
  • 1 x T017 Market Set (8 Canopies & 16 Tables)

Temple Market Bundle – 50,00 GBP

GoR Upper Rank 01

  • 1 x T023 Fountain Set
  • 4 x T007 Upper-Rank Forum Corner
  • 4 x T009 Upper-Rank Shops

Upper-Rank Bundle – 166,50 GBP

GoR Middle Rank 01 GoR Middle Rank 02

  • 2 x T005 Middle-Rank Traders
  • 2 x T006 Middle-Rank Shops
  • 1 x T024 Cart Set (3)
  • 1 x T017 Market Set (8 Canopies & 16 Tables)

Middle-Rank Bundle – 88,00 GBP

GoR TownWall 01 GoR TownWall 02 GoR TownWall 03

  • 1 x T010 Town Wall Gate
  • 2 x T013 Town Wall (Long)
  • 1 x T017 Market Set (8 Canopies & 16 Tables)
  • 6 x T001 Workshops

Town Wall Bundle – 108,00 GBP

Zu all diesen Geländedeals kann für zusätzliche 30,00 GBP (sonst 35,00 GBP) die bereits gezeigte Spielmatte hinzugefügt werden.

Wer so richtig all-in gehen will nimmt alle Geländedeals zusammen für 466,00 GBP oder tatsächlich den „All-In“ getauften Deal mit einmal alles (Mega Deal + alle Geländedeals + Agente + Gladiator Ally + Fierce Mastiff) für „läppische“ 550,00 GBP.

Einen kleinen Nachtrag haben wir dann doch, bzw. Warbanner. Zu allen Vorbestellungen gibt es noch ein besonderes Messgerät.

GoR Measuring Stick

With all good preorders, there has to be a freebie for EVERYONE. We will be sending out ALL orders with a GoR gladius measuring stabby sword thingy!These have been made for us by Sarissa Precision the gifted chaps behind the different buildings of Rome we will soon be finding ourselves fighting over.  It is in the shape of the famous Roman stabbing sword and is seven inches long the maximum movement distance of any fighter in Gangs of Rome.  I hope you all find a use for them!

Quelle: Gangs of Rome


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Puh, ich finds ja schon super und hätte echt Bock auf das Setting aber wie so oft hat man schon so viele Projekte und es sind ja nicht nur die Miniaturen sondern auch eben ein extra Spielfeld.

  • Hat jemand eine Vorstellung mit welchem Material die ihre Bases gemacht haben? Sind das Green-Stuff-Steine?

  • Ich finde es ja ganz interessant, nur irgendwie verstehe ich die Zusammensetzung nicht.

    Es gibt 10 generische Kämpfer wobei bei jedem drei verschiedene Köpfe sowie verschiedene Waffen dabei sind?

    Daraus bastelt man sich dann seinen Kämpfer.

    Zudem ist eine „random gang fighter card“ dabei. Also irgendeine zufällige Kämpferkarte?

    • Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann kommt jede Figur mit einer einzigartigen Karte. D.h. auch wenn du die selbe Figur zwei mal kaufst bekommst du zwei verschiedene Karten.

    • Haufenweise verschiedene Charaktäre? Ich vermute mal näheres ergibt lediglich ein Blick ins Regelbuch. Mit den Karten wollen sie aber wohl bezwecken, dass nur die hauseigenen Minis genutzt werden. Leute die das auf Conventions schon angespielt haben, sagen jedenfalls dass es nichts mit Powerplay zu tun haben soll.

  • Also kann es sein, dass ich mir die 10 verschiedenen Kämpfer hole, aber dann nur 5 verschiedene Charakterkarten habe?.

    Z.B. 5x männliche und 5x weibliche und hab dann 8 männliche Charakterkarten, so dass ich 2 weibl. nicht spielen kann?

    • Du wirst alles spielen können und jeder Fighter, egal ob männlich oder weiblich wird einzigartig sein. D.h. Du wirst 10 Charakterkarten haben + Coins und dazugehörige Coin Karten und wie erwähnt alle einzigartig. Zum Launch wird es insgesamt 40 verschiedene Coins geben, aufgeteilt in common, uncommon und rare. Wobei die Bezeichnungen irreführend sind, denn GoR ist kein pay to win Spiel und rare Coins kosten z.b. mehr Punkte als uncommon coins und können z.B.ö nur einmal im spiel eingesetzt werden, im Gegensatz zu common coins, welche weniger Punkte kosten und mehrmals mitgenommen und eingesetzt werden können ingame :). Siehe meine Posts, weiter unten hier in den Kommentaren, dort wird das alles ein bisschen detaillierter erklärt(engl.) :).

  • Vielleicht hilft das ja weiter 🙂 …

    Fighters & Coin mix.

    A recent post has raised some concerns about the purpose of randomisation in each Gangs Of Rome fighter pack and I am happy to address those questions here.

    In Gangs Of Rome there is no “top” or rare fighter in the basic class.
    What we mean when we say each fighter is random, is that the fighters themselves will be DIFFERENT in some way from the others but no less effective.
    Each fighter is literally created once by our program and then is gone, but their stats and skills will be directly proportional to their cost when fielded.
    What this means is, fighters created that may have a slightly lower cost to field will in fact be balanced by the opportunity to include a couple MORE Denarii as even out your points for the scenario.
    Where as fighters with a slightly higher cost will be balanced by the fact that there will be slightly LESS room in your points limit to equip them with Denarii of a high cost.
    It’s a balancing act.

    Common Denarii cost only 1 to add to your skill bank where as Rare cost 3.
    Should you place 2 Rare Denarii in you skill bank, you are essentially giving up the chance of 6 commons in your suite of weapon options.
    Rare coins also have the added cost that many are only able to be used ONCE during an entire game and are then removed from circulation until the next game.
    A skill bank loaded with Rares will be small, then expended very quickly, leaving fighters with only their basic card based skills to survive.
    In the test phasing of the system as devs, we had access to every coin in the current set of 40 and I can assure you, a common heavy pilum does not care if your opponent is equipped with rares, if it hits them they are impaled just like anyone else would be.
    Commons and uncommons are named so simply because they are the things fighters MOST needs and it has nothing at all to do with their potency or effectiveness.
    Skill banks constructed of 100% common Denarii are some of the most lethal in the system, as the named common coins can exist in multiples and many can remain fixed to a fighter for the duration of the game, as long as they are not lost to Blending with a crowd, or another in game effect.

    The contents design of the basic Gangs Of Rome blister, is mostly down to the Arena night “Draft” style of play that will be introduced after the main launch.
    Arena Nights are small weekly events where players can gather at a bricks and mortar store and play against other individuals within the treacherous confines of a deadly Arena.
    Arena Nights are also a place where players can meet, talk skill bank strategies and perhaps even swap coins or cards with one another.
    GoR Arena is like a small system within the main system, which allows player to field a SINGLE fighter model they may have already assembled, but then to buy a single blister at the event to combine the included fighter card and coins with the model they have already assembled in a draft style match.
    In Arena play, your skill bank is only what just came out of the pack, you must improvise to survive and every other single fighter within its blood soaked walls will be in the same grim boat.
    And with Arena you are all in for a rough ride.
    Taking their turns by random draw, players may think to attack just the one fighter in a ganging up style strategy.
    Other than the fact that all GoR Fighters are designed like hornets nests and to attack one allows it to attack you back right away, there is another bitter twist to this gang up behaviour…
    The Gangs Of Rome Arena Lion…
    Triggered by the very FIRST death in the Arena, the GoR Lion is a tawny nightmare of fangs and claws that is run by THE VERY FIRST PLAYER KILLED!
    Vengeful, bitter, furious and cruel, surviving players may indeed have to band together to survive this deadly animal.
    In Arena we encourage players to form alliances and then break them as and when they wish…
    There can only be ONE winner, and you don’t want that to be the Lion right? 😁

    So everyone let me just say, having all 40 Denarii coins in Gangs Of Rome will not make you a better fighter or set you apart from other players who lack that amount of coins.
    Gangs of Rome is about your best skill bank design working with the fighters unique to your specific one of a kind Gang.
    What our “Hand Of Fate” program does is create a game where no two gangs on earth will ever be the same.
    This is is not a game we designed as a whole and then chopped up to maximise profit.
    Your fighters are street fighters, I have seen our system spit out hundreds of combinations and not one of them was in anyway “a dud”.
    Our system makes miniature killers, pure and simple.
    Right out of the blister, when fielded in play, they are each as deadly as a rattlesnake in your mail box.
    Hard men and women who have lead hard lives and who come bundled with 4 coins each designed in one way or another to ruin an opposing gang members day.
    Make no mistake someone when disables one of your fighters with some bolas while another shoves a spear though them, Rares or not, Random or not… the fighter is toast…
    Gangs of Rome doesn’t play like anything that has come before it, so try not to see it through a filter of assumptions.
    Wait and see until you thrown some dice with us and then decide if it’s the game for you.
    We hope you choose to enjoy our system, this is but the first page of our story…

    Gangs of Rome is coming…

  • Part II 🙂 …

    Hello everyone,
    Of late there have been a lot of questions about what GoR is and isn’t as a game?

    GoR isn’t a collectable because there is no one basic fighter that is inherently better than another, they are just different, each bringing something different to a Gang.
    There are hundreds of them in the basic class they are all different from one another.

    The fighters that ARE specifically designed to have a slight edge over the basic, will be found in our Character class models.
    Those are yet to be spoken of at length and will have the SAME card every time for the same model.

    As to the coins, getting new coins in a pack is good but so is getting the same.
    Commons are by no means weak in power, they are the arms and equipment you most use and so that’s why there is twice as many.

    The blister packs themselves are formatted as they are not as a “cash grab”, but as a vehicle to bring the potential for “Draft” style play to miniatures wargaming in the GoR Arena system.

    You bring a fighter you have already assembled along to the Arena event, but use the card and 4 coins found in a new pack.
    When the event is over your cards and coins can move into the larger world of full gang play or be use to “free draft” at home being picked at random from those cards you have and those coins you have.

    There are 40 coins in the Blood not the Aventine set.
    Coins wise they are the tip of the iceberg, I could have easily written 100, but 40 seemed modest and for people who like to get sets of things it’s easily achievable.
    Their will be player trade, eBay, and bricks and some bricks mortar stores that will no doubt open their stock and sell off individual parts…
    These things will happen and that’s fine with us.

    We are not hiding anything or profiteering or trying to bump sales with gimmicks.
    There is method to GoRs design.
    It doesn’t really have a common point of reference other than to say “GoR is like itself” and what that is has never really been around before.

    It sits in a new place.
    GoR is a new style of game that is designed to minimise power gaming and create a more balanced playing field where your timing and tactics with the components you are given, is what carries the day.

    I have said this before, but I am happy to repeat it.
    Having access to all 40 coin types in multiples will NOT make you a superior GoR fighter… Not at all.
    More choices does not equal victory.
    You cannot “buy power” in GoR.
    The game engine does not care how many Rares you have, a common spear or a fighters non coin based basic attack will still kill you just the same no matter how much you spent on our game.
    Death in GoR comes often but is fair.

    Right now some players are flailing around saying “how do I min/max?” “how can I make sure I am better than everyone else before the game starts?”
    There’s a simple answer… you can’t.
    GoRs meta will really come down to learning your individual Gang members, to listening to the scenario and putting the best man or woman for the job in the optimal place equipped with what you have.

    For a fairly simple game GoR is strategically vast…
    There is so much going on even before the dice are rolled.

    What is the scenario?
    Where is the mob?
    Who should blend and when?
    Will I lose any weapons to blend?
    Where are my safe fallbacks if I need to bind a wound?
    Have I fought any of those fighters before?
    Can I remember what my foes strengths and weakness are?
    Is there cover and high ground?
    Have they changed their skill bank from the last time?
    Should I change my skill bank from the last time?
    Should I deploy coins in a different sequence from my last game?
    What kind of God may help them?
    Are there any special rules in play for key buildings?
    Is their skill bank fast cycle or slow?
    Have any Primus tokens been deployed?
    Is their gang synergised or mixed?
    Are they bunched or spread?
    Are their any known characters?
    Do they have a Personal Influence Marker against me?
    Do I have a Personal Influence Marker against them?

    Now all that stuff is great and lots of things may go through your mind in preparation for the match, you could have wonderful schemes and intricate plans and all sorts of fancy notions…

    And then… a girl in the other gang nails you with a net early and another fighter puts a spear through you while you struggle.
    The rare coin you were equipped with that couldn’t trigger to help you is lost and you are one fighter down while they are coming for you…
    Some shady looking sort at the back of their gang vanishes into a crowd and keeps whatever they are armed with indicating they are designed to do so and it dawns on you that your pretty sure a friend told you they traded Vipers Knife with this player last week, which is coin you want nowhere near you…
    You simply just don’t know.

    And that is GoR.

    It’s exciting, terrifying, brutal, tactical and unique.
    It has been designed to drop you on the streets of Ancient Rome with a job to do and a short brutal life span.
    Do the best you can.
    Make your actions count.
    Learn your Gang well.
    Adapt. Survive. Overcome.
    Recruit. Dominate. Ascend.

    Nothing is 100% certain in GoR.
    Even when facing a Character class model with fixed stats, you still have no idea what they have in their hand until they are on you.

    Combat will be frightening, terrible, you will know what YOU can do, but not what THEY can…
    You will encounter a foe on the streets and have do your best with the situation you have been presented with.
    If it’s a basic fighter their name won’t be in a book, you can’t study them or read a blog on how best to deal with them…
    They are unique, just like your own Gang members.

    Be bold or cautious?
    Take the high ground and risk a fall, or stay low and stay safe?
    This is Gangs of Rome.
    It’s not like anything other than itself.

    It’s almost like some gamers want to be assured they will win BEFORE they even play?
    You can’t research a foes gang and find a weak point by buying their army book to study them, you are going to have to fight them and by the next time you fight them again, they may have changed their skill bank and be different yet again.
    There is nothing more exciting in GoR than fighting an unknown Gang for the very first time!

    You may even like to keep a kind of “Enemy Diary” to remind you what fighters you have fought before are good at?
    I can’t assure you that you will win every single time.
    What I can say is, when you DO win with GoR you will really feel as though you earned it.
    It wasn’t luck, or money that got you there… you were simply a better Dominus.
    More devious, more tactical, more ambitious.
    You out played your opponent pure and simple.

    We hope to see you on the streets.
    We hope you write down your stories and take photos of your adventures, because we want to know what happened to your fighters when they set foot on the streets and said “this city is ours” and someone else said “no”.

    Gangs of Rome is coming…

  • @ die Frage wie viele Miniaturen man braucht für eine Gang:

    5-10 Gang fighters and some mob bases. Although you can use figures for the mobs(5)(and they are beautiful sculpts!). You could also use correct size mob tokens to get started! …

  • Hört sich (vom typischen Marketing-BlaBla abgesehen) nicht verkehrt an. Ich bleibe aber dabei, dass sie mit Hilfe der Karten verhindern, dass Miniaturen von anderen Herstellern benutzt werden. Ansonsten hätte man diesen „Charakter-Ersteller“ ja auch einfach online stellen können und ihm noch einen einzigartigen Münzwert zum Selberbasteln/ Ausdrucken/ Whatever mitgeben können.
    Grundsätzlich ja auch eine verständliche Entscheidung. Ich weiss nur nicht ob sie sich da nicht mit ihrer Nosche in der Nische überschätzt haben.
    Ich wünsch ihnen jedenfalls Glück.

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