von BK-Nils | 10.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Ganesha Games: PSI Paladins Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von Ganesha Games, PSI-PALADINS and TECHNO BARBARIANS, mit dem neue Modelle und eine Regelerweiterung für Mutants and Death Ray Guns finanziert werden soll.

A small range of 28mm pewter miniatures and rule supplement for Mutants and Death Ray Guns, a science/fantasy miniature skirmish game.

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After 200 years of war with nuclear and biochemical weapons, new races compete for supremacy over a scorched Earth. Pit your band of after-the-bomb desperadoes, mutant humanoids, sentient plants, robots, androids, hyper-evolved animals and zombie-like Wretched against the dangers of a wasted world. Face irradiated terrain, contagious diseases, aggressive life forms and malfunctioning equipment. Collect artifacts, find food, fight over scarce pools of uncontaminated water, and save your resources, because in the harsh post-apocalypse world every energy cell, every ration and every drop of water means the difference between life and death.

Have you got what it takes to survive?

This project is to fund the production of seven unique and wonderfully detailed pewter miniatures as well as publish a 16 page PDF supplement for our popular MUTANTS AND DEATH RAY GUNS science-fantasy skirmish game. Within the supplement you will find complete rules to use these Psi-Paladins who possess the power of the all-encompassing mystic force known as the Animus, along with their deadly energy blades, and printable cards for all characters.

As a bonus, the booklet has game stats for the Techno-Barbarians, a party of three heroes of the wastelands: Lady Azura, A.K.A. The Blue Sorceress; Dashar, barbaric wielder of the Photovoltaic Sword; and his brutal companion Ferragg, the Lion of the Wasteland!

ASSEMBLY WARNING: The Paladin models are Multi Part pewter casting. Their blades are separate and must be glued to the body with superglue in the pose you want. The three Techno Barbarians are all one piece castings.



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The Basic Pledge


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Miniatures + PDF + Core Rulebook


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All 7 miniatures and PDF versions of all three rulebooks


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The miniatures + PDF+ 90cm x 90cm Game mat


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Everything we make for Mutants and Death Ray Guns


ComBot Squad* will be UNLOCKED @ $7,900 and included Free with all pledges

* will include clear acrylic bases and not textured bases

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Pack of 3 ComBots

$10,900 Stretch Goal

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Lord Phalag and Minions

more stretchgoals will be revealed if we get this far…

Tell me more about the game…

MUTANTS AND DEATH RAY GUNS (MDRG for short) is a fast-paced, skirmish level, post-holocaust miniature system for 2+ players. The rules are based on the popular Song of Blades and Heroes. The game uses only six-sided dice, is easy to learn and, above all, FUN.

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  • Complete a battle in 45 minutes, or a campaign in one evening!
  • Play with any single-based miniature, in any scale, with as little as four models per player— a 3’x3’ table is enough!
  • Use three sticks for movement and ranges – no need for a tape measurer.
  • Create characters randomly or with a point system.
  • Character types include: Humans, Androids, Mutants, Robots, Mutated Plants, Mutated Animals, and the disease-ridden Wretched!
  • Six scenarios included; Rules for mutations, power armor, high-tech weapons and psi-powers;
  • Campaign rules: characters gain new mutations and equipment after every battle.

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Sample Pages from Mutants and Death Ray Guns

More about the Miniatures…

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The four Psi-Paladins

The PSI-Paladins

Psi-Paladins are a mystic cult of psionically-endowed humans. Their abilities may appear similar to mental mutations, but there is evidence they exist since before the apocalyptic wars. They are probably the result of government funded experiments into the powers of the mind, or naturally-occurring super abilities, rather than the result of exposure to mutagens. Most Psi-Paladins adopt a chivalric code of conduct similar to a medieval knight’s code or to Japanese bushido. They fight to defend their order, protect the innocents, and help powerless people against bullying post-apocalyptic warlords.

A few Paladins, however, believe they should use their powers to the advantage of themselves, even if this means hurting others. These dark paladins have formed a splinter cult called the Overmind. Their abilities and weaponry are the same as the Psi-Paladins’, but they wear dark clothes to differentiate themselves from their brethren. There is bad blood between Psi-Paladins and Overmind members. Encounters between the two organizations cause religious diatribes, that often escalate into force-blade duels.

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Cover of the Psi Paladin Supplement

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Sample Page from the Psi Paladin PDF

The Techno-Barbarians

The Techno-Barbarians is the collective name of a party of three heroes of the Mutants and Death Ray Guns world. Led by Lady Azura, an ex Psi-Paladin who abandoned the way of the Animus without slipping into the moral ambiguity and selfishness of the Overmind, this trio of post-apocalyptic heroes count as a full adventuring party due to their exceptional experience, powers, and equipment. If Azura is the mind of the team, Dashar the wielder of the photovoltaic sword and Ferragg, an hyper-evolved lion-man endowed with superhuman strength and a powerful, accurate laser rifle, are its mighty arms.

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Techno Barbarians


The these Ganesha miniatures are cast in lead-free pewter instead of lead-based white metal alloys. This is a bit more expensive, but means the miniature are safe for handling, hold detail better, and are more rigid and can better withstand use as gaming pieces. They also look nice as metal display pieces on their own.

We know not all people like the process of assembly of metal or resin kits. We strive to make most models single piece, but some complicated poses require the model to be broken down in pieces to cast.

All the Paladin models are Multi Part. Their blades are separate and must be glued to the body with superglue.

The Techno Barbarians are all one piece castings.

Below is a picture showing how our miniature scale compares to a few other manufacturers.

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Scale Comparison


Project Simian Ultra X

In the not too distant future, a secret military project was initiated to create a genetically engineered soldier that was specialized for stealth, reconnaissance, infiltration, and assassination. The project was known as SIMIAN ULTRA X and combined the DNA of ape, human, and flying squirrel.

Project Simian Ultra X – This existing mini supplement features new rules for MDRG, stats for the simians and other project X genetically engineered creatures, background on the ultra X project, and five scenarios. You may opt to include these rules and miniatures with your pledge if you like.

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Simian X Miniature Range for MDRG

Sample Pages from Project Simian Ultra X

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Sample Pages from Projext Ultra X Book

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Add Set 1 of Simian X minis for $20

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Add set 2 of Simian X minis for $16

90 x 90 Neoprene mousepad game mats

Games of Mutants and Death Ray Guns are played on a 90cm x 90cm (roughly 3’ x3’) surface covered with terrain. As part of this project, we have made an ideal gaming surface from durable, lightweight, and wrinkle-resistant neoprene rubber mat, the same material used for mousepads. The mat is only 1.5mm thick and is easy to fold or roll up for easy storage and transport. The surface is soft, so your minis do not get damaged when they fall, and the ‘grippy’ bottom makes sure the mat does not move around during play.

The mat is only available with some pledges and shipping on those pledges are higher because the mat is large and will be sent separately in a durable shipping tube.

You may add on a mat to any pledge by adding $40 to you pledge, which includes worldwide shipping and a large durrable storage tube.

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neoprene wasteland mat

We also have a GRASSLAND game mat available from our previous KICKSTARTER. By request, we are making it available as part of this project as well.

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If you already have a WASTELAND GAME mat as part of your pledge, you can ADD the GRASSLANDS mat by adding $30 to your pledge. The 2nd mat is cheaper because you do not have to pay shipping twice for the added mat.

If you want to order any game mat (GRASSLAND or WASTELAND) and do not have one as part of your pledge, the first one added is $40 and the 2nd or any additional mats are an additional $30.

Risks and challenges

We have already successfully delivered four successful Kickstarter projects since 2015. We firmly believe that the majority of the risk for a Kickstarter should be with the creator and not the backers. For this reason, we have already paid for the main sculpting and are ready to go into production if project is funded.

The primary risk is there will be delays in sculpting any new miniatures added as a result of stretch goals. We have three very capable and talented sculptors who all have a consistent track record of delivering on time, but one can never predict unforeseen circumstances which could cause delays. To ensure the project is fulfilled, we also have a list of backup sculptors, in the very unlikely event the primary sculptor is unable to deliver.

We also work with well known and established casting companies that have been in the miniature industry for decades and have never missed a deadline.

We are very confident, that should the project fund we will be able to fulfill the project as described and within a reasonable time frame to our backers. We also ensure we have enough reserve funds for contingency to deal with any unexpected additional costs. If you backed our previous projects, you know we deliver and are a trustworthy company.

Der Kickstarter hat seinen Zielbetrag von 4.900,00 USD bereits erreicht und läuft noch zehn Tage.



Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ob der olle Roberts das gut findet das sie da so ein Kilrathi Modell hinstellen? 😀

    Ich muss leider sagen das Ganesha Games derartig schlechte Gestaltung hat für ihre Regeln das es mich immer massiv abschreckt. Die Minis sind ganz ok.

  • Der Parierbügel an dem gelben „Laser“(?)schwert schaut extrem beschissen aus!
    Die „Affen“ sind aber cool.

  • Hmm, für 28 mm ist das jetzt von der Qualität her nur okay. Ein paar nette Anspielungen sind dabei (Jedi, Kilrathi, Chappie), aber dieser Kickstarter ist nichts, was ich jetzt unbedingt backen muss…

  • Ich mag die Figuren. Sie haben ihren eigenen Charme.
    Und als Bier und Brezel-System sind die ‚Song of Blablabla‘-Regelwerke sehr gut geeignet. damit lassen sich eigentlich alle Minis und jedes Setting irgendwie einfach darstellen.

  • Sorry für den mit Sicherheit objektiven und gemeinen Kommentar, aber ganz ehrlich… viel hässlicher kann man knapp 50$ echt nicht investieren.

  • Irgendwie seht ihr alle andere Minis als ich, oder?

    Wenn ich das richtig sehe, dann bekommt man für € 32,- sieben individuelle Minis und ein Regelwerk. Die Figuren sehen zudem ziemlich gut aus und imitieren wunderbar den schrägen Charme der 80er Jahre Postapok-Rollenspiele und Comics. Die „Luxus-Edition“ für $49 (das sind nur €45,-) enthält sogar drei Regelbücher.

    Das ist sehr fair bepreist, und wer versteht worum es bei dem Kickstarter geht (Gamma World!), der freut sich auch über die vielen bescheuerten Details, wie die Parierstange am Laserschwert, aufrecht gehende Löwen oder Zyklopenhühner.

    Ich mag die SoBH-Regeln, und überlege wirklich da einzusteigen; die große Resonanz zeigt, dass ich nicht der einzige bin.

  • Ich versteh ja marketingtechnisch, dass heutzutage alles zu Kickstarter geht, aber für 16 Seiten PDF und sieben Zinnminis (die alle quasi einteilig sind und keine komplizierten Formen erfordern) – das sorgt sogar bei mir für Stirnrunzeln.
    Aber trotzdem viel Erfolg!

    • Ich glaube Du hast es selbst beantwortet. Wie lange muss eine Kleinstfirma wie Ganesha arbeiten, um auf einen Schlag mehrere Tausend Dollar zu bekommen, die sie in die Entwicklung eines neuen Produkts stecken können?

      Da ist ein Kickstarter einfach die bessere Alternative.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.