von BK-Marcus | 07.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Dead Man’s Doubloons: Brettspiel Kickstarter

Arrrrrrr! Avast, mateys, and shiver me timbers! Dies und ähnliches kann man freudig rufen, wenn man Gonzalo Aguirre Bisis neuen Kickstarter unterstützt. In diesem wird ein Brettspiel rund um Piraten, Schiffe, Dublonen und verfluchte Schätze finanziert!

Prepare for an adventure of high piracy in Dead Man’s Doubloons, a new action-packed board game for 2 to 5 unscrupulous scalawags, playable in 30-45 minutes.

As the game begins, each player assumes control of a unique pirate captain, their ship, and a rapacious crew. The first task is to gather treasure map fragments scattered in the waters surrounding a mysterious Island, while fending off rivals and navigating the reefs.

With a mostly assembled map, the captains then lead a small landing party along the obstacle-strewn paths to the summit of Zotètmon Mountain. There a legendary treasure trove is buried, one that only the savviest of Captains will find.

The final phase brings the ships back to sea in an epic battle royale. Sunken vessels become ghost ships, with their treasure cursed. Yet even a phantom ship may prevail, if they play their cards right. When the smoke clears, the game ends and the richest pirate is crowned the winner!

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Alles im Lot aufm Boot?

Schatzkarten finden, eine geheimnisvolle Insel erkunden, Seeschlachten und sogar Geisterschiffe, in diesem Spiel sollte jeder Piratenfan auf seine Kosten kommen! Die Regeln (englisch) stehen hier zun Download bereit.

Ich versteh‘ nur Spanish!

Das Spiel ist in sechs Sprachen verfügbar:

If you are interested in having Dead Man’s Doubloons in other languages we have the following languages available:


Spanish: By backing on Kickstarter you can chose the spanish edition of the game later on in our pledge manager.

French, German: By backing on Kickstarter you will be able to decide later on in our pledge manager which copy of the rulebook you want in your game (english will be included as well)

Portuguese: You can head over to MandalaJogos website to back the game directly in Portuguese.

Italian: You can head over to DungeonDice website to back the game directly in Italian.

By backing in the respective websites you will help unlock side stretch goals which are upgrades that are not possible to be unlocked by normal funding.


We will reveal the amount of backers every week to see if we have reached any Stretch Goals.

We are looking for partners to bring the game in other languages around the globe! If you are interested in join our first print run contact us at: gon@thundergryph.com


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Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne hat mit über 1.700 Backern bereits mehr als 110.000 Euro eingespielt, beinahe das Dreifache des Finanzierungsziels! Es verbleiben noch 4 Tage, um daran teilzunehmen!

Link: Dead Man’s Doubloons auf Kickstarter


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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