von BK-Christian | 13.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Eslo: 3D printable Ships Kickstarter

Nach dem ersten Kickstarter mit Schiffen zum Ausdrucken mit dem 3D Drucker, legt ESLO nochmal nach und bringt eine weitere Kampagne an den Start.

Welcome to our next Kickstarter Project with ships and boats.

Many backers have asked for more ships and here we have a small selection of them. I hope it is something for everyone

Why this project? We need your help to construct all models ready, this takes a lot of time and is also very costly.

Why should I support the project? Be the first to receive the files. Some files will be downloadable later in the shop but not all. The packages will be more expensive than here, so save them now and save up to 40%. My project shows ships for the different periods /ages. These can be printed on the scales for the different figure sizes from 6 mm to 30 mm (the larger scales could also require larger print areas). The models are high quality and highly detailed. You can all models print with ABS or PLA.

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 1

There are 7 Pledges:

Pledge: small old fishing boat:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 2

Old wooden ship…
Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 9,95 € (Save over 50%)

Pledge: fishing ship:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 3

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 14,95 € (Save over 50%)

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 4

first test print for 15mm scale (not so perfect)

Pledge: Yacht:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 5

Pictures is a Sketch – model can be similiar!

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 14,95 € (Save over 50%)

Pledge: WWII Landing Ship:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 6

Comes with 2 boats with open & closend door.

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 14,95 € (Save over 50%)

Pledge: Carrack:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 7

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 18,95 € (Save over 50%)

Pledge: Corsair ship:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 8

It Comes with different parts for different ship (example different sails, with & without paddle & some Details).

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files): 24,95 € (Save over 50%)  

Pledge: Full Set

Full Set this set included all models (over 6 ship models) from all the pledges sets. You get all the files from the pledges and the unlocked stretch goals. Plus 2 exclusiv models: 2 different ships:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 9 ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 10

This models are exclusiv in Full Set and on Kickstarter

Not everyone who fits your wargame? Look at the addons and exchange ships for the appropriate „Full_Set“.

Later regular price in the shop (STL Files):  not available (only here on Kickstarter)

Our ships comes in 28mm scale, but you can rescale it.

Example Scale factor:

10mm =  40 – 45 %
15mm =  65 %
20mm =  75 – 80%
28mm = 100 %

15mm LCVP ship (first testprint):

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 11

The ADD ONs:

from our last KS:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 12 ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 13

Simply pay the desired add-on to your Pledge, after the campaign you will be asked which add-ons you want. You can select more than one.

The „Full Set“ does not quite agree with your wargames? Just replace the non-matching ships. We ask you about the campaign which ships you would like.

Please note: Only the 7 € pledges can with 7 euro add-on exchange or the 12 € pledges can with the 12 € Add-on. The exclusive ships and the 5 € Pledge can not be exchanged.

Example: You can exchange the landing craft and the yacht with a Cog and Tug ship at the „Full Set“.

It is also possible for the 3 ship option.

The Stretch Goals:

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 14

unlocked stretch goal #1: fishing net and paddle – sketch (model may differ)

 ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 16

unlocked stretch goal #2: ship wreck- sketch (model may differ)


ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 17

unlocked stretch goal #4: 2 different cannon / harpun for ships – sketch (model may differ)

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 18

unlocked stretch goal #3: different Bases (Design: metal) for your miniatures

ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 19

locked stretch goal #6: modular landing stage

 ESLO More 3D Printable Ships And Accessories (STL Files) Kickstarter 20

locked stretch goal #7: port Tower with boom chain

more coming soon… rubber dinghy… and many more….

All files are not for commercial use!

Anyone looking for ready-to-play scenery can find many models on http://www.EsloTerrain.com, but not the models included in the project

Risks and challenges

There are no risks here… you get the file(s) per e-mail or download link in the specified time.

You can look to our first successful and completed campaign.

Die Kampagne hat ihr Ziel von 500,00 Euro erreicht und steht aktuell bei 2.871,00 Euro, die Restlaufzeit beträgt noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: ESLO auf Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • hmm gerade bei dem Ausdruck von dem Fischkutter sieht man das die Teile nicht sehr gut für FDM Druckverfahren optimiert wurden. Schade aber so sieht das Ergebnis eher subopimal aus imo

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