von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

Fly My Hawkmen: Kickstarter läuft

Cold War Miniatures präsentieren ihren „Fly My Hawkmen“ Kickstarter.

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Help Cold War Miniatures to launch a new range of Resin Wargame Minis for Gamers, Collectors and Painters. Inspired by the old black and white serials but with a modern twist, these minis are an imagining of a range from a „rediscovered lost serial“.

Adversarial Aliens, Despotic Dictators and Rampaging Robot Legions are all planned, the range launches with the Heroic Hawkmen.

The range is scaled at „Heroic 28“ (32mm) which is a standard size for current Sci-Fi and Fantasy Minis. At this size they are slightly taller than some older 28mm ranges and slightly shorter than some newer ranges but should sit well alongside both. They are also proportioned to be „fairly chunky“ like traditional putty sculpted minis.

(Picture of other manufactures products for comparison purposes only)

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 The Hawkmen are sculpted digitally and will be produced in Resin as the lighter weight allows for more dynamic poses and makes the flying poses more stable on a stand. The minis will be supplied with plastic bases and flying stands where appropriate.

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To start with there is 1 Kickstarter Exclusive Mini plus a further 10 designs available, half in flight and half on the ground with more designs, optional extras, specials (Medic, Rocket Cycle and King) and more exclusives available to unlock if they are popular and the campaign progresses. Getting in on the „Early Bird“ Pledge not only guarantees you the 3 Specials but gets them at a discounted price.

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The initial target has now been reached and as a Thank You Backers who pledge £30 (Pick a Wing) or more will receive an exclusive Kickstarter mini, that won’t be included in the retail range.

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Came the cry across the sky, I asked, you replied and so an option for wings instead of jets is now included as standard. The standard wings will fit any mini in the range, larger unfurled wings suitable for flying poses are part of the stretch goals.

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Pledge Level:

Pick a Wing – 30,00 GBP:

5 Hawkmen of your choice. 5 Minis from any of the standard unlocked Hawkmen (excludes specials). This reward allows you to purchase additional add ons and exclusives as they become available. It also qualifies for any specified unlocked Freebies


  • Hawkman Wing
  • Digital Thank You Card

Pair of Wings – 50,00 GBP:

10 Hawkmen of your choice. 10 Minis from any of the standard unlocked Hawkmen (excludes specials). This reward allows you to purchase additional add ons and exclusives as they become available. It also qualifies for any specified unlocked Freebies


  • Digital Thank You Card
  • Hawkman Wing

Squadron – 95,00 GBP:

20 Hawkmen of your choice. 20 Minis from any of the standard unlocked Hawkmen (excludes specials) + 2 free Casualty Markers. This reward allows you to purchase additional add ons and exclusives as they become available. It also qualifies for any specified unlocked Freebies


  • Digital Thank You Card
  • Hawkman Wing
  • Hawkmen Casualties


Stretch Goals:

Now we can turn to the fun extras to increase the variety of minis and options available in the range. I’ve been listening to your comments and here are the first two.

Stretch Goal 1 – First up is a deadly duo of ladies to boost the squad choices, a female Wing Commander and Trooper.

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Stretch Goal 2 – Next up is one for the modellers, new options for Jet Plumes or larger flying wings and a FREE Bitz pack of hands, weapons and other cool bits to add to your Hawkmen for more variety, see the Wing Commanders in the Sketch Wing picture for an example of how they could be used. The Bitz Kit will contain at least 4 hands and a couple of other items. These aren’t made up yet so I may well make more than 1 type.

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Stretch Goal 3 – Bomber Boys. The Hawkmen Bombardiers forego the long range of the HawkBow for a deadly payload of bombs. Whether raining death from above or supporting their Wingmen on the ground with a throw that rivals any quarterback, these Flyboys pack a powerful punch. Another 2 minis available for selection as part of any of the pledges.

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Stretch Goal 4 – Hawkman Rocket Cycle. An absolute beast of a machine the Rocket Cycle hurtles towards it’s prey at breathtaking speed. Packing twin mounted Laser Cannon, it is the Hawkmen’s heavy support and more than a match for most opponents. A £20 add on when unlocked or a unit of 3 for £50

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Cold War Miniatures lassen in ihrem Kickstarter die Zeiten Flash Gordons wieder in neuem Glanz erstrahlen: Rocketeers und Hawkmen im heroischen 28mm (entspricht 32mm) Maßstab. Trotz digitalen Sculpts bemüht sich CWM darum die Miniaturen so zu gestalten, dass sie zu bereits etablierten Pulp-Reihen passen.


Derzeit steht der Kickstarter bei 3450,00 GBP und ist bereits komplett finanziert. Die ersten zwei Stretch Goals wurden schon freigeschaltet.

Der Fly My Hawkmen Kickstarter endet am 30. Juli 2017.



Quelle: Fly My Hawkmen Kickstarter


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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