von BK-Christian | 02.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought

Die Custodes bekommen schwere Verstärkung.

FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 1 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 2 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 3 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 4

FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 5 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 6 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 7 FW Forge World Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought 8

  • Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought (Set) – 72,00 Pfund
  • Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought (Körper) – 46,00 Pfund
  • Legio Custodes Telemon Caestus – 13,00 Pfund
  • Legio Custodes Telemon Arachnus Storm Cannon – 13,00 Pfund

Fewer than a handful of Telemon Dreadnoughts are to be found within the ranks of the Legio Custodes, each intended to stand sentinel over its charges no matter the forces brought against it. The honour of interment in one of the few existing Telemon sarcophagi is awarded to only the most celebrated warriors. Rare is the foe who can stand against the array of esoteric, hand-crafted weapons that grace its chassis or the ferocious will and warrior skill of the master Custodian interred within.

This bundle contains the parts needed to assemble a complete Legio Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought. The perfect Heavy Support choice for a Talons of the Emperor army list, it’s a model of impressive heft, with immense pauldrons giving it an iconic shape. The legs are extremely posable, giving you a wealth of modelling options (including an optional stepping foot for dynamic posing), and the kit includes a Spiculus Bolt Launcher seated above the sarcophagus.

Also included are a Telemon Caestus, which can be assembled with fist open or closed. The ornate armour work includes an Aquila motif, and two fans are included, meaning the Caestus can be mounted on your choice of left or right arm; and an Arachnus Storm Cannon, with two separate elbow fans making it mountable on either arm of a Telemon Heavy Dreadnought.

The bundle is supplied with a 100mm round base. Rules for using the model in games of The Horus Heresy are available as a PDF download.

Und dann gibt es da noch dieses Set:

FW Forge World Legio Custodes Dreadnought Collection

Legio Custodes Dreadnought Collection – 184,00 Pfund

This bundle contains the parts needed to assemble a veritable collection of awesome Legio Custodes Dreadnought miniatures, including a complete Telemon Dreadnought.

The perfect Heavy Support choice for a Talons of the Emperor army list, the Telemon Dreadnought a model of impressive heft, with immense pauldrons giving it an iconic shape. The legs are extremely posable, giving you a wealth of modelling options (including an optional stepping foot for dynamic posing), and the kit includes a Spiculus Bolt Launcher seated above the sarcophagus.

Also included are a Telemon Caestus, which can be assembled with fist open or closed. The ornate armour work includes an Aquila motif, and two fans are included, meaning the Caestus can be mounted on your choice of left or right arm; and an Arachnus Storm Cannon, with two separate elbow fans making it mountable on either arm of a Telemon Heavy Dreadnought. You’ll also receive a Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought and a Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought!

Quelle: Forge World


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Finde den Heavy Dreadnought leider kackhässlich, was für mich irgendwie an der Schulterpartie liegt (eigentlich der ganze Teil der oben rot bemalt wurde). Die „normalen“ Dreadnoughts von den Custodes dagegen gefallen mir richtig gut!

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    Und „damals“ waren sie wesentlich aktiver.

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