Forge World: Custodes Coronus Transporter
Damit die Truppen der Legio Custodes sich nicht schutzlos über das Schlachtfeld der Horus Heresy bewegen müssen, kommt der Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-Carrier von Forge Word.
Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-Carrier – 110,00 GBP
Armed with twin-linked Lastrum bolt cannon and Arachnus blaze cannon, the Coronus Grav-carrier is perhaps one of the most recognised vehicles used exclusively by the Legio Custodes. This heavily protected transport skimmer provides them with a degree of speed and agility unmatched by the grinding armour of others who fight in the name of the Emperor, allowing the Legio Custodes to deploy rapidly into a range of terrain whilst reducing the risk of being pinned down by enemy forces.
Principally used as a transport, the strikingly-designed Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-carrier served as the technological basis for the Pallas and Caladius grav-craft. While its primary function is transporting a unit of warriors into battle, its armaments – hull-mounted Lastrum bolt cannon and turret-mounted Arachnus blaze cannon – ensure that it is more than capable of mounting appropriately aggressive defenses.
Rules for using a Coronus Grav-carrier as part of a Legio Custodes army in Horus Heresy games can be found in the forthcoming book, The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno.
The Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-carrier is a complete, multi-part resin kit in 45 components, supplied with a 170mm oval base.
Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-Carrier & 10 Custodian Guard – 180,00 GBP
Armed with twin-linked Lastrum bolt cannon and Arachnus blaze cannon, the Coronus Grav-carrier is perhaps one of the most recognised vehicles used exclusively by the Legio Custodes, bodyguards and sword protectors of the Emperor, whose might is surpassed only by the Primarchs. This heavily protected transport skimmer provides them with a degree of speed and agility unmatched by the grinding armour of others who fight in the name of the Emperor, allowing the Legio Custodes to deploy rapidly into a range of terrain whilst reducing the risk of being pinned down by enemy forces.
This set includes a resin Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-carrier – a powerful, heavily-armoured transport designed to get troops into the thick of battle as quickly and efficiently as possible – and a unit of ten multi-part plastic Legio Custodes which can built as Custodian Guard or Sentinel Guard. The Legio Custodes Squad includes several wargear and weapon options; 10 guardian spears; 10 sentinel blades; 10 storm shields; 12 ceremonial daggers; 2 Custodes vexilla; as well as 10 helmeted and 4 bare heads.
Legio Custodes Armoured Assault Force – 300,00 GBP
More powerful warriors than even the Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes, and second only to the Primarchs themselves, the Legio Custodes are the bodyguards and sworn protectors of the Emperor.
This bundle is the perfect start to a Legio Custodes collection. The models included allow you to dive straight into the cataclysmic warfare of the Horus Heresy.
A total of 17 multi-part plastic and resin models are included: a resin Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-Carriers, a resin Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank and 15 plastic Custodian Guard.
The Coronus Grav-carriers are powerful, heavily-armoured transports, armed with turret-mounted Arachnus blaze cannon and Lastrum bolt-cannon on its distinctive hull
The Caladius Grav-Tank is armed with a double-barrelled Iliastus accelerator cannon and a Lastrum bolt cannon.
The 15 Legio Custodes can be built as either Custodian Guard or Sentinel Guard, and include a number of wargear and weapon options: 15 guardian spears; 15 sentinel blades; 15 storm shields; 18 ceremonial daggers; 3 Custodes vexilla; as well as 15 helmeted and 6 bare heads.
Quelle: Forge World
Das sieht ja schon alles sehr schick aus, so zusammen…
Ich hätte ja jetzt gern mal ne Plastikbox mit 5 Mann. Immer ne Prosperoboxkaufen und dann wieder bei ebay den anderen Kram verkaufen nerft mit der Zeit…
…ist doch aber momentan nicht der schlechteste Deal, wa?
Oder Du behälst die Marines und arbeitest mal auf eine komplette Legion hin…
Nee ist wirklich nicht der schlechteste Deal zumal ich an die Heresy Boxen von GW für nen hunni komm, mache auch immer 20-30 Euro Plus, aber die Zeit die flöten geht, immer zur Post, Anzeigen stellen etc, da läppert sich das zusammen und wenn man ehh schon knapp dran ist mit Freizeit…
Mit Marines bin ich auch bestückt für die nächste Zeit, hier stehn knapp 120 von Fulgrims kleinen Mädchen und warten auf ihr Lila Tütü…warte aber noch auf ein paar bits vom bitzshop. Das war auch mein Ausgangs Punkt, dann haben mir die mitgelieferten Custodes aber so gut gefallen und nu hat mich GW doch wieder im Netz… es ist schon ein Elend 😀
Schöne Antigrav-Fahrzeuge. Aber was machen die He-man-Ritter daneben?
Hm, 110£ Pfund für’n transporter is schon heftig. Zumal die transporter mir nicht so zusagen. Die Custodes sind mega schick, aber die Panzer? Ich weiß nicht….
@ Gomeril die warten auf She-Ra zur Party in Greyskull ><