von BK-Christian | 22.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dark Age

Dark Age: September Neuheiten

Es gibt wieder Neuheiten für Dark Age.

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Air Caste Leadership Box – 40,00 Dollar

Starting off, there’s the Air Caste Leadership Box. Yovanka is worthy of her position as Grand Arbiter. She is utterly unafraid of change, and shatters notions of tradition while redefining honor amongst the modern Dragyri forces. A formidable warrior, Yovanka is also without peer when it comes to manipulating her Air Focus. The Spirit Lord of Air stands ready to carry out the orders of her Arbiter, bringing her own martial prowess and Focus to bear on the enemies of the Dragyri.

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Storm Elemental Box – 25,00 Dollar

Up next, there’s the Storm Elemental Box. When the Soul Wardens for the Air Caste master their focus and pull together the forms of a trio of lesser elementals, they can create the massive and incredibly dangerous Greater Storm Elemental. Brute strength and vicious clawing attacks, lightning strikes and savage blows, they are a vortex that demolishes all in their wake without mercy.

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Shadow Caste Leadership Box – 40,00 Dollar

Turning to the dark world of the Shadow Caste, we begin with the Shadow Caste Leadership Box. The Shadows have risen from the depths of Samaria, and their leaders have made it clear – they will not shy away from the battles of the surface. The Spirit Lord of Shadow has shamanic mastery over darkness but Amabilia, the Arbiter of Chaos, is a well-trained fighter with nearly as much mystic power. With them at the head of the Shadow Caste, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

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Dragyri Shadow Caste Huntress Box – 50,00 Dollar

Skulking behind the next corner is the massive Huntress box. Nearly as old as the Shadow Caste itself, the Huntress is an ancient horror that has come to the surface world for the first time. She is an abominate combination of Dragyri, Arachnae, and elemental darkness that stalks the world with an eternal hunger and the instinct to lead her spidery hordes into combat.

Quelle: Dark Age


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Ist auch irgendwie nicht so leicht dranzukommen. Direkt bei cmon ist einiges nicht verfügbar. Und beim großen Hauptstadthändler gefallen mir seit ein paar Monaten die Preise nicht mehr 🙁

      • Das liegt daran dass sie glaube ich gerade alles auf Boxen umstellen. Allerdings hat der uns wohl alle bekannte Onlinehändler jetzt zumindest alle bis dato erhältlichen Boxen im Sortiment 😉 Ich werde versuchen dass ein wenig bei uns zu etablieren.

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