von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Flames of War

Flames of War: Fighting First Preorders

The Fighting First ist vorbestellbar- die Flames of War Erweiterung für U.S. Truppen in Nordafrika 1942-43.

Flames Of War1

Old Ironsides
Fighting First Pre-orders Now Open

The Allies have the fascists on the run in North Africa, but the fight is not over yet. The United States is the newest army to enter the war. They boast some of the best tanks in the world, backed up by well-equipped infantry, either marching to battle on foot or riding half-tracks, and the latest deadly tank destroyers. Their troops are inexperienced, but they have trained hard and are eager to prove themselves. They will need to learn quickly, as they face a cunning and battle-hardened enemy.

What are you waiting for? Enlist now and we can kick the Germans all the way back to Berlin and be home for Christmas!

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Early September Releases:

  • Fighting First: A4, 52 pages, Hardback
  • Patton’s Fighting First (Plastic)
  • Fighting First Paint Set
  • Drab Spray
  • Fighting First Dice (20 dice)
  • Fighting First Tokens (20 tokens)


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Mid September Releases:

  • Armored Rifle Platoon (Plastic)
  • Armored Rifle Company HQ
  • M3 Halftrack Platoon (Plastic)
  • Rifle Company (Plastic)

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Late September Releases:

  • Fighting First Command Cards
  • M3 Lee Tank Platoon (Plastic)
  • M10 Tank Destroyer Platoon (Plastic)
  • 37mm Anti-tank Platoon
  • Mortar Platoon
  • Ruined Small & Medium Desert Houses


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Mid October Releases:

  • M7 Priest Artillery Battery (Plastic)
  • M4 Sherman Tank Platoon (Plastic)
  • T28E1 37mm AAA Platoon
  • Armored Recon Patrol
  • P-40 Warhawk Fighter Flight
  • Ruined Desert Walls

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Late October Releases:

  • 105mm Field Artillery Battery (Plastic)
  • M3 Stuart Tank Platoon (Plastic)
  • T30 75mm Assault Gun Platoon
  • M4 81mm Armored Mortar Platoon
  • M1917 MG Platoon (Plastic)
  • Ruined Large Desert House

Link: Flames of War


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    Ich hoffe ja auf Italiener.

    • Italiener sind die nächsten für Midwar. Das geht bereits aus dem Afrika Corps Buch hervor, indem die Italiener als Verbündete der Deutschen einen Eintrag im Organisationsplan haben. Gleiches gab es bei den Briten mit den Amis. Frage war nur was als erstes kommt. Laut Grundregelwerk kann man davon ausgehen, dass auch der Pazifik Krieg und die Ostfront kommen werden, da die Fraktionen dafür vorgestellt werden und versichert wird das jeder dieser Fraktionen ein Armeebuch bekommen wird.

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