von BK-Christian | 21.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dark Age

Dark Age: Neuheiten im Mai

Für Dark Age kommen mehrere Neuheiten.

CMoN Dark Age Mai Neuheiten

We have been diligently working away on these rules for the last year or so, running them through lots of playtesting with our teams out in the wider world. We are very happy with a lot of the central Dark Age rules as they are, but there were a few things that we needed to evolve, to adapt, or to replace. We always strive for clarity in our rules writing – aiming definitely for ‘rules as written’ over ‘rules as intended’ – and the 2017 Master Rules no doubt hits closest to that mark of any of the previous editions.

It is currently available on our site for FREE DOWNLOAD and the printed book is available in our webstore.

CMoN Dark Age 2017 Master Rules

DAG0014   Dark Age: 2017 Master Rules – $19.99

Samaria is a very compelling setting, there are plenty of great factions with different playstyles, and the miniature range contains some of the finest sculpts on the market. None of these things would mean anywhere near as much if there wasn’t a tight, well-paced rule set to support them all. Thankfully we’ve had a very solid set of Dark Age rules for many years now, and we felt it was time to bring that tight rule set together with the questions/suggestions our players have asked/made over the last four years. The Dark Age: 2017 Master Rules is the result.

• A great overview of the setting for Dark Age, and background for each of the factions.
• A tight set of rules that will be very familiar to existing players and easy to grasp for new players. Note: All of your current models and their stat cards are still all viable options for your gaming.
• A set of tested scenarios that you can use for friendly games or for competitive play in a tournament setting.

An 80-page, hardback book.

In addition to the 2017 Master Rules, we are releasing the 2017 Secondary Objectives Deck for use in your games. The description for how you use your Secondary Objectives Deck is in the Master Rules, but one of the key changes is that you can now tailor your deck to suit the style of your army by bringing as few as 16 hand-picked cards.

The 2017 Secondary Objectives Deck is also available for FREE DOWNLOAD and the printed deck is now available on our webstore.

CMoN Dark Age Secondary Objectives Deck

DAG0815   Dark Age: 2017 Secondary Objectives Deck – $4.99

Each game of Dark Age is scenario-driven, where players attempt to complete primary objectives. In order to swing the games in your favor, it is also important to pay attention to the Secondary Objectives. Each player draws two at the beginning of the game, and refreshes their hand at the end of the turn when objectives have been achieved. Games are won and lost through achieving your objectives.

• 36 linen-finish Secondary Objective cards in a custom tuckbox.
• A mix of older and completely new Secondary Objectives.
• The Secondary Objective cards are available for free download, but this deck is an inexpensive and very convenient way to bring your Secondary Objectives to the table.

Custom tuckbox containing 36 Secondary Objective cards


In addition to these literal “game-changers”, we have a couple of brand new releases for the Dragyri.

CMoN Dark Age Dragyri Lost Characters Box

DAG02005 – Dragyri Lost Characters Box – $40

Jza’Mhi, once Arbiter of the Fire Caste, was brutally attacked by the usurper Rath’Zhi and sent spiraling into the abyss – but he survived. His body transformed and partially consumed by the xenosathic crystals central to Dragyri shamanism, Jza’Mhi is the Fury Rekindled and has returned. He emerges from the darkness alongside Ghrakun, Herald of Tenacity, a leader amongst the long absent Earth Caste. Between his mighty hammer and the Fury’s erratic mystic abilities, the past has returned with a vengeance!

• Highly detailed resin miniatures.
• This box contains the character created by the winner of the 2016 Immortals tournament – Jza’Mhi – and the first appearance of a member of the Dragyri Earth Caste – Ghrakun.
• Jza’Mhi was the Arbiter of the Fire Caste before his position was usurped by the current Arbiter. He still maintains much of his Fire Caste ferocity, delivering not only savage blows in combat and fiery blasts at range, but he can also access the psychogenic powers of other Castes. Ghrakun, on the other hand, is the “immovable object” of the pair. Incredibly sturdy and tough to damage, he can also deliver violent hammer blows and cast Earth Caste psychgenics.

Box contains: one (1) Jza’Mhi, The Fury Rekindled model, one (1) Ghrakun, The Herald of Tenacity model, two (2) 50mm bases, two Dark Age Unit Cards, and seven Dark Age Psychogenics cards.

  • Check out the video of Bryan Steele describing this excellent boxed set HERE.
  • To download the new Earth Caste Cards document, click HERE.
  • To download the new Earth Caste Lore document, click HERE.
  • To download the updated Fire Caste Cards document (now with added Jza’mhi), click HERE.

CMoN Dark Age Dragyri Blizzard Unit Box

DAG02023 – Dragyri Blizzard Unit Box – $30

Deadly warriors of the Dragyri Ice Caste, Blizzards are ferocious fighters armed with twin axes made from hand-carved and sharpened crystals. In their hands these weapons shear through armor and flesh like water, leaving behind ruined, half-frozen corpses in their wake. When combined with their command of shamanic ice energies, Blizzards are something all Dragyri enemies will try to avoid!

• Highly detailed resin miniatures.
• The Blizzards are line warriors in a Dragyri Ice Caste warband.
• The Blizzards are brutal warriors that can carve a swathe of destruction through opposing forces with their twin axes. They are best suited to taking down the line troopers of your enemy, using their Chilling Grasp psychogenic to pull models in before tearing them apart with their Rending attacks.

Box contains: one (1) Blizzard (A) model, one (1) Blizzard (B) model, two (2) 50mm bases, one (1) Dark Age unit card, and one (1) Dark Age Psychogenic card.

Quelle: Dark Age Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Regeln sind sehr solide und schnell erlernbar. Hätte ich gern mal gespielt, aber bin schon „voll“. Schön, dass sie ein neues Buch gemacht haben. Alles zum Download trotzdem. Toll. Und hübsche Modelle.

  • Beide Dragyri Releases gefallen mir super, aber gerade die beiden Charaktere sehen beeindruckend aus. Bei der Größe dieser Figuren bin ich auch bereit 20$ pro Mini zu bezahlen

  • Da sie die Updates bei den Regeln und Karten bisher auch zum Download anbieten, kann ich damit leben, dass sie jedes Jahr dran rumschrauben wollen.
    Es lohnt sich dann nur nicht wirklich, die Bücher auch zu kaufen, außer man hat eine sehr aktive Spielerschaft und kann sie wirklich oft nutzen.

    • Das ist eben immer die Crux mit sowas: Gedrucktes und Gebundenes sind Sachen für die Ewigkeit und nicht zum Nachschrauben. Aber das ist ja auch wieder das Schöne. Bin ich froh über viele alte Spiel- und Armeebücher, die ich immer wieder aus dem Regal ziehen und konsultieren kann.

      • Jep, ich mag auch meine Büchersammlung, aber wenn ein Produkt auf nen Lebenszyklus von gerade mal einem Jahr ausgelegt ist, weiß man einerseits, woran man ist und andererseits muss man dann eben abwägen, ob sich die Anschaffung für einen lohnt.

  • Gut dass ich, wie Jan auch, sagt voll bin! Ich habe Dark Age schon lange im Focus und ich finds abgesehen von den tollen Modellen, wirklich klasse, dass die so am Ball bleiben. Zum Glück kann ich mich noch damit rausreden, dass es kein deutsches Regelwerk gibt (auch wenn das eigentlich kein Hinderungsgrund wäre )….ich werd das schon noch weiter tapfer durchhalten (hoffe ich)….

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