von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Dungeons of Doom III: Kickstarter läuft

Zurück in den Dungeon – ein neuer Kickstarter für heroische Fantasyminiaturen ist da.


Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom III

They’re back! More delvers lost in the Dungeons of Doom! This time they’re hunting The Dragon!

A party ready for your next dungeon crawl! Heroic scale fantasy miniatures, sculpted by hand and cast in metal, for your roleplaying and tabletop games. I have enjoyed sculpting these adventurers and I would love to share them with you!

Scotia Grendel are casting and distributing miniatures to the United Kingdom and Europe!The funding from this Kickstarter will pay for the moulds and casting of at least 8 new miniatures. Legendary Hero pledge backers will unlock more miniatures as Stretch Goals from 5k onwards. Reaching 10k funding will unleash The Dragon! which will be made available as an Add-On.

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Pledge Level:

Lone Wolf – United Kingdom & Europe – 15,00 NZD

Solo adventurer. Choose one miniature from this campaign.Note: You can also choose companions for your adventurer during the Kickstarter campaign. Simply multiply this pledge amount by the total number of miniatures you need.Stretch Goals and/or Add-Ons require additional payment.

Heroes Quest – United Kingdom & Europe – 44,00 NZD

Party! Choose any four miniatures from this campaign.Note: You can also choose companions to join your party during the Kickstarter campaign. Simply add the Lone Wolf pledge for each additional miniature you need.Stretch Goals and/or Add-Ons require additional payment.

Dragon Slayers – United Kingdom & Europe – 79,00 NZD

You receive the original 8 miniatures from this Kickstarter campaign, plus any miniatures unlocked by Legendary Hero backers. You can also purchase Add-Ons.Note: Yes, this is the best deal! You get Stretch Goal Heroes for FREE! You can also purchase The Dragon (when unleashed at 10k funding).

Legendary Hero Pledge – 499,00 NZD

Think you’re brave enough to enter the underworld? As a Legendary Hero pledge backer I sculpt your very own character as part of this campaign!

This pledge gives you a custom miniature, sculpted to resemble your own player character. You also receive all miniatures unlocked during the campaign. This pledge level was called Epic Hero in the previous campaign and proved very popular.

One thing I love about my new sculpting hobby is the joy of bringing your favourite characters to the gaming table as miniatures you can hold in your hands.

Stretch Goals:

Each Legendary Hero miniature will be made available to all pledge backers as Stretch Goals from 5k funding onwards. At 10k funding I will sculpt The Dragon which will be available as an Add-On!

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Miniatures from the previous two Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom! Kickstarters are available as Add-Ons. The Dragon will be available as an Add-On once funding reaches 10k. Simply select the pledge that you want, then add any extra funds for Add-Ons: 

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  • Add-On $99 for Kickstarter I (17 miniatures). 
  • Add-On $99 for Kickstarter II (11 miniatures plus The Troll miniature).
  • Add-On $49 for The Dragon (Available when Kickstarter III reaches 10k funding).


Der Kickstarter für klassische RPG oder Tabletop Fantasy-Miniaturen ist bereits finanziert: 8.595 NZD (Ziel waren 1000 NZD).

Die Kampagne endet am 21. August 2017.

Link: Dungeons of Doom III Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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