von BK-Marcel | 29.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Daruma: Shiver Elites Wip

Daruma haben auf Facebook Render und Hintergrund der Shiver Elites geteilt.

Shiver1 Shiver3 Shiver2

Sneak peek update!
By now, many of you will have seen images of some of the Shiver Elites! Those are a little something extra that we are working on. Dave describes the Elites to us as the equivalent of Shiver SWAT teams – if you have a particularly tough target, needing some tough Shivers with even better equipment, you call in 1st Division and the Shiver Elite. Rooker is a Shiver Elite Sgt, recognised as a Senior and highly capable Commander – if you see him in the field with a squad of Elite, you know that the target is high priority.
Commonly outfitted with HARD armour and issued with Finishers, Shotguns and Picks as standard – its not uncommon to see the Elites with more specialist weaponry and load-outs – such as the Power Reaper or Chain Axe. Make no mistake – the Elites are bad’ass, and none more so than the young lady who leads them.
These miniatures are off for 3D printing already, but won’t be due for release until the end of May – we will tease out some more images of the last 2 Elites plus a few of the alternate Weapon load-outs available to them over the next few weeks!
The rules for the Elites will be kept under wraps for now, but needless to say – they can certainly give your CS1 Shivers a little extra firepower or punch at just the right time and will add a bit more flexibility to your Patrol.

Quelle: Daruma auf Facebook
Link: Daruma


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Einerseits finde ich den Lowtech- / Hard SciFi-Ansatz cool, andererseits denk ich mir da immer: Jep, so dynamisch ist man in etwa, wenn man Rüstungen aus Schuhkartons baut.

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