von BK-Christian | 16.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Deep Delve Dungeon: Neu bei Indiegogo

Aus Ungarn kommt ein neues Dungeon-System.

DDD Deep Delve Dungeon Indiegogo 1

Modular dungeon building kit that allows you to build dungeons, create dioramas or scatter terrain for your wargames, The variety of elements enables you to assemble diverse rooms and corridors, Scaled for 28-32mm miniatures, the kit might be useful for numerous tabletop wargames.

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Delving deeper…

After completing several 6mm scale campaigns, now we’re venturing deeper.

The 28mm scale has many projects and producers, and we wanted to try ourselves for a long time in this area.

This project grew out from a simple scenic base idea. A painter needed a dungeon backdrop, like a base and walls for one of his figures. After a few sketches, an idea came up to create a fully modular wall and floor system that we could use numerous games (Brewhouse bash, fantasy skirmish, dungeon for certain boardgames…).

The task we took was a big one. With the help of two sculptors, a little 3d planning , we finally managed to create a full product with many features.

Could it be improved? YES

Do we still love it? YES

We thing that others might like it as well and find a good use of our project.

Welcome to the Dungeon!

We would like to introduce you the perks available in this campaign.

The dungeon building elements were hand sculpted on 3d printed frame. Using greenstuff, all stones were shaped manually, one by one. The completed elements were  molded and then cast in high quality resin in a vacuum chamber.

A sample of freshly cast pieces without any cleaning done yet

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The kit was designed with the idea of building and glueing complete rooms or building components from the pieces. We leave it up to you how you wish to build and use the pieces.

To fix the elements together, you could simple glue them with superglue as we did with our sample kit. You could pin the parts together for stronger hold. (I am planning to do mine by gluing the bases to plasticard on the bottom – Greg)

Das sind die Pledges:

  • Dungeon Builder – includes 1 Dungeon Builder Kit – 185 Dollar
  • Dungeon Keeper – includes 3 Dungeon Builder Kit – 510 Dollar
  • Dungeon Master – includes 5 Dungeon Builder Kits – 800 Dollar

++ DUNGEON BUILDER (1 kit) ++ 

Includes 1 complete Dungeon Builder Kits PLUS all unlocked FREE Bonus items.

Consists of 132 building parts, including 30 pieces of 2×2 floor tiles and 15 pieces of 2×1 floor tiles, 1 arch and 2 doors (the rest are wall parts).
With this perk, one dungeon costs you 185 USD.
Shipping within EU is FREE and it costs +25 USD elsewhere.

Comes unpainted and unassembled!

Here is a SAMPLE build you can create with the parts. In this example all parts were used to create separate pieces that can be reorganised. You are free to build ANY layout as your creativity allows it.

These are just examples. Each one is made of a single kit!

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++ DUNGEON KEEPER (3 kits) ++ 

3 full dungeon building kits PLUS 3x all unlocked FREE Bonus items.
Contains 3×132 pieces for a total of 396 pieces, cast in resin.
Walls, floor, doors as described above. Comes unpainted and unassembled.

With this perk, one dungeon costs you 170 USD.
Shipping within EU is FREE and it costs +70 USD elsewhere for the 3 complete kits.
You save 15 USD on each kit for a total of 45 USD saving.

++ DUNGEON MASTER (5 kits) ++ 

5 full dungeon building kits PLUS 5x all unlocked FREE Bonus items.

Contains 5×132 (660) pieces, cast in resin.
Walls, floor, doors. Comes unpainted and unassembled.

With this perk, one dungeon costs you 160 USD + shipping.
Shipping within EU is FREE and it costs + 100 USD elsewhere for the 5 complete kits.
You save 25 USD on each kit for a total of 125 USD saving.

Weitere Bilder:

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Und Videos:

Und das sind mögliche Add-Ons, die im Lauf der Kampagne kommen könnten:

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Die Kampagne läuft noch einen Monat.

Quelle: Deep Delve Dungeon – dungeon building kit in resin


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das 3. Video ist falsch verlinkt.

    Schaut ja sehr Stabil aus… o_O
    Der Brunnen und das Portal sind ganz in Ordnung.

      • Gerne, schön auch mal einen „produktiven“ Beitrag geleistet zu haben. 😀

        Ja ohne Steckverbindung wird man damit nicht viel Freude haben. Gerade bei den dünnen Bodenplatten were es schön wenn’s das von Werk aus geben würde.

        Vieleicht lesen die Leute ja mit. 🙂

  • …eigentlich haben sie den Fehler gemacht, wie andere Dungeonhersteller auch: die Bodenplatten sind mit 1″-Feldern zu klein:
    a) ist mit den Wänden das Dungeon schwer bespielbar (mit den Finger Miniaturen entlang der Gänge setzen einfach unhandlicher, zu wenig Platz)
    b) wie auch schon beim Sigmarpriester im Heroic-Maßstab gut zu erkennen, sind Modelle meist ausladender als die 1″, was das Positionieren an der Wand auch wieder frickelig werden lässt, ganz zu schweigen von Bases mit >25mm Durchmesser.

    Das macht’s so Schade: toller Look, der in der Praxis eher frustriert…

    • Jepp, war auch mein erster Gedanke: Beim hantieren dürften einem dauernd die Wände umfallen und alles verwackelt. Sieht zwar ganz hübsch aus, im praktischen Einsatz wirds so aber schnell nervig… 🙁

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