von BK-Christian | 12.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: HMS Sussex

Spartan Games zeigen ein neues Schiff für die Briten.

Nation: Kingdom of Britannia

Famous Named Ship: HMS Sussex

Classification: Albion Class Demi-Dreadnought

Designation: Naval Capital Ship. Squadron Size 1

Kickstarter ‘Admiral of the Fleet’ Backer: Dayve Walsh

SG Spartan Dystopian Wars HMS Sussex 1

When Dayve first contacted us, he had a very clear vision for his ship and his first piece of concept artwork quickly hit our email server! Let’s leave Dayve to sum the ship up in his own words:

“I was so excited to be able to be able to make this ship. I love Dystopian Wars and the background just keeps getting better and better. When the Kickstarter arrived and I saw the Admiral of the Fleet level I thought to myself – Dayve, forget about eating, you need to make your very own DW model!” explains a very animated Dayve Walsh. “Then I emailed Spartan Neil with my idea, talked it over with him and then pretended I was Tony Hart [showing my age there] and it all got started.”

The nextstage was Spartan Mike’s involvement. He talked the Sussex design over with Dayve and came up with a first set of statistics. Once these were agreed upon the model maker gets involved. Dave’s design was so clear cut that we only made only one revision pass to the model before Dayve gave the model his blessing.

“I was gob-smacked they nailed it so fast. I’m no artist, but they took my drawing and slam-dunked it. The time chatting to Spartan Mike was great and he helped me avoid making a ship that was so dumbly overpowered as to be no fun. Neil offered up the idea of a Shield Generator that was ‘first generation’ so could overload and go offline. This really appealed to my mind of the aging hulk.”

SG Spartan Dystopian Wars HMS Sussex 2

In fact, the Sussex not only grew upon Dayve, but it hooked Spartan Neil. “It is pretty hard not to get excited about DW when you get to talking to Dayve Walsh. It may be my game, but his love for the game is fabulous. During my first chat to him about the Sussex I was working on the Bronze Typhoon Campaign Book and I was making notes about then Britannians and Singapore. And I came up with an idea, which I quickly ran past Dayve.”

The idea was to make HMS Sussex part of the background to the campaign, and to the fall of Singapore. Spartan Franco was then dragged in [he’s the author of the Bronze Typhoon book] and a plan was hatched. Soon the Sussex went from Dayve’s brainchild and Blue Peter sketch to a shape-setting model that was to influence not only the Kickstarter, but become part of Britannian naval history and would cause the brand new Royal Canadian Navy to take shape!

Let’s summarise HMS Sussex for you:

  • A hulking and aged vessel. Older in design concept than the current naval designs of the Kingdom of Britannia (KoB), this was the first Demi-Dreadnought for the nation. Built from a rugged non-military vessel and heavily modified for war, the core concept behind it being a line breaker. Ploughs into a line of enemy ships, crosses the “T” and unloads a powerful payload of broadside torpedoes and gunnery.
  • Layers of segmented ablative armour padding. More pronounced and “featured” than those found in Russia. This is a modified ship and as such has a large amount of ablative plates and modifications to make it more durable for its close quarter action.
  • First generation External Shield Generator. One of the first of its kind, whilst bleeding edge technology it needed an air of sophistication and complicated craftsmanship. Built into the hull it carries special rules that mean things don’t always go to plan!
  • A staggering Broadside capability! Able to swivel slightly, but only capable of firing in a Broadside Arc, these guns are the “main” armament of the vessel. Huge amounts of attack power out the flanks.
  • Behind the prow of the Sussex sits a powerful breach Mortar weapon. Fires in a fixed straight channel. The idea being to bombard the enemy as the Sussex steams in to unleash its crushing Broadside weaponry!
  • Under the port and starboard Broadsides are a row of Torpedo tubes, popping out from behind the armour plating that runs along the sides.
  • A powerful engine system, now bolstered with Sturginium boosting technology, propels this beast of a vessel.

SG Spartan Dystopian Wars HMS Sussex 3 SG Spartan Dystopian Wars HMS Sussex 4 SG Spartan Dystopian Wars HMS Sussex 5

HMS Sussex will shortly go into our Online Store for pre-order by you all. We hope you like her as much as we do [it’s not possible to like her as much as Dayve, his cup literally floweth over!!] and we’ll keep you updated on more cool models as they are completed for our Admirals of the Fleet.

Dystopian Wars ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy-In erhältlich.

Quelle: Spartan Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich warte auf den legendären Flugzeugträger S.S. Essess 😉

    Aber ein schönes Schiff und scheinbar diesmal auch nicht so eine Luftnummer, wie das damals im Blog gezeigte modulare Terraner-Schlachtschiff.

  • Bin mal gespannt wann die Sachen aus dem Kickstarter kommen. Da freu ich mich schon drauf. Es gibt zwar gerade ein paar Verzögerungen bei der Auslieferung, aber nichts was nicht kommuniziert wurde und auch nachvollziehbar ist. Also die ganz normalen Kickstarter Probleme wie bei jedem anderen Projekt auch.

  • Mir gefällt der Rumpf überhaupt nicht. Eigentlich finde ich ja fast alles sehr gut, was Spartan für DW designed hat – mit wenigen Ausnahmen. Mit dem Ding habe ich meine Probleme. Vielleicht sieht es ja in Natur besser aus.

    Habe aber eben die Nachricht erhalten, dass sie angefangen haben, Teile des Kickstarters zu versenden. Ein paar Sachen fehlen noch, aber die Hauptsachen sollten drin sein. Ich bin sehr gespannt…

    • Dito… irgednwie weicht das zu sehr vom britischen Design ab.. auf den ersten Blick sah es für mich sogar wie ein Britenschiff aus, das man in einer Design-Seifenablage vergessen hätte ;).

      Und auch die übermäßige gegenseitige Belobhudelung hinterlässt einen komischen Geschmack. Nichts gegen Stolz sein auf seine Arbeit, aber wenn ich mich erst mal deswegen durch den halbe Text arbeiten muss, bevor ich wirklich was über das Schiff erfahre, dann ist mir das auf Dauer zuviel.

      • Bemängelst du grade ernsthaft genau das was das besonder am Schiff und Hintergrund ist?

      • Dastut Belog immer und gerne. Er ist halt aus der „Szene“ und hat „Insider Kontakte“ und weiß außerdem ganz genau, dass Fox (TM) an allem Schuld ist! :))

  • Mamma mia, ein schwimmendes Bügeleisen. Anhand der Beschreibung was das zuvor kein militärisches Schiff. Wie sah es wohl aus ehe es für den Krieg gerüstet wurde?

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