Gangs of Rome: Domini
Neue Miniaturenpreviews zu Gangs of Rome.
In Gangs of Rome, you step into the streets and alleyways of the ancient Roman Empire. Those streets have become rife with carnage and unrest in these uncertain times, and gangs of brutal Fighters are used as living weapons to exert the will of their paymasters. Known as Domini, these paymasters are ambitious heads of Roman households, and—as such a Dominus—you begin your story in troubled times…
sculpts: Paul Hicks
painting: Darren Linington
Quelle: Footsore Miniatures auf Facebook
Sehr schöne Togati! Die etwas knappere Stofführung und Raffung ohne umbo datiert sie aber eher in die Republik als in die Kaiserzeit. 😉
Ist mir aber recht, passt eh besser.
In vino veritas