von BK-Nils | 21.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: 2.5 Regelbuch und Ägypter

Die neue Edition von Dystopian Wars ist mit dem Regelbuch 2.5 in zwei Ausführungen da und mit der Republic of Egypt tritt eine weitere Nation in den Weltkrieg ein.

Spartan Games_Dystopian Wars Dystopian Wars 2.5 Rulebook - Softback

Dystopian Wars 2.5 Rulebook – Softback – 18,00 GBP

At 272-pages our newly redesigned Dystopian Wars 2.5 Core Rulebook embraces a number of exciting changes and additions which deliver even more excitement and gaming depth to the tabletop. Key enhancements include the streamlining of key game mechanics, the addition of a fully-fledged Campaign System, the Fleet Action Fast Play rules, Commodore rules and more. The book also includes over 70 pages of Background materials detailing the Spartan Sturginium World and the nations fighting the bitter world war! Available as a Hardback and Softback version.

Spartan Games_Dystopian Wars Dystopian Wars 2.5 Rulebook - Hardback

Dystopian Wars 2.5 Rulebook – Hardback – 25,00 GBP

At 272-pages our newly redesigned Dystopian Wars 2.5 Core Rulebook embraces a number of exciting changes and additions which deliver even more excitement and gaming depth to the tabletop. Key enhancements include the streamlining of key game mechanics, the addition of a fully-fledged Campaign System, the Fleet Action Fast Play rules, Commodore rules and more. The book also includes over 70 pages of Background materials detailing the Spartan Sturginium World and the nations fighting the bitter world war! Available as a Hardback and Softback version.

Spartan Games_Dystopian Wars Republic of Egypt Naval Battle Group

Republic of Egypt Naval Battle Group – 45,00 GBP

The Republic of Egypt is newest nation to become available to Dystopian Wars gamers and is one of the most exciting to arrive, bringing with it the promise of new conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East. As a skimming force this Battle Group of 30 stunning models can be deployed on land or sea and with its aesthetic paying homage to ancient Egypt is not only devastating but looks stunning! Contents include 1x Mandjet Battleship, 2x Bastet Support Carriers and Drone Tokens, 3x Sekhmet Cruisers, 4x Pedjet Frigates, 5x Khopesh Corvettes and 12x Scarab Assault Robot bases.

Quelle: Spartan Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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