von BK-Christian | 24.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Eden

Escape: 2nd Edition Kickstarter

Happy Games haben einen Kickstarter für die zweite Escape-Edition gestartet.

Welcome to ESCAPE, survivors!

In 2152, more than a hundred years after the end of the Apocalypse, a seismic weapon is set off, resulting in a new chaotic situation in Europe. Above the ground, damages are spectacular, but without lasting consequences: the re-emerging humanity did not rebuild its civilisation. So, except for a short spike of volcanic activity in the south of the continent, everything goes back to normal in less than five years.

In the underground depths, this accident showed more serious long-term consequences. The seismic tremors damaged an important I.S.C. Communication relay. Its signal is corrupted and unusable. A.B.R.I. and LABS that once were linked to each other by a computer network are suddenly isolated. N.O.A.H., the artificial intelligence that monitors the I.S.C. Activity, is now divided in as many entities as there are LABS.

ESCAPE is a board game for 2 to 5 players.

In ESCAPE, one player assumes the role of N.O.A.H., a relentless and scheming artificial intelligence trying to keep the LAB under control by using the dreadful machines of the I.S.C. With only one goal: to complete the plans assigned to it when it was built.

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The other(s) player(s) share the Resistance characters as they want. These are a group of humans who refuse the tyranny of the corrupted program controlling the LAB, and who try to free humanity from its yoke.

HG Escape The Boardgame 2nd Edition 3

During the campaign, each player must fulfil the objectives of his or her f

Escape Revollution & Rebellion are 2 standalone boxes with different map, scenarios and miniatures!

They also can complete each other to make a big L.A.B. and to add more pleasure by mixing profiles!

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  • 4 double sided tiles (30 cm x 30 cm)
  • 6 Resistance plastic models (Alice, Ashton, Duncan, Jimmy & Freedom, Martin) – See a 360 view of miniatures
  • 13 I.S.C. plastic models (Black Ubume, Blue Kira, Blue Rikishi, Green Mamushi, Flybots x3, Scarabots x3, Wormbots x3) – See a 360 view of miniatures
  • 19 equipment cards
  • 15 event cards
  • 13 profile cards
  • 18 dice (3 yellow, 3 red, 3 blue, 3 green, 3 gray, 3 black)
  • 208 tokens
  • 1 rulebook
  • 1 campaign book

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  • Double sided game board (60 cm x 60 cm)
  • 7 Resistance plastic models (Jack, Jericho, Marvin, Puppet master & Puppets x3)
  • 13 I.S.C. plastic models (Black Oshoku, Youkaï x3, Flybots x3, Scarabots x3, Wormbots x3)
  • 19 equipment cards
  • 15 event cards
  • 17 profile cards
  • 18 dice (3 yellow, 3 red, 3 blue, 3 green, 3 gray, 3 black)
  • 208 tokens
  • 1 rulebook
  • 1 campaign book

Das sind die Pledge-Levels::

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HG Escape The Boardgame 2nd Edition 11 HG Escape The Boardgame 2nd Edition 12

Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Und das sind noch ein paar Infos drumrum:

Simply to launch the commercialisation of the game, since everything is ready, except for the translations.
Despite the unfailing support from our partners, the youth of our business was a disadvantage when it came to finding financing. We faced a lot of closed doors. But because of our faith in this project, here we are on a new Kickstarter adventure!

Shipping informations

As all our last campaigns, shipping will be charge after the campaign during the pledge manager.

Shipping prices :

  • France : €6
  • EU : €10
  • US : €12
  • Rest of the world : €18

Die Kampagne läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: Escape the Boardgame 2nd Edition : Rebellion and Revolution

An dieser Stelle verweisen wir mal wieder auf unsere große Kickstarter-Seite!





Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Eure Kickstarter Seite ist richtig super. Großes Kompliment!

    Ehh und zu Escape: Als Eden Fan bin ich auf jeden Fall dabei!

    • Kostet halt auch entsprechend wenig,
      55€ incl. Spiel-Material,
      Die metall minis in der selben box gegen schon alleine Richtung 100€.

      Aber, du kannst ja ohne Probleme die plastik minis durch die metall ersetzen.
      Haben die „selbe“ Größe.

    • Da ich nach dem Burnout KS mittlerweile einige minis von Eden besitze hoffe ich ja das es stat cards für andere Modelle aus Eden geben wird…..

      • Haben die als „Social Strech Goal“ bereits angekündigt:
        100 x teilen und es gibt:

        9 new profiles cards to make games varied!
        For Resistance: Chelsea, Bruce, Abby, Lloyd, Equity
        For ISC: Yellow Komuso, Blue Ashigaru, Carmin Onryo, Yellow Geisha

        Bei 40.000,00 € gibt es Profil, Taktik und Missionskarten, Tokens, Regelbuch und ne kleine Lern-Missionsammlung. Pro Box., das heißt für 100,00 € hat man nen üppigen Eden-Doppelstarter (neben 2 kombinierbaren Brettspielen). Find ich mehr als fair.

  • @Zukar Na ja…nur wenn man von Eden noch nix hat. Ansonsten ist das alles nix brauchbares. Oder eine Menge Dopplungen…und das für ein recht steiles pledge level. Und happy games factory nutz den KS echt nur als online-shop…entsprechend gibt es so gut wie kein engagement von deren Seite….die comments sind ne Geisterstadt.

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