von BK-Nils | 24.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

Forge World: Neuheiten für den Hobbit

Zwei neue Modelle kommen für das Hobbit Strategiespiel von Forge Word, der mächtige Adler Gwaihir und ein riesiger Troll mit wählbarem Reiter.

Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 1 Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 2 Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 3

Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 4 Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 5 Forge World_The Hobbit GWAIHIR™ THE WINDLORD 6

Gwaihir™ The Windlord – 55,00 GBP

Although Gwaihir™ and his Great Eagles care little for the strivings of the earth-bound Men and Dwarves, they often find common cause against evil creature such as Orcs and Wargs.Gwaihir himself is the mightiest and most noble of the Eagles, known as the Windlord, and his power and dominion are incredible.

A magnificent Eagle, with wide wingspan and fierce expression, Gwaihir is a spectacularly detailed resin model which can be taken as a Hero in a Good army. He is presented on a rocky diorama base, one enormous set of talons pinning down the Warg he is attacking with the other. An unfortunate Orc is involved in the turmoil; his leg trapped beneath the Warg, he is forced to desperately wave his sword about in the fading hope that he may live to see another battle…

Packaged in a Character Series box, this model comes in 15 components and is supplied with a 60mm round base. Rules for Gwaihir can be found in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey™.

Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 1 Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 2 Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 3 Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 4

Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 5 Forge World_The Hobbit TROLL BRUTE 6

Troll Brute – 75,00 GBP

Tortured and mutilated by Orcs, these Trolls have been specifically bred for war. Many of them have had limbs removed and replaced with crude and merciless weaponry. With every lumbering stride, they crush and mangle those in their path, spiked feet and swinging flails leaving a trail of broken bodies and splattered gore in their wake. A Monster for an Evil army, the Troll Brute is particularly adept at annihilating enemies – the enormous metal flails that have replaced his arms, and the spiked metal balls in place of his feet are certainly up to the task. Lacking armour, clad only in a hastily-arranged loincloth, his skin is marked with the scars of many, many battles; in a particularly grisly detail his eyes have been plucked out and replaced with the chains his rider uses as guidance.

The kit comes with a choice of two different riders: A Gundabad Orc, or Bofur the Dwarf. The latter is capable, with the help of his kin, of mounting the Troll Brute, slaying its rider and taking control with devastating effect.

Rules for the Troll Brute, and a scenario depicting Bofur the Dwarf using the Troll Brute, can be found in The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy™ There and Back Again.

This multi-part resin kit comes in 21 components, and is supplied with an 80mm round base.


The Hobbit™ Character Series Collection – 135,00 GBP

Collecting together The Hobbit™ Character Series models, this bundle contains three resin kits making four unique miniatures:

Gwaihir™ The Windlord, magnificent Eagle, with wide wingspan and fierce expression.He is presented on a rocky diorama base, one enormous set of talons pinning down the Warg he is attacking with the other. An unfortunate Orc is involved in the turmoil; his leg trapped beneath the Warg, he is forced to desperately wave his sword about in the fading hope that he may live to see another battle… A 60mm round base is included.

Dain Ironfoot, Lord of Iron Hills, the cousin to Thorin Oakenshield™ and the lord of the Dwarven stronghold in the Iron Hills. This kit makes two models: Dain Ironfoot on foot and Dain Ironfoot mounted on his War Boar. Each model wears heavy Dwarf armour and wields a two-handed hammer. A 40mm round base and a 25mm round base are included.

Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm on Elk is a wise but proud king who cares little for those beyond his own borders. This kit is a fantastically detailed rendition of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm charging into battle atop a powerful war elk, blade held aloft. This kit features a lavishly-sculpted scenic base, depicting a broken archway and pillars with a slain enemy lying prone. The scenic base comes apart, and Thranduil can be lifted out on his own gaming base. A 50mm round base and a 105x70mm oval scenic base are included.

These models are supplied in Character Series presentation boxes.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hab normaler weise mit den FW Preisen keine Probleme. Teuer sind sie auf jeden Fall aber 75£ für die Troll Brute ist einfach nur lächerlich. 50£ wäre schon happig und wirklich ein hoher Preis aber 75£? (Sind beim jetzigen Umrechnungskurd so 86€) Da sind ja die Primarchen günstig gegen und kommen noch mit gestalteten Basen. (Größe durfte ja ähnlich sein)
    Einfach nur „No Way“.
    Vom aussehen der Miniatur mal ganz ab. Da ist FW nunmal an die Filmvorlage gebunden.
    Freue mich das FW die Hobbit-Reihe weiter mit Miniaturen versorgt und die Zwerge gefallen mir zum großen Teil sehr gut. Aber Preislich leider dadurch 100%ig unatraktiv.

  • Gwaihir ist schick geworden, nur werden die meisten HdR/Hobbit-Spieler bereits einen haben. Das Basediorama erinnert mich an einen Umbau aus einem HdR-Forum vor ein paar Jahren.

    Das andere Ding, naja. Man muss sich halt an die filmische Vorlage halten, aber die Stuhlkonstruktion sieht wenig solide aus und der Troll ist viel zu massig, um von diesen Stelzenbeinen getragen zu werden. Und die Dudes sitzen nicht mal richtig auf dem Troll bzw. im Stuhl und sehen so aus, als wären sie einzeln modelliert worden.
    Schick ist auf jeden Fall, dass die FW-Trolle alle massig und richtige Viecher sind. Aber für den Preis passen zuviele Details einfach nicht.

    Macht mal lieber was für Rohan, FW.

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