von BK-Christian | 11.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dropfleet Commander

Dropfleet Commander: Neuheiten im März

Für Dropfleet Commander erscheinen im März neue Modelle.

HW Hawk Dropfleet Corvetten UCM

Santiago Class Corvette – 22,99 Euro (6 Modelle)

The Santiago class corvette is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships were designed for a single purpose – hunting down enemy atmospheric fleet assets. They are armed with a potent array of air-to-air missiles, utterly lethal to the frigate sized vessels that are its favourite prey. In particular, strike carriers and their precious cargo are prime targets since these strategically vital ships are shielded from the majority of enemy fire while operating in atmosphere.

Santiagos are favoured by the most aggressive captains fresh from Niccolum’s Naval Academy. Atmospheric combat is not for the faint of heart as it must be fought only at close range where the small Santiago is always vulnerable to return fire. The uniquely challenging nature of these operations is a fiery crucible from which many budding captains do not return, but those that do are often destined for greatness in the future.

HW Hawk Dropfleet Corvetten Scourge

Nickar Class Hunter-Killer – 22,99 Euro (6 Modelle)

The Nickar class hunter-killer is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage. These nimble, fast ships are rightly feared by any enemy vessel that operates in atmosphere – this ship’s favourite hunting ground. Armed with specialist plasma munitions, these deadly predators can easily destroy vessels larger than themselves such as strike carriers.

In the opening days of the Reconquest, this class was responsible for more Armoured Corps losses than ground actions. Thousands of men and vehicles were lost to hunter-killer incursions aboard their strike carriers before they even made it to the surface. Since these vessels operate in the relative safety of atmosphere, the best measure against them is corvettes – a lesson learned the hard way by the Admiralty who no longer discount such small ships in their battle plans.

HW Hawk Dropfleet Corvetten PHR

Echo Class Corvette – 22,99 Euro (6 Modelle)

The Echo class corvette is a small, atmospheric-capable vessel of sub-frigate tonnage designed to prow the atmosphere for vulnerable prey, such as strike carriers. Armed with a heavy missile payload, the Echo is adept at decimating the larger targets which it hunts. It is also armed with a pair of mass drivers buried within its streamlined hull, making it a threat to enemy ships at range when fighting in the void. In combination, this makes the Echo more heavily armed than any equivalent ship of another race.

It is also rare among PHR ships in that it is designed with stealth in mind. This means that Echo’s can fire some of their weapons while silent running, making them capable void operators due to their mass driver armament, which can be fired at ranges from which the enemy cannot hope to return fire.

HW Hawk Dropfleet Corvetten Shaltri

Glass Class Cloudfliers – 22,99 Euro (6 Modelle)

These tiny vessels fulfil the role of the corvettes of other races, although they are smaller even than those diminutive ships. They are designed solely to hunt enemy atmospheric assets and are extremely fast. These ships are favoured by the most aggressive Shaltari with the least fear of death and as such are generally crewed by Firstborn Shaltari new to the arts of naval warfare. They have a small crew of just twelve individuals, their pace and atmospheric capability their best protection against the enemy.

Typically, they hunt in packs, utilising their compact but lethal ion cannons to rake the hulls of the larger strike carriers which are their preferred prey. Although not as dangerous as a Corvette alone, their cooperation can quickly reduce the target to so much falling debris in a matter of seconds.

Außerdem haben Hawk Wargames ein Previewbild für ihr Eventmodell 2017 vorgestellt, ein Alternativmodell zur New Cairo Klasse.

UCM Sataroga Dropfleet Event Only

Here’s a glimpse of the model that’s coming…

To celebrate the launch of the new website, Dave is designing an exclusive Dropfleet miniature which will be available for a limited time online only. This highly detailed resin ship is the UCM Saratoga class Light Cruiser, an alternate sculpt for the popular New Cairo class Light Cruiser. It will be available exclusively on our website soon, and will make an appearance on sale at Salute 2017.

Dropzone Commander wird in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben

Quelle: Dropzone Commander

Link: Verlag Martin Ellermeier


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich sag mal so:
    1. Die Korvetten waren ja schon lange bekannt – aber gut, dass die endlich in den Handel kommen.

    Bei der New Cairo Sondermini. Nun, ich fand es am Hintergrund ja so realistisch, dass die UCM eigentlich immer nur einen Standardhülle für Kreuzer baut und je nach Klasse nur andere Waffenmodule draufschraubt. Daher finde ich es vom Hintergrund her jetzt nicht so wirklich passend, wenn es auf einmal eine komplett neue Hülle nur für einen Typ Kreuzer gibt…

    • Wenn du genau hinsiehst kannst du erkennen, dass es sich um die Standardhülle mit Unten und Oben je einem Fortsatz handelt.

  • Gefällt mir alles erstmal sehr gut… finde nur die PHR Corvette einfach sehr undynamisch. Da kann man nur hoffen dass es nicht in einem Guss kommt und man die Finnen selbst anbringen kann.

  • Hab ich was verpasst? Gibt es den light Cruiser schon, weil da steht das er populär wär. Dachte bis jetzt gibt es nur die Schlachtschiffe, schließlich wartet man ja noch auf die zweite Hälfte seines kickstarterkrams.

      • Echt jetzt ohne Aufwand? Dahcte man schwere aus dem bauen aber leichte? Muss ich echt in Keller laufen und die Riesen Box rauskam, wo das alles drin ist, gemein. Ich seh schon, brauch noch einige grundboxen ^^

  • Hmmm wie immer: UCM sehr gut(!), der Rest einfach nicht mein Ding.
    Die Shaltari sehen aus wie „Kamikaze“ Ramm Boote oder Torpedos. Das wär doch mal was. 🙂

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